MovieChat Forums > I Need To Know > Late 80s/early 90s film SOLVED 🎉

Late 80s/early 90s film SOLVED 🎉

It started out with a man on a long quiet road. I think maybe he's crashed his car? He's trying to get people's attention and then he sees a person walking towards him from far up the road. They speak and it turns out that the man is dead, that's why nobody is helping him. Then I think he wants to see his wife and then something about an affair. I really don't remember.

It was always on tv quite late, and I saw the beginning about 4 times but I don't ever remember seeing the end.

It was American, but don't know if it was a TV movie or not.

Does this ring any bells ?

Edit: it's definitely not Ghost.

Also, not a horror film. More of a mystery I think.


thank you all for the suggestions, none correct im affraid. However, after searching Google all week I have finally found it!

It's Heaven Can Wait (1978). Earlier than I realised, I just knew that I watched it in that time frame. I Misremembered it but still similar.


maybe The Frighteners (1996)

"After a tragic car accident that kills his wife, a man discovers he can communicate with the dead, and he uses that gift to con people. However, when a demonic spirit appears, he may be the only one who can stop it from killing the living and the dead."



Not the frighteners. It was earlier than that. Good film though 👌


There was a fantasy comedy called Kiss Me Goodbye (1982), but it didn't involve a car crash.


No, that's not it 😔


I didn't think it would be the one, either, since it was a comedy and the one you described sounds serious. I just thought I'd suggest it because you never know.

I hope you find it.


I doesn't look likely 😕 it's one of those films that pops in my head every now and then.

I'm going to say it was probably a TV movie from the unproductive Google searches I've made.

Thank you for the suggestion 👍


It's not Heart and Souls (1993), is it? Only other movie I can think of was from the 2000s, Haunting of Winchester House but I'm not sure that fits the description.


it's not this either but it looks quite funny lol.


Heart and Souls is a gas, definitely watch it


Could it be a TV series like Tales from the Darkside? I can't find an episode from that series that fits, but maybe there was a series similar that is yours.


No it was definitely a film, not an hour episode 👍


I know this is way too old, but I was reminded of a Twilight Zone episode with an old man and his dog.


Dead end 2003


Maybe sounds like an episode from some rando show from the ninetys maybe, which makes it even harder.


Heart and souls 1993
