MovieChat Forums > Best and Worst > Top 5 anthology horror movies?

Top 5 anthology horror movies?

1) Creepshow
2) Creepshow 2
3) Cat's Eye
4) Twilight Zone: The Movie
5) Tales from the Darkside: The Movie


1) Black Sabbath (1963)
2) Southbound (2015)
3) Tales from the Darkside: The Movie (1990)
4) The House That Dripped Blood (1971)
5) Trick 'r Treat (2007)


Any of the Amicus films from the 70s. Love these films. Usually featuring the fabulous Peter Cushing.


So many of them were top contenders for me. Asylum was likely the one I saw most recently…


Dead of Night (1945)
Twilight Zone:The Movie - the only two I’ve rated 8/10, the rest will be on a “more or less” basis.
Beasts (1976) - TV mini-series. Slight cheat, I know
Phobia 2 (2009)
Asylum (1972)


The dead of night - with that awful ventriloquist dummy. The stuff of nightmares! I don't like them anyway but that is the creepiest one I've ever seen 😱


That film really set the bar high in that department, but I’m with you. Who the heck ever thought those things would *not* be creepy? I’m not bothered by puppets or marionettes one bit, but a ventriloquist’s dummy I just expect it to be evil for some reason, heh…
