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Why Hollywood Doesn't Make Teen Sex Comedies Anymore

The Internet Killed the Teen Sex Comedy

Movies about horned-up teenagers were a Hollywood staple in the ‘90s and ‘00s, but the internet has rendered them all but extinct


Dunno. I never watch them. Even when I was a teen. They're trash.


But do they make them any less?



Because other than the first three American Pie, Eurotrip and The Girl Next Door they are repetitive and lame. They were most of the time unfunny and even offensive (not to me but I can see how they could offend people). Teens have sex, yes. Is it a subject that REALLY needs an endless amount of movies? Nope.

American Pie did it with great characters development and didn't only have sex oriented jokes (mostly they were, but there are more subtle jokes as well). It wasn't crude to the level most of these comedies were. It was practically three movies talking about three different stages in the characters' lives.

Eurotrip was fun because it explored Europe and showed some real cultural aspects of the different countries. Of course the coincidences are totally unbelievable and lazy but well... Casablanca was a lot about an almost impossible coincidence and was still a masterpiece. You take as a movie and not a documentary. Finally most important of all, the jokes were circumstantial and quiet funny.

The Girl Next Door was more cute and really didn't turn so much around sex. It was around in conversations most of the time but at least it didn't spend ots time showing teens partying and getting laid. The love story was touching and at one point I even forgot it was a comedy.

As for the rest I've seen, I'm glad they don't make them anymore.


I miss This Genre but Hey if Maybe in The Future if Another Teen Sex Comedy Becomes a Hit like American Pie Did when it First Came Out than maybe they will make more Teen Sex Comedies


Yeah, pretty much. Back in the day (90's and earlier) there simply wasn't any other place for R rated humor, and even in those movies, you usually couldn't find clever or smart raunchy humor. That's why Kevin Smith movies were so successful. He literally had no competition.

It wasn't just the internet's treasure trove of porn that killed raunchy, low budget comedies. It was that now there was an unlimited source of dick jokes, and geek related humor. It's difficult to sell something that's being given away for free.


Or any other staple movie genres "of old" for that matter. Thanks to mobile technology and streaming people don't run to movie theaters to watch movies like they use to, so Hollywood studios adjusted their budgets and focused on producing content for broader audiences (International) and online (streaming).

Teen Sex comedies were already kind of dying after the early 80s arrived and VHS started to put the pressure on Drive-in Theaters and independent $1 matinee theaters. Most of that genre migrated to the small screen


It's true. Most big budget movies, even with larger ticket prices, usually wouldn't make their money back without the international box office. Americans just don't go to the movies as much.

I'm old enough to remember the heyday of VHS, and what really brought people to theaters were the huge special effect filled movies, where you couldn't replicate the same effect at home. VHS did not have very good picture quality, and THX sound entered the mix in theaters. This caused theater viewing to spike up again, but now with streaming, blu-ray, HD television, and better sound systems at home, there just isn't as much a reason to go.


I See Teen Sex Comedies Making A Comeback in The Year 2025




I think it's because most of those movies were about geeky teenage guys trying to get laid. Now they make those movies about geeky adult men. Surprisingly, the movies about teenagers are either about 'cool' teenagers or are more nuanced, adult-y romcom versions of those horned-up stories, such as Love, Simon and Everything, Everything.



Today's youth are growing up WAY differently than teens did in the Pre-Internet era.

A pubescent boy's entry into adulthood consisted of "discovering" their dad's old playboy collection or being outside and watching girls play in the park. Fast forward to today and teens can seclude themselves into their smart devices and "sext" and stream Porn movies, sex cams, fetish, etc..

There's no mystery in the coming-of-age experience and parents are more concerned with shielding their children far more than before, hence the rise of helicopter parenting, bullying, teen suicide, children with ADHD, and "safe spaces".
