MovieChat Forums > Classic Film > Hi everyone

Hi everyone

Just saying hi and hope everyone is doing well!



I'm around. Just talked to Mike.


Hi spiderwort, doing fine thanks! Glad to see you here as well!! I've always liked this board and hope that others will join. Can you believe it's already three months since the CFB? Time flies!


Doing great! Welcome, Mike.
What classics are you into? I have a list and this is just scratching the surface.

All about Eve
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir
Since You Went Away
The Best Years Of Our Lives
Come Back Little Sheba
Cheaper By The Dozen (the Clifton Webb version)
The Desperate Hours (Humphrey Bogart version)
Our Very Own
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Sitting Pretty
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Breakfast At Tiffany's
Night Of The Living Dead, 1968
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
The African Queen
Suddenly Last Summer
The Snake Pit
Three Faces Of Eve
ALL Alfred Hitchcock films......

The list goes on
I confess that I'm not really schooled in the technical aspects of film making. I usually ask questions about the story. I will come to this board as often as I can. i hope that you and spider will hang around.



I thought of a few more good ones in my collection.....

Hat full of Rain, Surprisingly daring for that time.
Sweet Smell of Success, Love the music, the story, the grittiness, the cast!
Dog Day Afternoon, Pacino in one of his best.
The Bad Seed, little Patty McCormack was one naughty little girl. i enjoy stage plays adapted to the screen.

I could go on, but I have things to do and places to go today. Later.....



Thank you for the information. I had no idea.
Did you ever see the 60's TV version of this? I remember seeing it before I saw the original black/white. I just didn't appreciate it at that time. I was a kid.
Sandy Dennis played the part of Cielia. Peter Falk played Polo! I would love to see that again.
These people were nothings to me at the time. I'd like to see it just so I could compare it to the original production.



Hi MissMargoChanning, glad to see you here and nice to meet you, I'm doing fine thanks!

Those are some great choices! I just watched Cheaper By The Dozen recently, can never get enough of it and Clifton Webb was just amazing in it!

Here are 15 of my favorites!

Trouble in Paradise
West Side Story
The Song of Bernadette
Broken Blossoms
These Three
She Done Him Wrong
The Best Years of Our Lives
The Grapes of Wrath
Make Way For Tomorrow
The Crowd
A Star is Born (1937)

And there are so many more! I too am not really schooled in the technical aspects of film makin but I'm sure our mutual admiration of classic films will keep us and this board going for a long time!! :)


So many great choices there!
I actually watched The Grapes of Wrath on Mother's Day. I was thinking of movies with good mothers and I thought of Stella Dallas and I remember Mama. Both are wonderful films. I decided on Grapes though, because Ma Joad was one strong lady and a good mother.

Of Course, my choice for Father's Day is always Life with Father.

Glad that you and Spider are here. Hope to see more kindred spirits here on the classics board.



Glad you and Mike are here, too. I may not be spending as much time here from now on, but I will check in, and I'll reply to any response I get.

Hey! Check in whenever you can. I understand work and other obligations. I'm not always on these boards either. I have been trying more frequently the past few months because I'd like to see this site succeed. I feel that it helps to post more. I'm more of a reader/lurker at times. Sometimes it's more informative to see what others think. Sometimes I really can't add anything else to conversations because my thoughts have already been voiced much more eloquently.
Come back now and then when you can. Just don't quit and delete. If I can respond to people who posted years ago I can respond to something you said weeks or months ago. You can always come back and respond when you can. No big deal.



Oh, yes! West Side Story is admittedly my all-time favorite movie, hands down, but there are other films, both older and newer, that I've liked well enough to see more than once, while some films require only one viewing for me.

My list includes:

West Side Story
Sound of Music
Wizard of Oz
Bonnie and Clyde
Lawrence of Arabia
2001: A Space Odyssey
Planet of the Apes
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Dirty Harry (the first one)
Good Will Hunting
Monument Avenue
Fantasia (the original 1940 film)
Fantasia 2000
A Hard Day's Night
