MovieChat Forums > TV General > Is there a browser add-on to "Ignore" Tr...

Is there a browser add-on to "Ignore" Trump?

Or just stop watching any US-based TV news channel? CNN, Fox, etc. It seems to be a 24/7 Trumpathon, nonstop coverage of this hateful xenophobic prick pissing off most of the world. It's even worse than post-911 watching the world fall apart under the stolen W. Presidency. Or like in late 2001 I just jump in a minivan and camp in the Australian outback until it passes? Four years of this douchebag? F-no!!!


Well, I have to honestly say when Trump comes on TV to talk I have to change the channel. I can't stand listening to his bullshi*


No, but I have added Captain Bob to my "as*hole" list...
