MovieChat Forums > Science Fiction > List Your 1 Highest Rated Sci-Fi Film (o...

List Your 1 Highest Rated Sci-Fi Film (of every year)

Yr - Rate (Feature Film) 
2016 09 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
2015 10 Mad Max: Fury Road
2014 09 Interstellar
2013 10 Star Trek Into Darkness
2012 08 The Avengers
2011 08 Rise of the Planet of the Apes
2010 09 Megamind

2009 09 Avatar
2008 10 WALL-E
2007 10 Transformers
2006 07 The Prestige
2005 08 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
2004 08 I, Robot
2003 07 Hulk
2002 08 Star Trek: Nemesis
2001 07 K-PAX
2000 08 Battle Royale

1999 07 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
1998 08 The Truman Show
1997 09 Cube
1996 08 Star Trek: First Contact
1995 06 Twelve Monkeys
1994 07 Star Trek: Generations
1993 08 Jurassic Park
1992 07 Forever Young
1991 10 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1990 09 Total Recall

1989 06 Back to the Future Part II
1988 05 Return of the Killer Tomatoes!
1987 08 Predator
1986 07 Star Trek: The Voyage Home
1985 07 Back to the Future
1984 09 The Terminator
1983 10 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
1982 08 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
1981 06 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
1980 10 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

1979 07 Moonraker
1978 07 Superman
1977 10 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
1976 07 Logan's Run
1975 05 Infra-Man
1974 01 Flesh Gordon
1973 07 Battle for the Planet of the Apes
1972 07 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
1971 07 Escape from the Planet of the Apes
1970 07 Beneath the Planet of the Apes

1969 04 Hello Down There
1968 09 Planet of the Apes
1967 06 Son of Godzilla
1966 05 Munster, Go Home!
1965 03 Planet of the Vampires
1964 -- ---
1963 05 Son of Flubber
1962 05 Five Weeks in a Balloon
1961 06 Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
1960 05 The Time Machine

1959 09 Journey to the Center of the Earth
1958 07 The Fly
1957 07 The Incredible Shrinking Man
1956 07 Invasion of the Body Snatchers
1955 07 The Quartermass Xperiment
1954 09 Godzilla
1953 06 It Came from Outer Space
1952 02 Bela Lugosi Meets a Brooklyn Gorilla
1951 08 The Day the Earth Stood Still
1950 -- ---

1949 06 It Happens Every Spring
1948 06 Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein
1947 -- ---
1946 -- ---
1945 -- ---
1944 -- ---
1943 05 Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
1942 -- ---
1941 06 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1940 07 One Million B.C.

1939 06 Son of Frankenstein
1938 -- ---
1937 -- ---
1936 05 The Devil-Doll
1935 08 Bride of Frankenstein
1934 -- ---
1933 09 King Kong
1932 07 Island of Lost Souls
1931 09 Frankenstein
1930 -- ---

1929 -- ---
1928 -- ----
1927 05 Metropolis
1926 -- ---
1925 -- ---
1924 -- ---
1923 -- ---
1922 -- ---
1921 -- ---
1920 -- ---


2016: Arrival
2015: The Martian
2014: Interstellar
2013: Elysium

Couldn't be bothered to do anymore.

Yes, friends, governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs


Anyone who thinks Moonraker is better than Alien has rocks in their head.

Found Footage Movies I Have Seen:


So you rate Cannibal Holocaust an 8.0 ... and you think I have rocks in my head?

I appreciate your opinion ... really I do 


It is very close but I would choose Moonraker too, my 2nd favorite Bond film. The OP has some great non-standard choices. I especially love 1967, my 2nd fave Godzilla film.

"That's what I hear. Mostly from you, but that's what I hear." - Casey F-ing Ryback


Okay, so this is my non-thorough but true-to-form list:

1927 - Metropolis
1931 - Frankenstein
1933 - King Kong
1941 - The Wolf Man
1951 - The Thing from Another World
1953 - The War of the Worlds
1956 - The Invasion of the Body Snatchers/Forbidden Planet (It's a tie dammit)
1958 - The Blob

(The Quatermass Xperiment and It came from Outer Space are on my list to watch)

1960 - The Time Machine
1966 - Fahrenheit 451
1967 - Quatermass and the Pit
1968 - 2001: A Space Odyssey

(Planet of the Vampires and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea are also on my watchlist)

1971 - The Andromeda Strain
1977 - Star Wars IV
1979 - ALIEN

(Logans Run is on my watchlist)

1980 - Star Wars V
1981 - Mad Max 2
1982 - JC's The Thing
1983 - Star Wars VI
1984 - The Terminator
1986 - ALIENS
1987 - Predator (Robocop close 2nd)
1988 - They Live
1989 - The Abyss

1990 - Predator 2
1991 - T2: Judgment Day
1992 - Universal Soldier
1993 - Jurassic Park
1995 - Strange Days, Ghost in the Shell (Tie again dammit)
1996 - Independence Day
1997 - Event Horizon/Alien: Resurrection (Tie again)
1998 - Sphere/Blade (TIE)

2000 - Frequency
2001 - Donnie Darko
2002 - Resident Evil
2003 - The Matrix Reloaded
2004 - Aliens vs Predator
2005 - The Jacket
2006 - Children of Men
2007 - The Man from Earth
2008 - The Objective
2009 - Moon/Pandorum (tie)

2010 - Inception
2011 - Limitless
2012 - Cloud Atlas
2013 - Under the Skin
2014 - Predestination/Capt America: The Winter Soldier (tie)
2015 - Mad Max: Fury Road
2016 - Hardcore Henry

Moonraker over Alien? Really?
Phantom Menace over The Matrix? Really? =P


Yr - Rate (Feature Film)
2016 07 ARQ
2015 08 Advantageous
2014 07 Edge of Tomorrow (I'll probably increase the rating in the future)
2013 09 The World's End
2012 08 Looper
2011 09 Attack The Block
2010 07 Megamind (A very weak year from what I've seen)

2009 09 Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel
2008 07 Sleep Dealer
2007 08 Timecrimes or Flatland (video)
2006 09 Children of Men
2005 08 Summer Time Machine Blues
2004 09 One Point O
2003 07 X-Men 2
2002 08 Minority Report
2001 08 The American Astronaut
2000 08 The Strange Case of Señor Computer

1999 09 Galaxy Quest or eXistenZ
1998 09 Six-String Samurai
1997 09 Open Your Eyes
1996 07 Tykho Moon
1995 09 The City of Lost Children
1994 07 Accumulator 1
1993 07 Cyber Desperado
1992 06 Forever Young or Alien 3
1991 08 Kafka
1990 08 Terminal City Ricochet

1989 09 Bunker Palace Hôtel
1988 08 Sommarens Tolv Månader
1987 08 Proini Peripolos
1986 09 They Were Eleven
1985 09 Brazil
1984 07 The Terminator
1983 08 Videodrome
1982 09 Blade Runner
1981 09 The War of the Worlds: Next Century
1980 07 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

1979 10 Stalker
1978 06 Superman
1977 07 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope or Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea
1976 07 Morel's Invention
1975 08 A Boy and His Dog
1974 08 Esupai
1973 10 The Fantastic Planet
1972 09 Solaris (I can imagine the rating going down next time I watch)
1971 07 The Andromeda Strain (Tough choice)
1970 07 I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen or Colossus: The Forbin Project

1969 09 The Bed Sitting Room
1968 09 2001: A Space Odyssey
1967 08 Konec srpna v Hotelu Ozon
1966 08 The Face of Another
1965 09 The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin
1964 09 The Last Man on Earth
1963 09 Icarus XB 1
1962 08 The Creation of the Humanoids
1961 07 The Day the Earth Caught Fire
1960 07 Village of The Damned

1959 10 The World, the Flesh and the Devil
1958 07 The Deadly Invention
1957 09 The Incredible Shrinking Man
1956 10 Forbidden Planet
1955 07 The Quartermass Xperiment or Tarantula
1954 07 Them!
1953 07 It Came from Outer Space or Invaders from Mars
1951 08 The Day the Earth Stood Still
1950 05 Destination Moon

1947 -- ---
1946 -- ---
1945 -- ---
1944 -- ---
1942 -- ---
1941 07 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
1940 06 Dr. Cyclops

1939 06 Son of Frankenstein
1938 -- ---
1937 -- ---
1936 07 Things To Come
1935 06 Bride of Frankenstein
1934 09 Gold
1933 06 King Kong
1932 07 Island of Lost Souls
1931 07 Frankenstein
1930 04 Just Imgaine

1929 05 Frau im Mond
1928 -- ----
1927 08 Metropolis
1926 -- ---
1925 05 Wunder der Schöpfung
1924 07 Paris Asleep (Short)
1923 -- ---
1922 -- ---
1921 -- ---
1920 -- ---

I guess the hunt is on for some 40's Sci-Fi!

I'm a police man sir, I don't have any feelings


I guess the hunt is on for some 40's Sci-Fi!

The first edition (1979) of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction edited by Peter Nicholls has entries for only 6 films, as follows:-

Dr. Cyclops (1940)
One Million B.C. (1940)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1941)
The Lady and the Monster (1944)
Mighty Joe Young (1949)
The Perfect Woman (1949)

IMDb lists 75, here's the link:-,completed&release_date=1940,1949&title_type=feature

"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations" Winston Churchill (1874-1965)


Anyone who thinks Planet of the Apes is better than 2001 has rocks in their head.

Found Footage Movies I Have Seen:
