MovieChat Forums > Crime > Have you ever written to someone in pris...

Have you ever written to someone in prison?

i actually had a project in the 6th grade where i was supossed to write to someone in prison. But i was so nervous that they would get out and find my house. It didn't occur to me then that i could have written to someone on death row then. So if you have did you get a response? i am considering writing to a female inmate in CA.

"I only wish I could make you cry like I do."


I was going to and then, coincidentally, my roommate married a guy who just got released after spending 25 years in prison.


You could always get a post office box. A few years ago I went on the Florida DOC web site and sent a bunch of Christmas cards out. I got a ton of replies and a few became pen pals for some time. I know, to an inmate, getting mail is like Christmas! If you google prison pen pals or something to that effect you will have plenty to choose from. (FL prohibits inmates from posting such ads.) If you write more than one, it's best that they are not in the same facility. Good luck!


You could always get a post office box! A few years ago I sent out a bunch of Christmas cards to inmates I gound on the Florida DOC website. Most responded back, and a few remained pen pals for some time. Google prison pen pals and you will find more than enough to choose from! Good luck.



Volker Flenske: (While torturing David) I don't know why you're doing this to yourself!


Yes, because I have friends that have and are doing time.
