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OT - Worst/Weakest/Least Favorite Movie In a Series

Of the following movie series that have at least three or more movies, which installment to you find the be the worst/weakest one overall? It doesn't have to be a movie you dislike, just which is your least favorite. Remakes, crossovers and prequels count in any series that has them. Thought this would be an interesting little survey to share with a new Star Wars movie on the way and also because there's so many diverse SW fans here.


Star Wars

Indiana Jones

Lord Of The Rings





Star Trek

James Bond

Jurassic Park





Iron Man





The Godfather

Lethal Weapon

Back To The Future

Planet Of The Apes


My picks for each:

Star Wars - The Phantom Menace

Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade. Still love it though, just enjoy the others more, though this one and Crystal Skull tend to swap for me.

Lord of The Rings - Haven't seen any so far, believe it or not.

Alien - Alien Vs. Predator

Predator - Alien Vs. Predator

Terminator - Rise Of The Machines

RoboCop - RoboCop 3

Star Trek - I've only seen First Contact and liked it.

James Bond - Don't remember which I've seen, so abstain for now.

Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park III

Batman - Batman & Robin

Superman - Haven't seen any.

X-Men - The Last Stand

Spider-Man - Spider-Man 3.

Iron Man - Need to see IM2 again to see how it stacks up to the original and The Avengers, only saw it once.

Hulk - Only saw The Avengers, which I loved. Yet to see the 2003 movie and the 2008 reboot.

Transformers - Again, the original. At least the sequels were dumb fun in a way, the original to me was just dumb and boring.

Rambo - Rambo III (still love it).

Rocky - Haven't seen any, so abstain for now.

The Godfather - Been so long since I last watched any I can't fairly say.

Lethal Weapon - Probably Lethal Weapon 3, though it's still pretty good.

Back To The Future - 3, but I still like it.

Planet Of The Apes - Only seen Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes and loved it.


Feel free to add more if you'd like.


Star Wars - The Attack of the Clones

Indiana Jones - The Crystal Skull

Lord Of The Rings - The Return of the King (but all are 9/10 for me)

Alien - Alien 3 (not including the silly Vs Predator rubbish)

Predator - Predator 2 (although very good movie)

Terminator - Terminator Salvation

RoboCop - Robocop 3

Star Trek - The Final Frontier

James Bond - Moonraker

Jurassic Park - all a pile of rubbish to me

Batman - Batman & Robin (not included the '60s movie)

Superman - Superman Returns

X-Men - X-Men

Spider-Man - Spiderman 2

Iron Man - only seen the first which was a massive let down

Hulk - same as Iron Man

Transformers - same as IM/Hulk

Rambo - only seen the first and the last. Both were good but the original was better

Rocky - Rocky 5 (never seen 3 somehow)

The Godfather - The Godfather 3

Lethal Weapon - Lethal Weapon 4

Back To The Future - Back to the Future 3

Planet Of The Apes - Conquest

Better to regret something you did, than something you didn't do!


If I delete some it is because I have not seem any or enough of them to make an informed choice.

Star Wars
The Phantom Menace. Pandered to much to kids.
UPDATE: I'll change my answer to attack of the clones. Even though The Phantom Menace had silly parts, it had some great parts as well(i.e.) the pod race. Clones on the other hand was more average through out.

Indiana Jones
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. To B Movies is - Still like the move though.

Lord Of The Rings
The Two Towers. The commentary on Mortality is kinda depressing.

Star Trek
--Haven't seen them all(escpecially 1 & 5) but I would say Insurrection, because it just bland.
UPDATE: I have now seen all the trek movies, minus beyond. Now, I say Star Trek the Motion Picture is the worst. It was overly dark and was a slog to get through.

James Bond
Live and Let Die.

Jurassic Park
--III, not enough people die. as such the people never really seemed to be in real danger.

Batman & Robin for reasons too numerous to mention.

IV. see above.

III wasn't bad but did not lead to a satisfactory conclusion.

III. Too many silly parts.

Iron Man
II. not enough Action

V. with the exception of the final fight. It as kinda boring.

Lethal Weapon
IV. Too much focus on the characters shenanigans, Not enough focus on the plot

Back To The Future
III,just did not play with the "time travel" aspect enough. Still really like the movie though.



I forgot about Die Hard and Harry Potter. I've never seen the Harry Potter films and haven't seen the fourth Die Hard. I love all of the first three, though 2 would probably be my least favorite of those.


Good thread but I'm not going through that list.

For me the biggest let downs of all multi-film series are:

- Prometheus
- Godfather 3
- Attack of the Clones
- Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The rest of the let downs aren't in the same league. For example Rambo 4 is OK but for me is a let down because it is too gory. Rocky V is a let down mainly because of the strength of the characters.

Out of the four above, Prometheus and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull are the worst but Kingdom of the Crystal Skull takes the biscuit hands down.

she leads me through moonlight only to burn me with the sun...


Star Wars Return of the Jedi. Still good, though

Indiana Jones Temple of Doom. Same as Return of the Jedi

Lord Of The Rings Haven't seen enough to decide.

Alien Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem. Seriously, one of the worst movies ever made.

Predator Again, Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem. This movie was impossible to watch. By that, I mean it was very poorly lit. You couldn't see many key action scenes.

Terminator Salvation

RoboCop I only saw the first 2, so Robocop 2.

Star Trek Nemesis

James Bond Moonraker

Jurassic Park III

Batman Batman and Robin

Superman IV


Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man

Iron Man 2


Transformers 2

Rambo III

Rocky IV

The Godfather III. Still severely underrated, however.

Lethal Weapon III

Back To The Future Part 2

Planet Of The Apes Tim Burton's


Star Wars - Return of the Jedi. After Ben says "what I've told you is true...from a certain point of view", the syrupy story and all the special-effects in the world didn't matter to me. The movie took a nose-dive.

Indiana Jones - Temple of Doom. Couldn't quite make up its mind whether it wanted to be a horror film or a comedy, and some of the dialogue is positively stupid.

Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers. Tough to be "the middle chapter" and the creation of Gollum usurped massive battle sequences, which I tend to prefer.

Alien - Alien 3. They kill off all protagonists, including Ripley! What was the point of all the buildup in Alien and Aliens, of the humans surviving, only to let the aliens win? A depressing f-ckin' film.

Predator - Predator 2.

Terminator - Terminator 3.

RoboCop - Robocop 2.

Star Trek - Star Trek V-The Final Frontier. The new Enterprise is a hunk of junk, and "Row, row, row your boat" around the campfire is pretty clunky dialogue compared to the brilliance these guys exhibited in earlier films.

James Bond - Moonraker. Went over the top into space fantasy, and the front-projected backgrounds when "Jaws" and 007 are getting it on above cable cars looks so fake.

Jurassic Park - JP3.

Batman - Batman & Robin. All eye-candy, mostly for gay males, with very little character development.

Superman - Superman IV-The Quest for Peace. Nuclear Man: Really?

X-Men - X Men I, just because the director was constrained by budget.

Spider-Man - They're all equally good.

Iron Man - They're both equally good.

Hulk - Suppose the early one.

Transformers - They're all about the same.

Rambo - Rambo III. Weak. Not enough "revenge" motivation for Rambo.

Rocky - They're all pretty good. I suppose Rocky V, because it didn't actually have a sanctioned, in the ring fight between Rocky and Tommy Gunn. The street fight, while raw and barbaric, lacked dignity somehow.

The Godfather - They're all pretty good. I suppose Godfather III, because it's the "redemptive" Michael Corleone chapter, with killing down to a minimum.

Lethal Weapon - Lethal Weapon IV. The laughs are getting a little strained, and why on earth would Riggs and Murtaugh possibly bring annoying Leo Getz on the boat with them?

Back To The Future - BTTF II. Too dark, too negative, not enough comedy, too much Biff.

Planet Of The Apes - The POTA remake. Skipped right over exposition and character development, got right into action.


I forgot to mention with Iron Man, The Avengers is included, making it three movies for it's selection.
