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Buy Comics after seeing the film

When you like/love a superhero movie/series, do you have to buy the comics? I'm only askin' 'cause I usually stick to one patricular superhero from either DC or Marvel; I'm for a DC fan.
🐱 *nya* *purr*


I'm a DC fan - have been for decades - so I already read the comics for the DC heroes. As far as Marvel goes, I'm a huge fan of the X-Men movies - but I haven't read an X-Men comic since about 1985; and I like some of the MCU - but again haven't read any of those characters comics since the mid 80s. So no, it's not essential.

"A big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff" The Tenth Doctor explains all.


You don't have to. Sometimes I've already read the main story arc on which a film is based, sometimes I'll read it afterwards if I enjoyed the story and want to know more. Films cut out a lot of details or change things entirely, so reading the source material can be like having a brand new experience. But it's really up to you.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


If you're a DC fan, my suggestion is to read most anything before or after the NEW52.

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


This isn't superhero-related, but I purchased the entire Sin City books after watching and owning the DVD. After watching and owning the first two seasons of the Boondocks, I purchased or borrowed the books containing the collection of comics.

For me, I like to check out the written/graphic original source to see if it was as good as the show/film.

Just because someone does something good for you, that doesn't mean they're good for you.
