MovieChat Forums > Film Noir > Fav Noir Scores

Fav Noir Scores

Miklos Rozsa's work on BRUTE FORCE, CRISS CROSS, DOUBE INDEMNITY, ASPHALT JUNGLE, NAKED CITY etc always comes to mind for me.


"Street Scene" is used in no less that five classic noirs all are set in New York City and use the same "Street Scene" score.

I Wake Up Screaming
Where The Sidewalk Ends
Cry of the City
Kiss of Death
The Dark Corner


The Big Combo

Go to bed Frank or this is going to get ugly .


Miklos Rosza's work on noir scores is indeed outstanding.

Altho he didn't do a lot of noir scores, I have to mention Bernard Herrmann... He composed the scores for On Dangerous Ground and Hangover Square (incl the Concerto Macabre which ends that movie) but his work for Hitchcock is better known: Psycho (one of my all-time fave scores), North By Northwest (whose score is somehow quite similar to On Dangerous Ground's), Vertigo and many more.


Herrmann also did the score for Taxi Driver albeit a Neo Noir.


True, thanks for reminding me! And shame on me for not yet having seen it (and I've had it in my DVD/Blu-ray collection for quite some time now).
