MovieChat Forums > Politics > Most of this board seems to be bait or w...

Most of this board seems to be bait or weak posts lacking any political depth

Not that I'm too surprised since politics boards do attract trolls, but there's not much else interesting about it. Most threads seem to just be baseless attacks or bait-like posts against either dems/"libtards" or right/"Trumptards" and etc. I rarely see any good discussions about politics/political issues that don't quickly derail in to blabbering/self-righteousness/insults/etc.

I see little actual, insightful discussion on any real political issues/political progress/social changes/economic changes/etc. discussed. I just feel like it's a shame since so many political "discussions" seem to just be pointless arguments/back and forths or "zingers" used against each other for the sake of just "being right" or "smarter" (however that even makes sense).

It's easy to throw words around that mean nothing, but harder to say something that requires time to think of a good answer/rebuttal/solution/accommodation. Something with an easy solution wouldn't or shouldn't be a major problem -- however, something with a difficult to answer/fix/solution/absolvement might tell you more about what you're saying & its value/importance.

This is why I think it's sometimes good when you get little feedback/response from posts/opinions/POV: that could mean that your problem is difficult to fix or more complex/thought requiring and is possibly something to focus on more than all of the other topics of discussion that just carry on effortlessly and make little difference. It seems this place is mostly a political, gossip girl soapbox.


It’s simply a reflection of the modern political landscape.

We have a party/side uninterested in presenting ideas or solutions to problems American citizens face. Uninterested in open minded debate in how to address problems. They use their pawns in big tech to censor free speech. They use terms like “consensus” to stop open minded scientific study and debate.

This board is the product of a 2 party political system consisting of 1 side that has no ideas, no solutions, no ability to persuade or inspire. They pedal in obsessive hate. Hate can’t debate.

If you want more open minded discussions on solutions to problems, start the conversation on which ever topic you’re seeking debate. There are people out there who work in the real world and seek real solutions to real problems. They aren’t found in the newsroom or classroom.


"This board is the product of a 2 party political system consisting of 1 side that has no ideas, no solutions, no ability to persuade or inspire. They pedal in obsessive hate. Hate can’t debate."

Yes, it is sad that Republicans hate anything that prevents them from holding onto wealth and power by whatever underhanded, non-democratic means they can employ, isn't it? The GOP (Greed Only Party) only believes in persuasion and inspiration around one basic idea: keeping every last dollar they can for themselves by denying opportunities and progress for those who have less than they do.


Its a bait box of bullshit. Theres no real indepth conversation going on. Its all oneupmanship, and crying. I tried, but you just give up as the other party isnt actually interested in conversation, only "winning" some daft red vs blue game.


George Takei put it best when he explained once that it all boils down to this: People on the Left think those on the Right are evil. People on the Right think those on the Left are stupid. Neither is willing to compromise anymore on anything.
