MovieChat Forums > Politics > Conservatives & Independents: Are you OK...

Conservatives & Independents: Are you OK with a racist president?

Answer: Absolutely not, which is why we replaced him with Trump.


Dumbest thing I've read all day. Trump didn't run against "him." The "him" you are referring to would've humiliated Trump just like he did in 2011 if allowed to run again.


Do you lack reading comprehension or what? I never said Trump ran against Obama. I said American voters replaced the most racist president in modern times with Trump.


Its obvious the lack of reading comprehension is all on you, along with your inability to grasp logic. The voters didn't replace Obama. Obama was leaving office no matter who the voters voted for. The voters had no say in it.

However, 3 million more voters did vote for Hillary who was a watered-down version of Obama. But Trump beat her in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by 80,000 votes so he won the electoral college.

In 2020, Trump will be replaced. The voters will have a choice between him and someone else. And they will pick someone else.




luckily we have trump to make things better now...economy is super strong...


Yes, that will wipe away republican racism! A super strong economy. That’s all we needed the past century.


JoWilli, the economy has nothing to do with t-Rump! Get a grip!


Yes it does. Get a clue.


then that would mean that obama had nothing to do with the economy as well...


I think people are entirely too focused on racism in general. It's pointless and just another brand group 1 can put on group 2 to make group 1 feel more important and superior. Group 1 doesn't seem to realize that in the process of branding group 2, they themselves have committed an act of racism, and are therefore, in the wrong.


Spoken by someone without an ounce of empathy.


Spoken by someone who hates the truth. When did facts equivocate a lack of empathy?


Spoken by someone how makes his own truth to fit what his corporate masters have told him to think.


Lol, I'm a libertarian. I am certainly not beholden to any corporate masters. I get that the left thinks anyone disagreeing with them is far right, as decreed by your own personal lefty masters.


Yeah, because only the right has corporate masters(fucking eyeroll).

Anyone else would be at least willing to entertain the fact that our society is racist. Not because we are evil, but because its been that way for so long its ingrained in us all. All those banging on about race swaps for characters, who just dont get it. "Why is ok to go one way but not the other? Thats whats racist!". They dont see the lack of opportunities for the darker skinned, because they only see the world through their own lens. Some white idiot banging on about hows theres no racism, yet gets all bend out of shape because a remake dares to cast a black man in a formally white role. Hollywood is doing nothing but making remakes, reimaginings and reboots. So, how exactly does a black man get a fucking job in hollywood when all the roles are white, were white, are should be white?

Yes, it shouldnt matter, but it does at this point in time. So when you, or any one else says "theres no racism here", it is in fact a lack of empathy. And that is the fucking truth, Mr lying through his teeth about his political affiliation for some weird reason.


Wow dude, you need to chill a little. You went on a rant there, and got into all kinds of shit I didn't even mention. In fact, the entire reply doesn't actually relate to what I said. I hope that got whatever you got going in off your chest. You're seeing shit that isn't there, that's pretty obvious, and probably the source of that giant chip on your shoulder.


So you have no answer so its the bullshit "you need to come down" standard crap from the alt right losers. Got it.


Lol, answer what? You didn't ask a question 😂.


Purposefully obtuse now. You sure love your internet cliches.


Ok bro. It's obvious to me and everyone else reading this that you lost yourself to a nonsense tirade. Is this really the hill to make your stand on? You sound like a lunatic.


Yet more of the cliched internet arguments. yawn.


I'm starting to realize you aren't very bright. Good luck with that.


And yet another cliched internet response. 🙄


Spoken by someone who has no integrity.


Can’t really blame Obama. He’s just a puppet for the racist democrat party.


My brother says that when he apologized to the Japanese for bombing them, they waited until he left the room and snickered, calling him the "black puppet." They knew just as much as the rest of us did what a weak little stooge the O'traitor was.


My sisters, brothers, cousins room mate said your brothers full of shit.


Hahaha, Trump? The guy who claimed Obama was a Manchurian candidate for his whole presidency? Yeah right.


Trump is often full of shit, but I think it's more calculated than you think. He knew he was running back then, and knew who those statements would appeal to. I doubt he actually believed it.


Well, people in NY knew he was FOS since the 80's...what kind of stupidity in the rest of the country thought he was a presidential candidate I couldn't tell you. All I know is I have to watch his supporters bend over backwards to defend his lunacy, just like I watch morons defending a flat earth theory


His supporters don't care about his public image, which has undoubtedly been part of the downfall of politics leading up to Trump. Career politicians say one thing but do another, and have been from both parties for some time. They are all fake and self serving. Trump supporters ONLY care about the factual results, which have been outstanding for EVERYONE. Is Trump full of shit, yes. Do I care? No.


No. It’s one of the many reasons to not vote democrat.

Any questions?


"Any questions?"

Yes. Do people in your family call you Drunk Uncle to your face, or is it behind your back?


I wake up every day and thank God that a.) Hillary the Hag isn't our president, and b.) that I have never been, nor ever will be a DemonRat.


In 2011 no democrat cared that Obama had defeated McCain. You hold on to Hillary because her defeat is the only thing you can describe that Trump has done. And when it comes to describing what you don't like about her, all you can do is incite religion and demons.

Trump never went to church. He isn't a Christian. He only pretends to be to get your gullible support. Yet Obama went to church for 20 years and you criticized him for not being Christian enough.

You are just another vapid cult member with nothing of substance to talk about.


These political post are really all about excuses to insult each other and call names. No one's opinions are being changed.


Examples are more than welcome in a debate. If offering an non POV then you might as well not offer it.


What are you talking about?


Really, you can't cognitively apprehend what I am speaking of?


Indulge me if it's, not too much trouble for you. Your post could have multiple meanings.


It does have multiple meanings. Yet in the end they lead to a road central to what we want America to be.


Alright. I guess you're not going to clarify, which is fine with me.


So you lack ability of deduction?


Show me the multiple meanings of what I said, and how they affect or disaffect your response.


You seem compelled to claim intellectual superiority, which is also fine by me. Have fun at Mensa.


OK.. have a good one


You Flat Earthing me?


Or does it not, is the land of America a place of opportunity, or is it a place to appeal to stock prices? Do stock prices provide better service or do stock prices provide more money in shareholder hands? Do stockholder's benefits provide for those that increase their stock price?


You know as well as I do that it's the Dems/Libs who are constantly -- and I mean constantly -- throwing around the word "racist" (and "bigot," "misogynist," "xenophobe," ad nauseam) when they are the true racists.

Obama was the one who stirred up racial tensions in this country during his tenure -- like his race-baiting buds (Wright, etc.) -- not Trump. As such, my opening post is accurate: Americans in general got sick of having an incompetent racist in the White House and therefore voted-in someone who wasn't a Left-wing puppet.

Trump was never slandered as a "racist" UNTIL he entered politics and ran against the Dems. Chew on that.


It all is part of the Saul-Alinsky playbook "Rules for Radicals." One of its instructions is "Blame others of what you're doing;" which is a common tactic of the Left. So basically, anyone who accuses you of a racist, is more a racist to start with.

I got kicked out of a message board site for saying "racist stuff," but I wasn't the one who kicked a black woman out of that same message board site and made fun of her brain tumor online. That was what THEY did, not me. So who was the real racist here? The asshole webmasters? Or me?


Its definitely you.




t-Rump is more than just a racist! He's a misogynistic, homophobic, brainless idiot, who is mentally challenged. I'll be so happy when he is gone!!!
