MovieChat Forums > Politics > And this weeks nothing burger of the wee...

And this weeks nothing burger of the week is?

Mueller testimony!

The Mueller teams only responsibility, determine if Russians meddled in the 2016 election. “How many votes were changed in the 2016 election Mr Mueller? Uh that information is outside our preview”. Lmao!!!

Rememberer the story about democrat bestie pedophile Epstein? Seems like it was 6 months ago now. Nope, 2 weeks.

Remember the C squad? Gone.

What will be the next democrat media/party nothing burger blockbuster be? Stay tuned til Monday.

Trump’s popularity an all time high at 55%. The democrat media/congress popularity an all time low, 10%.



Then GOP Rep. Ken Buck asked the golden question:

"Okay. But the -- could you charge the president with a crime after he left office?"

"Yes!" answered Mueller

"You believe that he committed -- you could charge the President of the United States with obstruction of justice after he left office? ", asked Buck who was stunned by the answer and needed clarification.

"Yes!" reaffirmed Mueller.

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) then asked Mueller:

"The reason again that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting President, correct?"

Answered Mueller, "That is correct."

Thank You Representative Buck for giving the Democrats the soundbite we needed, and for putting Mueller on record that Yes! Mueller could charge the president with obstruction of justice once he leaves office!

Not the soundbite the GOP was hoping for today - especially not one given by their own.


LOL! Did you post that before Mueller completely retracted it in the afternoon hearing, having apparently misunderstood Lieu's question? Not a good day for y'all. I've never seen a hearing pushed by one party blow up in that party's face to this degree.


It was fun watching Republican Buck score the touchdown for the Democrats today!

Wonder what T-rump will tweet about him tonight? You know he's on T-rump's shitlist!


LOL! You didn't answer my question. These three articles are from Politico alone:

"'Euphoria': White House, GOP exult after a flat Mueller performance"

"Pelosi rebuffs Nadler on impeachment after Mueller flop"

"Impeachment drive slowed by Mueller's stumbles"

Here's one even more on point:

"Mueller’s testimony equals end of any Trump impeachment talk"

You're delusional.


If there's obstruction of the investigation he can investigate it.

This notion that you can never investigate anything other than Russian collusion because that was what he was tasked with originally is bogus. Not to mention the Republicans were fine with Ken Starr investigating Clinton's private life, during his presidency, something which clearly had nothing to do with land deals in Arkansas.


I don’t know what you’re watching, but it looks like Trumps going to jail after he leaves office


🤣 same song for almost 3 years now. You guys sing it so much,the lyrics are stuck in your head.😅


Says the guy who claims hes not right wing.


I'm not, I just don't like hypocrites, which you seem to be fine with.




Typical cliche internet response


Also bullshit. A typical cliche internet response(that you do so well) would be to right a three page essay on why its bullshit. I on the other hand, Im not trying to win approval from sad creepy weirdos. So Ill leave the tired cliched internet tough guy bullshit to the likes of you. Enjoy jerking off everytime GD or lord bullshit gives your post a seal of approval.


Lol, I'm starting to think I've gotten under your skin, while actually saying very little. It's ok cupcake, maybe tomorrow will be a better day for you. Curious, you have called me a liar and obviously don't respect my opinion...why spend the effort commenting on my posts? I'll guess that all of that free time you seem to have has a lot to with that bitterness you practically choke on. Maybe try being less of a tool, and you could have some actual friends and spend some of that time with them. Just a thought. You can keep following me around these boards all you want, and I'll keep making you look stupid, if that's your choice. Let's see if you're man enough NOT to reply....or prove me right. Up to you pumpkin'.


lol ok buddy.


And that's exactly what I thought.


Another sad desperate loser trying to "win" something by getting the last word. Pathetic. Welcome to the ignore list, sad boy. I guess this means that Im getting the last word, huh. Hope that doesnt eat at you too much, loser.


wait, wait,wait....did you really suggest that I'M the one that needs the last word.....BWAHAHAAHHA. Good one cupcake, block away.


Burk refuses to admit anything that makes him look anything less than "strong" which is silly.

He doesn't like me anymore after I kept reminding him that he went around saying I lie constantly simply because I didn't give him the exact answer he wanted to a minor, completely random question.

So be careful: He's a normal guy, but he is not against propaganda and personal attacks simply arising from conversation.

I think he may have emotional control issues, not sure.


Man today has been an absolute disaster for the democrat witch hunt. We can expect a New Democrat orgasm burger sooner than later.


New Democrat orgasm burger? Please be AOC


LOL @ sexism and old codgers afraid of new blood.

The same tired B.S. from the same tired fountain.


that sounds


What I got from the Mueller testimony was, can't indict him since he's le predz, not exonerated, impeachment is a waste of time, can only go after him after he leaves office which is why he's gunning for re-election to deepen his own swamp grip in the white house.

It's hard not to choose Trump again after this. It's even harder when those who aren't on the radical left see that CNN has uploaded 10+ videos about Trump's so-called racist tweet (he worded it so badly he'll have to accept it as racist). Let's not forget how the left are tearing each other apart in the debates which are creating division within the left AGAIN! Bernie voters are feeling like they're getting shafted over Biden being promoted so much.


As with every empty accusation the democrats bring to the table. The accusation is 10,000x worse than the evidence supports. Nothing new with “Russian collusion.” Meet the New Democrat playbook, same as the old democrat playbook.

Thomas S. Foley, the House Speaker, and George J. Mitchell, the Senate Democratic leader, said they had designated the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to supervise separate but coordinated inquiries.

"These allegations are both persist ent and disturbing," the two leaders said in a joint statement. "We have no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing, but the seriousness of the allegations, and the weight of circumstantial information, compel an effort to establish the facts."

This was when the democrats claimed HW Bush flew to Iran on an SR71 in 1980 to have Iran keep the hostages until after the election of Ronald Regan. There was never a single piece of evidence. Just another outlandish accusation that “demanded investigation”. Sound familiar?

The democrat party is bankrupt and has been since JFK.


nothing burger with mayo...


The Trump campaign petitioned and received assistance in the 2016 election from Russia. FACT

Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge this fact. FACT

Donald Trump would not consent to being interviewed in person by the Special Counsel despite constantly making public statements professing his innocence and that he had nothing to hide. FACT

Donald Trump did, however, not have a problem meeting 6 times with Vladimir Putin (some in private with no American officials present), talking 10 times on the phone with Putin, and exchanging half a dozen letters. FACT

Anyone who considers all of that to be "nothing" is a moron and a tool.



^ when you’ve been lied to your whole life by your beloved democrat media-party and lack the education and experience to cope with reality. Poor hate filled lemmings.

Don’t worry, the democrat media will have a new orgasm burger by Friday. They’re already done with this week’s abortion.


Or when you've had your head up your ass your whole life because you possess no empathy for those worse off than you and don't give a damn about the rule of law, it's easy to join the ranks of the Trumptard nation.

And I'm not worried at all... Guys like you are a dying breed, along with your Republitard party that's on its way to obsolescence.


You probably saw some of the testimony, where Mueller talked about Trump lying and telling others to lie, encouraging the Russians, talking about the reality of Russian interference.

Conservatives are being told to ignore that. Real patriots, those right wingers.


Yes, leaving aside Trump's crimes for the moment, the threat to our country's elections from Russian interference is REAL and anyone who calls themselves an American should support measures to address that threat. However, we have a president right now who won't even ADMIT the Russians interfered despite all evidence to the contrary. And we have an evil old bastard of a Senator controlling the Senate who won't allow any debate at all on the floor about bills pending to address this issue. And all the Trumptards just get in line behind these a-holes. A real great time in America right now, isn't it?


Republicans actually thought yesterday was a good day for T-rump. A good day! Can you imagine?


You know nothing of empathy. Just another brainwashed lemming incapable of thinking for themselves. It’s ok, democrats will take care of you ;)

Erasing Obama’s all time record high of 95,000,000 under employed and giving them an economy that affords them the opportunity to live the American Dream. That’s empathy. Moving a record number of people off food stamps and giving them the booming economy that allows them to provide for themselves is how you show empathy. Not enslaving them with scraps and giving them new cardboard boxes to sleep in.

Don’t worry the democrats will take care of you. Just like they take care of the hundred blacks a week who are killed in their capital of Chicago.

The democrat track record of lying and failing is long and distinguished. You can keep your doctor. Your free healthcare will only cost you a 500% increase in premiums.


Anything you say, Mr. Greed. How about another stock market update while you're at it?


If it was a nothing burger then you and the other dittoheads wouldn't have to be declaring it so loudly.

If it was a nothing burger, it would be obvious, and you'd just be laughing.

You betray yourself.
