MovieChat Forums > Politics > "No one is above the law."

"No one is above the law."

Unless, of course, you're an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city.


Or Hillary Clinton.


Or Donald Trump


Or the Republicans in general.


Don't Democrats consider prisons, jails, and detention centers to be "concentration camps" now? They basically want the prisons to be empty of anyone but Trump and his associates.


Actually, Dems/Libs love prison and the prison lifestyle, they just want the whole nation to be a prison wherein only the governing authorities have guns, everyone's equally poor with no future prospects, but they have free healthcare, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities and rampant perversion. It's a Lib Utopia!


Everything you post should be considered hate speech.

Luckily, only your socks and your few allies care what you have to say, and not even the allies believe it because they know it's bullshit....

So you literally waste your time posting meaningless drivel for no reason because you can't think of a better venue.

Doesn't that get boring? Oh wait, you must be easily entertained. The mark of a small mind.



Or Melania Knavs and your wealthy husband bought you an Einstein Visa.


Doggiedaddy thinks his delusional fantasies are equal to the brutal truth of the effect of sanctuary cities.

You have to be a liberal to say such stupid things.


Trump decries the kind of immigration that Melania is using for her parents, chain migration.

Obviously he wants "his own" to benefit before he takes it away from everyone else.

But see, that's how Fascists like you and Trump operate. No standards except what suits you, and no ethics except what serves you.

That's why you go around trolling and posting lies and propaganda and hate.

It would be nice if shame or basic human decency was something real in your life, but you're obviously not worth those kinds of high concepts.

I encourage you to keep posting, more often, so more people can see what a terrible, awful PERSON you are INSIDE.

I don't care if you're wanting to say "I'm just trolling dude," WRONG. You are ABSOLUTELY spreading exactly what you want to spread. Trolling isn't a joke because jokes are literal truth. That's why they're so funny.

"It's funny because it's true."

That's why your trolling is so lame and unfunny: Because it's obviously not true. SO OBVIOUSLY.

You guys even pick usernames that betray your tactics and your lack of standards. I doubt you can see that from your perspective, but you KNOW you can spot "normal human non-troll users" by their username most of the time.



NYC is a sanctuary city, and that's where the Knavs ended up - as a matter of fact they ended up in the T-rump Tower. All three became American citizens - one by Einstein Visa, and the other two by chain migration.

What's so hard to follow ? The Knavs made it easy so even someone like you can follow along.



Well said. Its about time we shone a light on the Knavs. I cant belief that a communist was allowed to become a US citizen right under trumps nose! I tell you, these Knavses are playing a long con game. First its get the daughter to seduce the commander and chief, then its get the parents in on bullshit visas. All the while filling poor barrons head with commie nonsense. Shots have been fired here! They are coming for our democracy, mark my words!
