MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trivia: Guess which President said, "To ...

Trivia: Guess which President said, "To see those, those monkeys from those African countries..." ?

"The Atlantic" uncovered some disturbing audio tapes from long ago - long before T-rump made sure racist remarks were to be made in public, and not just in private.

On the audio tapes (held in the National Archives) from October, 1971, then-Republican Governor Ronald Reagan of California phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House to voice his complaints about the UN delegates who voted to recognize the People's Republic of China against US wishes.

Said Reagan the future President, "To see those, those monkeys from those African countries...Damn them, they're still uncomfortable wearing shoes!"

Nixon laughed heartily.

Racism runs deep in the Republican Party !


Nancy Pelosi's father put up a confederate statue all the way up in Maryland to keep the white exodus from happening in Baltimore.


Nancy Pelosi's father was a private citizen, not a President like Reagan, Nixon, and T-rump.

You don't even try to be relevant, do you ?


Past mayor of Baltimore. And the Trumps should have talked to Nancy and learn the family needs to leave and don't even have any investment left in the town unless you want to be a crook or lose money.


Once again, the thread is about Presidents - past and present. I've named three of them.

Nancy Pelosi is not President, nor was her father. Stop trying to make this into something it's not.


Democrat party, KKK. You don't know your history.


I do know my history!

Again - which President in history is backed by the KKK?

That's right ...T-rump!


You're really reaching. He disavowed their "backing" but the democrats fully supported the KKK.



Freddy T-rump was arrested for participating in a KKK riot (he was a KKK member) in 1927. The shit don't fall far from the ass.



What does that have to do with Donald? Nothing. Are you your parents? I'm not and billions are not.

Your post was that racism runs deep in the Republican party which is patently false. The Republicans were against slavery. The Democrats were for it and in bed with the KKK.


What does that have to do with Donald? Nothing. Are you your parents? I'm not and billions are not.

What does Donald T-rump's father have to do with Donald T-rump? Everything. He made T-rump the monster he is today through lack of morals and finances. And unfortunately, T-rump is passing down those same traits to his children (from his first marriage; he ignores the other two).

As I said earlier, the shit doesn't fall far from the ass.


You've got it all wrong. Trump is flawed like all of us (except you, of course) but he's a good man and he's done a lot of good things. Hopefully you'll let go of your hate some day.


Have you ever read the list of t-Rumps lies and broken promises????? Thousands! Trump belongs in jail along with his minions.


Nope. But there's a "list" on all of them.


Whaaaat? A good man who’s simply flawed ????

Stop eating the Tide Pods, cupcake.


Name one good man who isn't flawed, sugar biscuit.


You missed the point, sweetie. I would never refer to T-rump as a 'good man'. Only an imbecile would (and you've proven my point).


You have no reading comprehension, sugar plum and you calling ANYONE an imbecile, is beyond hilarious.


Examples of him being a good man, please. Also, examples of these good things hes done.


That's what I'm waiting for!!!!


Something tells me, we are in for a long wait.


Open your eyes and find out. It's the internet, after all.


Ah, the old "its on the internet" pile of shit response. Worthless contribution, if you have evidence to back up your claims, present them. Other wise, its just another piece of shit opinion that means nothing.

So, come on big fella. Show us your cards if youve got the bottle.


Says the king of worthless contributions and piece of shit opinions. Lol! Unlike you guy, I have a life and I also know it'd make no difference to you. If Trump cured cancer, you'd complain that it would cost doctors jobs.


More bullshit avoidance curtesy of the usual ad hominem. You’ve got no examples because you’re full of shit as always.


Hillary is friends with Robert Byrd, former KKK leader. Even called him a mentor. Lol!


Hillary's not our President, and never was our President.


If Trump isn't your President, who is?


Not sure, but surely not Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's father, or the Democratic Party.


Irrelevant. She wanted to be and you probably voted for her.


Irrelevant? What’s relevant is she’s not my president no matter whom I voted for. More relevant is T-rump is a proud racist.


No one ever actually gives examples of how Trump is racist. Do tell.




My point exactly.


So you're saying that if you voted for a criminal and they lose, all her crimes don't matter and it doesn't matter that you voted for a criminal. Your stance on Trump condemns anyone who voted for him. If he lost, they are absolved? Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


So you're saying that if you voted for a criminal and they lose, all her crimes don't matter and it doesn't matter that you voted for a criminal.

Where oh where in the world did I ever say such a thing? Where in the world did I say any woman was a criminal ?

Please enlighten us all....




Yes, didn't think you could since what you posted was a complete lie (as usual).


Completely wrong (as usual), honey bunny.


thats a good movie...




Whataboutism, the go to of people with no argument.


You've got that right, Doggiedaddy!


Reagan was a devout supporter of white minority governments in Rhodesia and South Africa's apartheid so this shouldn't surprise anyone. He's the President who cemented the exodus of the white South into the GOP. This reveal fits like a glove.

Nixon appears to really take a lot of pleasure redescribing to his aides and colleagues Reagan's casual racism. But of course anyone familiar with Nixon would expect him to enjoy reaffirming his own racism by repeating the words of Reagan.


Reagan was a big racist and so was his wife. No secret there, though they tried to keep it hidden.


"But but but that was a long time ago, when everyone was racist."

You know that early 70s, post civil rights...


As Republicans like to call it: "The golden age of racism". It's no wonder they back up T-rump today. He says publicly what they all feel - it's win for them.


Oh boy, wait till you see the tapes of George Washington, dear me.


Liberals love to pile on dead people from private conversations 50 years ago...


Ill remember you said that next time you harp on about the democrats past links to the KKK...
