MovieChat Forums > Politics > Who could be so clueless to...

Who could be so clueless to...

...complain about a gender pay gap, but then turn around and say there's no such thing as gender?

Obvious answer: Dems/Libs.

As a responsible American, please do your part to keep them out of office in 2020. Thank You.


Whats a libs?


Liberals, aka LIEberals. They've created a world where boys can't play cowboys & Indians because it's politically incorrect, but -- by golly -- boys seeking to have their genitals hacked off to become girls is perfectly acceptable. Blind fools!


And who are these liberals you speak of? Who is "they"?


Dems and Libs are synonymous; basically anyone who embraces their looniness. If you haven't noticed, Democrats are pressured to be hard Left with only a few trying to be "moderate," like Tim Ryan, albeit hopelessly.

I'm speaking in generalities, of course. Many individuals won't fully fit a certain label. A lot of people -- probably most -- are somewhere in between Left and Right. For instance, I consider myself Independent. But nowadays anyone who refuses to drink the radical Left Kool-Aid is pretty much considered alt-Right and slandered accordingly.


I'm speaking in generalities, of course.

Yeah I know that. I just wondered if you knew that. So why is it OK to generalise? Are all americans fat bastards? Are all americans stupid? Are all republicans arseholes? Are all men rapists? Are all women sluts? Are all scots ginger? Are all muslims terrorists? Are all catholics paedophiles? Get what I mean? Or are you going to continue to pretend that you are an independent who thinks that trump is great? A real independent would see the problems on both sides, and they sure wouldnt make excuses for shitty behaviour.


I can tell by the way you're talking tough & angry that you're suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. It might help to quit listening to the slander/lies of Leftwing politicos & their media, which is (obviously) in their pocket.

are you going to continue to pretend that you are an independent who thinks that trump is great? A real independent would see the problems on both sides

I AM an Independent in the truest sense; see Joshua 5:13-15 to get my drift. No human government is perfect and therefore cannot bring utopia in this age because the problem is within humans. As such, it's a huge mistake to look to government as a substitute for God. Thankfully, redemption is available for those interested. Whether or not you believe I'm truly an Independent is not my concern.

What you call "shitty behavior" by Trump I call boldly standing up to loony Leftwing fascism, aka Liberal Supremacy, which currently plagues the landscape, especially Dem-controlled cities, the lamestream media and secular so-called Universities. That said, I never said I support everything that comes from Trump's lips, but I strongly support his effective policies, noble ideals and general direction for the nation.

As far as your problem with my categorizing Americans in the current political climate goes, this is a message board on politics. That's the CONTEXT of our dialogue. Whether we like it or not, the USA is politically split into two sides, generally speaking: Republicans and Democrats; Conservatives and Liberals. One side supports the wisdom of the ages while the other side are fools who claim to be “progressive” when they’re really just moral degenerates with utterly batty ideas. The proof is in the pudding.

Sure, some people vote Libertarian, Green or whatever, but that’s basically throwing away their vote as far as the presidency goes (I'm talking practicality here). Ultimately, everyone has to pick a side, particularly in the current climate; and I’ve picked mine. It wasn’t hard to choose either.


What exactly about my post "sounded" tough and angry? You read my words, how you read them has nothing to do with me.

So what are trumps "noble ideas"? What examples do you have of this liberal supremacy? And I would like actual verifiable examples.

As for that bible quote, you kinda pissed all of it with everything you said afterwards.

And absolutely none of what you said addressed the problems of generalisations that I highlighted with examples. Perhaps youd care to have another go with out the ad hominem?


And that takes care of the 'independent' but addlepated Woodcock. LOL!

Bravo to you, BigWorm!


Ambivalence on some issues is hard to wrap your teensy wittle conservative excuse-for-a-brain around, isn't it?

Just make it easy on yourself and remember all women should be "grabbed by the pussy" and you'll be ok.


Your attitude towards women is awful. All people, male or female, deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. If you continue to treat women like that, they will set you straight pretty soon.


You are absolutely right! This is 2019, not 1800! Women are equal with men, should be treated equally and paid salaries equally.


This is 2019, not 1800! Women are equal with men,

Not in all respects. Political equality, while important, actually only defines a narrow aspect of life. If you don't believe me join a gym. Or open an anatomy textbook. A real one. Not one with sections on "safe spaces" or that uses the phrase "identify as...".
should be treated equally and paid salaries equally.

Regardless of job performed, hours worked, experience, talent, results, negotiating skill, ambition, other offers (market cost), etc.? Do you feel all individual women should be paid the same as each other too?


I understand grey areas just fine, but arguing that there's no such thing as gender is non-scientific and absurd. DNA informs otherwise.

As for the "grabbed by the pussy" remark, you've said similar such things in applicable situations, don't lie. Or don't you grasp locker room talk? Context is everything.

And why are you getting huffy? Is it because I'm exposing the utter idiocy of Dem/Lib non-ideology?


No gender? They’re arguing for 74 genders. And tomorrow it’ll be 75, and those who say 74 will be called (insert brainless leftwing name of the week).

It’s nothing more than the unaccomplished looking for a way to empower themselves.


Tomorrow when the total of genders is 75, anyone who says there are only 74 will be a RACIST, not to mention a misogynist, bigot, xenophobe, (etc.)!


Why do you care? If they are American and allowed all the rights an American is entitled to they can think they are whatever gender they want. Are you actively suppressing other's freedoms because it hurts your delicate sensibilities?


True, individuals have the freedom to create their own realities, and not just in America, but anywhere on earth, even in a cell. It’s a coping mechanism that can help people endure various circumstances.

In one sense, I don’t care what personal realities people create, unless it’s harmful to society one way or another. On the other hand, I care because I hate mental illness and the sufferings thereof.

As far as gender goes, it’s simple: Look down at your crotch and it reveals all. To deny obvious reality and DNA is mental illness, not something to be encouraged and embraced by our learning institutions. For instance, a proposed law in Vermont would make taxpayers fund children’s “sex change” surgeries: When taxpayers are forced to finance the absurdities of a person’s neurosis it’s no longer an individual issue.

Even worse, when loony Lib identity politics are preached at our learning institutions as legitimate it has a negative impact on our kids, grandkids, their friends & neighbors. In other words, it can really fudge them up, mentally & spiritually. Then there's the societal domino effect.

Take, for example, a man who claims to be “transfinancial” – aka a rich person trapped in a poor person’s body – should taxpayers send him funds so he can live according to his delusion? Would it be a “hate crime” if you refused to give him money or address him as Lord Beasley?

So, you see, it’s not just an individual issue. And there are many legit reasons why I should care.

Lastly, WHY do Lib "leaders" force free Americans to do things that go against their consciences? WHY do they force free people to refer to an obvious dude with feminine pronouns at the threat of a "hate crime"? (rolling my eyes)


^ really, all that loaded bullsh*it into one comment? Who is forcing you into any of this? Do you even run into gay/and or transgender ppl in your daily life that it is such a hardship for you?

You really need some perspective.


Like I said, on one hand I don't care what dubious identity-realities people choose. They have the power of volition and can therefore choose their own course of life/belief, whatever the repercussions.

However, I do care (1) about people suffering psychological disorders, (2) the corresponding destructive domino effect, and (3) when these perverse identities FORCE taxpayers to SUPPORT their foolish choices via the advocacy/laws of Liberal politicos or, worse, (4) PENALIZE them with a "hate crime" for not speaking/acting according to the person's (obvious) delusions, like failing to address a DUDE dressed up like a woman with a feminine pronoun (rolling my eyes).

This kind of LIBERAL FASCISM is already happening to some measure. For instance, in the final years of Obama taxpayers had to foot the bill for people in the military wanting to have their genitals hacked away in order to pretend to be a member of the opposite sex: This is absurd. Like I said, if a person is delusional about their gender and wants to (supposedly) switch to the other side, THEY should pay for it, not me or other taxpayers.

How is it that you are not aware of these things? It seems that you are the one in need of a wider perspective.


really, all that loaded bullsh*it into one comment?

Well, this is a discussion board, after all. A quality poster will put some thought & weight into his/her comments. If not, what's the point? But I suppose some people prefer fluff like "Trump sucks!" or "Dude, this movie is great -- 5/5 Stars!!!"

You asked some legitimate questions and I took the time to answer with valid data. Why complain? And if what I said was "loaded bullsh*t," then -- by all means -- please explain what it is that I said that you think is bullsh*t.


Gotta love liberal logic. It only makes sense to liberals.


LMFAO. Classic left wing.


Wuchak is the man.


Gender is a social construct.


Chromosomes aren't.


Gender is a social construct.

No, your crotch tells all.

It's absurd gender identity politics that are a social construct; and not a good one, like say money, which helps society function.

Gender identity in the sense that you're talking is a dubious personal reality created by mentally ill individuals who insist that strangers must recognize & accept their delusional disorder, not to mention financially support the mutilation of their genitals -- aka surgery -- and penalize them for "hate crimes" if they have the audacity to refer to them with a pronoun corresponding to their actual biological gender. You can't make this stuff up.


Also dumb - the whining that women's products cost more than men's products. If they're truly the same thing, as feminists allege, then why don't they just buy the "men's" products? No one's forcing customers to buy "women's" products.

A lot of these activists just go with the flow of what they're told and don't put the slightest thought into their stances.


My god, you're dumb. The leftists on the fringe that call for more pronouns say there are more than two genders. More genders equals no gender in your mind? Dumb. Just plain dumb.


From context clues it seems clear that he's referring to liberals' claim that gender is a "fluid concept" and that people can pick their own "self identification".


Thanks, Kri. Evidently Ultra didn't think it through.


"He's referring to liberals' claim that gender is a "fluid concept" and that people can pick their own "self identification"."

But you didn't say any of that. You said this:

"but then turn around and say there's no such thing as gender?"

You didn't think it through. No amount of lackeys backing you up can save you from your own ignorance.

I'll prove it further. If you modify your original statement to krl97a's specification, it still doesn't work. It would be like this:

Who could be clueless to support the social construct of multiple genders and believe there is a gender pay gap?
It fails to make sense. Your statement only works if democrats/liberals truly believed there was literally no such thing as gender.


It's a simpler way of saying the same thing: Loony Lefties don't believe in the two obvious genders that even a chimpanzee can grasp; they believe in gender as a fluid concept and thus they advocate over 70 "genders" (rolling my eyes). The exact number will of course change from week to week.

You can't make this stuff up!


Complete nonsense. Your OP says that if dems/libs believe there are no genders then they can't complain about a gender pay gap. If there is more than one gender (which everyone agrees there is including dems/libs) then dems/libs have ground to complain about a gender pay gap. Its that simple. Your OP is complete trash.

krl tried to bail you out by shifting the argument away from your OP. But the reality is you're triggered by college kids with blue hair saying something about gender that you never bothered listening to. You probably just heard somebody like Steven Chowder or Ben Shillpiro (who never seem to debate adults) and your mind just defaulted to believing those college kids want "no genders."

Meanwhile, there is no legislation being pushed by democrats to change the rules of gender. When you get triggered by kids to the point where you make a completely trash OP, you prove your ignorance. And ignorance of that magnitude cannot be bailed out.


What's dumber, what I said or your siding with loons who teach that there are over 70 genders (with a straight face)? Case closed.


Not only can you not cite an example of me siding with "loons" who teach that there are over 70 genders. You can't even cite a "loon" that teaches there are over 70 genders. Nobody on this board does. No politician does.

All you can do is whine about college kids having a disagreement on how many pronouns there should be.... college kids who cannot even agree with themselves because the concept is so arbitrary. Yet it triggers you so badly that it makes you conjure up this trash OP. Nothing I have ever done equals that level of pathetic dumbness.
