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FOX apologies for comments made by conservative 'Daily Wire' guest Michael Knowles

FOX News had to rush out an apology to viewers because conservative guest Michael Knowles from the conservative site 'The Daily Wire' called a 16 year old climate change activist 'mentally ill'.

Knowles was a guest on their show 'The Story' last night, and was talking about the dangers of 'meatless diets' when he suddenly brought up 16 year old climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

Said Knowles, “None of that matters because the climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science, it would be led by scientists rather than by politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left.”

Amid a backlash from FOX viewers and reporters, along with internet viewers once the video went viral, FOX rushed out an apology last night.

“The comment made by Michael Knowles who was a guest on The Story tonight was disgraceful — we apologize to Greta Thunberg and to our viewers,” a spokesperson for the network said in a statement. The network also said it has 'no plans' to bring Knowles back on the network as a guest.

Knowles tried to defend his comments on Twitter last night:

“There is nothing shameful about living with mental disorders. What is shameful is exploiting a child — particularly a child with mental disorders — to advance your political agenda.”

Republicans - always being respectful and classy.


Well it's nothing new. Fox News has a precedent set by going after children. Trayvon Martin, Emma Gonzalez, now this.


Let us not forget the children in T-rump's concentration camps along the border. They say the children are at fault for getting themselves locked up. That's the conservative logic.


I don't know if you are more ignorant or stupid to keep calling them that.


It's just his attempt to keep telling the same lie enough, hoping it will become the truth.


No. The parents are at fault as any rational, logical, responsible person would know. I know you'll dodge this but if a parent takes a child with them when they try to break the law, that child will be taken from the parent.


[quote}if a parent takes a child with them when they try to break the law, that child will be taken from the parent.[/quote]

...and get locked up in a cage. And you applaud such child abuse. Evil, Evil, Evil!


Who said I applaud anything? I simply stated a fact and I never said anything about cages as all can clearly see, but thank you for giving me the credit for stating a fact.


I don't know if she's crazy or not, but it's pretty clear she needs a therapist.


How is clear she needs a therapist?


Democrats - Constantly butthurt about everything in order to distract.

Dems - I don't care WHAT is being said. I only care about HOW it's being said.
