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WINNING? #CivilWar2 and #CivilWarSignup are now top Tweets trending on Twitter

Thanks to the President of the United States, who Tweeted this on Sunday night -

"....If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews"

- both #CivilWar2 and #CivilWarSignup are now the top trenders on Twitter.

Yes, the Republican Party - which prides itself on hate, civil unrest, war and violence - is pushing for a Civil War in our beloved America if the Congress should hold him accountable and impeach his ass. Was this part of T-rump's "MAGA" plan all along?

At lease one Republican has the decency to remove himself from the deranged circus called the GOP. Tweeted Rep Adam Kinzinger:

"I have visited nations ravaged by civil war. @realDonaldTrump I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant.";


I'm not even shocked anymore because this kind of behavior is a daily occurrence with Trump in charge. We have a toddler for a president.


T-rump and his minions only spread hate and violence. That’s why he called neonazis “ very fine people”.


Most of these tweets are satire and jokes, just like you. As usual you just run your mouth without looking into anything.


Prove that these are satire and jokes.


You posted a thread, so no research needed. Its obviously a joke or parody.


Ah, just pulling answers out of your ass, again. Got it! Thanks for reminding us.


Why don't you pull your head out of your ass.


I'd rather see you face to face.


Not sure where you spew more shit out of.....


Suuuuure they are. We'll see how much of a joke it is for Cheeto McTweeto when impeachment goes to the Senate and Republican-lite Nancy Pelosi starts getting her Republican buddies on board with... doing their jobs.


It's what they've always wanted. They want a white ethnostate. The party of Abraham Lincoln is now the party of George Lincoln Rockwell.


Roger Stone said the same thing three years ago. Should lock all these fools up for sedition.


Yes. We need to start getting serious about stuff like sedition and treason. We actually used to jail and even execute people for less than what Trump and Co. have been doing.


People are too fat, lazy and poor got as he a civil war here. Anyway, the knuckle draggers would be dealt with swiftly by our military so we have nothing to worry about. :)


I hope. There are plenty of crazies out there, as we see from this forum.


The military would declare martial law and any idiot trying to start something up would be shot.

Nothing will happen. Like their cult leader, Trump cultists love blowing a lot of hot air and nothing else.


The military would declare martial law and any idiot trying to start something up would be shot.

That will be all the T-rumpers who have lost their minds.


Lol! the first people(?) the military would shut down would be your beloved antifa. You're probably a member.


What Antifa?

And the only people who would revolt if the fat hog was ousted would be the Trumpers, so why are you even mentioning whatever this "Antifa" is?

You guys make me nauseous with your continuous deflections.


If you actually don't know what antifa is, you are not qualified to be in these types of discussions. Pick up a newspaper or Google it.


I notice you avoided my earlier point: why would this Antifa even be involved? Everyone BUT the Trumpers wants the fat hog ousted so why would anyone BUT Trumpers revolt if he was removed?

You guys are rich--this discussion is about Trump and second Civil War threats and you immediately divert from it by mentioning "Antifa".

Never in my life have I ever witnessed a single person receive THIS many defenses in the form of deflections. If you have to deflect this much then your fat hog isn't defensible on his own merits.

PS: Let me clue you in on something we learn in grade school: two wrongs don't make a right. No matter WHAT this Antifa does/doesn't do doesn't have a single bit of bearing on whatever Trump revolutionists might do. Both are wrong and one doesn't cancel the other out.

Are you an adult? An adult would know these things.

Kids deflect.


Kids do deflect. Which is why I call this one 'childishone'.


They're probably all the same user.


I think they all work at Breitbart.


I thought I smelled Bannon's alcoholic stink.


Why would antifa get involved? It's your beloved neo-nazis and white supremacists who would not accept reality and start a civil war.


As I predicted, you represent your beloved antifa as if they were rational human beings.


Neo-nazis and white supremacists are NOT beloved to me. I'm against everything they stand for!


Bullshit. You represent your beloved neo-nazis and white supremacists - those very fine people - as if they were rational human beings.




Why do you condone ANTIFA?


I don't condone ANTIFA.

Your turn:

Why do you condone neo-nazis and white supremacists ?


I don't. Never said I supported them.
