MovieChat Forums > Politics > Want to know why Dems/RINOs hate Preside...

Want to know why Dems/RINOs hate President Trump? (It's obvious)

Imagine you have decades of experience at your job and a new guy with no experience gets hired and immediately begins running circles around you. You & your associates had your boss convinced that there were legitimate reasons for why you couldn't get much done. Yet this new guy does it anyway -- and with constant opposition from the other employees. Imagine your embarrassment, envy, resentment, fear and bitterness over potential loss of respect, job and power.

This is why D.C. hates Trump, constantly slanders him and belittles his many accomplishments, along with the lamestream media that's in their pockets.




I don't need an excuse to hate Trump. He is a complete imbecile and an embarrassment to our country. Turn off Fox News and look around. Most Americans hate Trump too. 2020 is going to be devastating for you and your ilk when Trump loses.


Actually I don't watch much TV news. And Trump's easily the best Prez since Reagan. I encourage you to turn off the Liberal lamestream media -- who are in the pockets of the Dems -- and get some actual facts.


I do get facts from various news sources. I see that Trump is in serious trouble and he knows it. His behavior is not indicative of an innocent person. That's a fact.

Even if Trump escapes from his latest scandal unscathed his dementia is getting worse by the day. He can barely complete simple sentences and when not reading off a teleprompter he just babbles on about nothing. That's another fact. You have to be in serious denial if you can't see Trump's mental decline. Here is a sample of Trump babbling on at a recent press conference.

“I have the real polls. I have the real polls,” Trump claimed. “The CNN polls are fake. The FOX polls have always been lousy, I tell them they ought to get themselves a new pollster, but the real polls, and you look at the polls that came out this morning, people don’t want anything to do with impeachment. It’s a phony scam. It’s a hoax. And the whistleblower should be revealed because the whistleblower gave false information.”

I would love to see Trump's real polls but I'm sure they only exists in his feeble mind.

Now imagine how Trump will handle his re-election campaign especially when debating his opponent. Trump's brain is mush and he will not be re-elected in 2020.


I do get facts from various news sources

Yes, and obviously from pathetic TDS-suffering Leftwing non-news sources.


Go argue with the economy.
Good luck.


"I don't watch much TV news. "

In other words, you keep yourself ignorant about what's happening in the world and the opinions and viewpoints of other people. That's not something to brag about.

If you want to know the real reason(s) Democrats/RINOs don't like Trump, all you have to do is ask them.


I guess you're not aware that there are numerous other news sources -- newspapers, radio, internet. Besides, I said I don't watch "much" TV news, which should be translated as "I don't watch any lamestream media TV, except clips here and there." Why? Because the mainstream media is (obviously) an unofficial arm of the communist Demonic-rat Party and they're just too puke-inducing to view, particularly the way they mimic the exact same verbiage and repeat ad nauseam. That's not news, but rather rigid LIEberal indoctrination. This is how their propaganda works: A constant centralized and aggregated talking points regurgitation, with zero actual personality left, only mindless Leftwing robotics.


The left thought most Americans hated Trump in 2016....and then he won the election.



Wuchak I couldn't agree more. I've talked to several people about this very thing and they all see it too.


Even moderates are starting to see it. The only ones that don't are the far left, but they think everyone agrees with them because that's all they hear in their Facebook bubble.


That's encouraging Burk. People need to wake up.


He's a lying sack of shit?




You wanna talk about lies?

- Obama: “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”
- He later said there wasn't a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS after they were caught targeting Conservatives and yet Lois Lerner plead the fifth? Innocent people don't plead the fifth
- The outrageous "spontaneous reaction to a video" LIE
- Loretta Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton where they "talked about grandchildren"
- Hillary blatantly destroyed evidence against her -- hammer smashed smart phones, deleted 33,000 emails and bleached a server after being subpoenaed by Congress
- She financed the fraudulent Steele dossier
- The "Russian collusion" farce

Need I continue?


So you seem to hate liars. Yet you love Trump? Odd.


You seem to hate liars. Yet you love Dems? Odd.

Notice that I cited specific lies by your Dem idols while you don't/can't do the same with Trump (and we're not talking 'bout small stuff here).


Hillary? Obama? That's old news. Trump has lied to you from the very beginning. How does it feel to be conned by an imbecile?


Once again, you & your fellow Leftwing sheep fail to cite specific lies of any consequence. Why is that? Because your constant accusations are baseless bluster.

As for Hillary & Obama being old news, Harlem accused the Trump Administration of lies (without any specifics, of course) so I naturally referenced the previous Dem-controlled Administration, which of course included Hillary & Obama. What is it about this don't you grasp?


Lol, they are only old news because Trump beat them, but it doesn't negate what they are.


Exactly right.


Love posts like this from harlemDunbass. No substance, ignored.


"So you seem to hate liars. Yet you love Trump? Odd."

Trump has lied over 13,000 while in office. That's very substantive. You're in denial.


The dog Conan didn't get awarded a medal by Trump. Another lie! Desperate much? 🙄


Only someone who has been brainwashed would make light of a politician who he supports lying over 13,000 times.

You lowered the bar in what a president should be. I haven't.


You lowered the bar in what a president should be. I haven't.

Said the person that voted for Hilary. Hypocrite much? 😁


Hilary never grabbed anyone by the pu$$y. That's your class-act of a presidential choice. What trash you must be in order to believe someone who says something like that would be fit for office.

4x draft-dodger General Bone Spurs who had the nerve to insult a gold-star family and war hero. Your type spits on the institution of the presidency.


Hilary never grabbed anyone by the pu$$y.

It's a good thing Jeffery Epstein committed "suicide". How convenient, eh comrade? 😂

That's your class-act of a presidential choice.

My candidate lost. Trump won. As I said for the 3rd time, what am I supposed to do about it???? Ignorant much? 🙄

What trash you must be in order to believe someone who says something like that would be fit for office.

And you don't think ANY President said anything worse? I'm sure Andrew Jackson said some bad things about the natives. We know LBJ used the N-word on many occasions while IN OFFICE. We know what oriface Monica Lewinsky uses to smoke a cigar. Double standard much?

4x draft-dodger General Bone Spurs who had the nerve to insult a gold-star family and war hero. Your type spits on the institution of the presidency.

Says the person that voted for Hilary. You do know what she did, yes? And yet you voted for her. Every time you say it, only makes you more of a hypocrite. You're not too smart, are you Keelai? 🙄


"My candidate lost. "
Nevertheless you support Trump. Hilary isn't running now. There are moderate Republicans and Democrats running. Now, is your time to jump ship and support one of them.

More whataboutism from you. Stop defending Trump's vile behavior and illegal actions!

Hillary was cleared of any wrong-doing unlike Trump who has multiple cohorts in prison and is where he ends-up as soon as he loses in 2020.

Unlike Trump, at least Hillary isn't in bed with an American adversary like Putin. None of the other Democrat nor Republican candidates were turncoats.

You're the one supporting Trump who praised white supremacists and neo-Nazis. You must be one of those deplorables.


Let me ask you AGAIN. What am I supposed to do about it?

There's only ONE President currently and I've already told you what I thought about the democratic nominees. Unlike you, I'm capable of INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT. I will vote for the person that is most inline with my views. Simple as that.

Defend his vile behavior and illegal actions? Said the person that voted for Hilary! How many times are you going to display your hypocrisy???

Hillary was cleared of any wrong-doing? Just because she had stooges like Comey heading the FBI that failed to prosecute her doesn't exonerate what is only obvious. How ignorant can you be?

The double standards in your post is at an all time high. What a joke! You honestly believe that Biden wasn't tied to Ukraine? You didn't think Obama wasn't tied to Iran? The pay to play scheme that Clinton ran was GLOBAL. Puh-leeze! Your Ignorance is retarded. 🙄

Go replay the Charlottesville speech again. Trump denounced white supremacy and neo-Nazis. Your just Ignorant, which has been established on many occasions. And for the record, I'd rather be a "deplorable" with freedom and individual thought, than indoctrinated puppet. But to each their own. What a joke you are! 🙄


Wow! You beat me to it!! :)


Trump's "very fine people on both sides" remark is his support of neo-Nazis and white supremacists. You need to stop defending his bigotry. If you believe neo-Nazis are fine people, then you are a deplorable.

You're keeping yourself so ignorant that you're unaware of the Republican presidential nominees: Roque De La Fuente, Mark Sanford, Joe Walsh and Bill Weld.

Trump is afraid to show his taxes because they will show his corruption.
Until he releases them, I suggest you shut up about Democrats who have at least released theirs.

Only an idiot would believe a pathological liar's smear campaign. No, Sandman, it's not legal to have a foreign government find dirt on your political opponent! You really need to be deprogrammed if you believe that's proper behavior for an American president.

I'll remind you it's Trump's colleagues who are in prison. It's Trump who is being investigated. He is hiding his taxes. He is blackmailing foreign governments and then hiding the evidence.

Seriously, you're brainwashed. You need to be deprogrammed.


Let me do what you do. Too much CNN and WaPo and Vox has fried your brain. 🙄

Go back and watch the Charlottesville speech again. Listen CLOSELY. Don't cherry pick it with your selective hearing.

Do you really think they have a chance of unseating the incumbent? When was the last time that has happened, exactly? This is proof that all you care about is "Orange man Bad". ANYTHING to get rid of Trump. You're completely devoid of individual thought.

He's afraid of showing his taxes because it will show his corruption? How? He doesn't want to show them because he's not as rich as he says he is. That's why.

Only and idiot would believe a pathological liar's smear campaign??? Said the person that voted for Hillary. 🙄 Hypocrite much? And like the 6th time, I didn't vote for Trump, so I couldn't care less about his campaign jargon.

I'll remind you that it's the Clinton's colleagues buried six feet under. The trail is from Arkansas to DC, and yet you voted for her and probably him too.

You know the Clintons were broke when Bill left office, right? And now they're worth hundreds of millions now, right? No corruption, right? Ignorant much? 🙄

Now go sit in the corner and put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it's not to remind people that your stupid, it's to remind you.


Three years later and you're still obsessing over Clinton. Amazing!

Trump said he would show his taxes. It's time for him to end the lawsuits and stalling!

You can lie to yourself. In my world, there are no "fine people" who neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

Over 13,000 lies qualify Trump as a pathological liar. And he's delusional. He believes God chose him. LOL! He belongs in the looney bin.



You voted for her. You know she's corrupt as hell, or at least you should know that. You gave her a pass for all of that corruption and even cast your vote for her KNOWING all the corrupt things she did. And yet you choose to look the other way.

That's called a DOUBLE STANDARD. Something you and your fellow comrades don't seem to understand, yet are constantly guilty of time after time. How you don't realize it is due to sheer Ignorance. And of course, Ignorance is Strength, yes?

Apparently you choose ignorance over facts in regards to Charlottesville. I'm sure that fits on your indoctrinated script of answers. What else is new?

Read some Rene Descarte rather than Karl Marx. Maybe then you'll be able to understand the idea of INDEPENDENT THOUGHT.


You have Hillary Deranged Syndrome.


It's only "deranged" if it's not true. You know she bleached her server after her emails were subpoenaed. Ignorant much?

You know she was never under sniper fire. That's a fact. Ignorant much?

You know she tried to cover up Benghazi. That's obvious. Ignorant much?

You know she SHAMED the women that Bubba Bill sexually assaulted. That's even proven by CNN! Ignorant much?


LOL! three years later and still obsessing.

I want to see Trump's taxes and hear the illegal phone call he made to the Ukrainian president that he hid.


In my best Darth Vader voice: The Ignorance is strong with this one!

Comrade Keelai, your indoctrination is complete. 🙈🙉🙊


Congrads!!!! You didn't mention her once in your last comment.

Trump works for the people and we want to see his taxes and phone call threat transcript to the Ukrainian president.


Apparently one of your own nominees must be deranged too, eh comrade? Notice the air date.

Ignorant much?


Actually Tulsi was referring to a RECENT comment that Clinton made about her. You would be aware of that if you left your bubble. BTW, I agree with Clinton. Russians are interfering in U.S. elections, again. It's too bad most are stupidly playing into their hands. No patriotism.


You mean when she was talking about the corruption she brought to Washington, she was only referring to what she said just a week ago rather than the time when she was Secretary of State? Is that what you're saying? Pray tell?

And you do believe her, yes? You don't need to listen to me when it comes from another dem, yes? Or are you still Ignorant?


Imo, this category is a better fit for President Dumbass than pathological:

"Narcissistic liars are people usually dealing with a narcissistic personality disorder. These are people who usually make up grand stories about themselves, are prone to embellishment, and generally, make themselves out to be the conquering hero in all situations. Most of their stories are unbelievable or seem a bit far-fetched."



Agreed. Trump is a malignant narcissist and sociopath.


Dick Dick, you're saying that Clinton isn't narcissistic? Or maybe this would be a good category for Jeffery Epstein, yes? He's the guy that didn't kill himself in prison. Pimped out under aged girls to Bubba Bill. They all fit the pathological liar test, but Orange man Bad, yes? 🙄




Ignorance is Strength, eh Dick Dick?


I've literally never spoken to you here and your response to my pointing out that narcissistic compulsive better describes the Commander-In-Ept than pathological as a category of liar was "Dick Dick, you're saying that Clinton isn't narcissistic?"
No, actually I'm not saying that, YOU ARE!
You POTUSycophants are utterly incapable of having a discussion without mentioning HRC, or Obama, or what about x? or then there's y...OH and don't forget z
........................................................................BUT HER EMAILS


You don't have to speak to me, but being that this is an OPEN platform, I can respond to ANYBODY. That's how this works. Just FYI.

And you chose not to speak to me, why exactly? You have much bile to spew. Orange man Bad rhetoric is never ending. Just look at your comrade Doggie.

So now I'm the narcissitic one? That's what you were saying all along? Well, why didn't you just say so, Dick Dick? Why did you give yourself a reach around when you could've just jacked yourself off? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense. Is that socialistic thing or something?

The problem with you and your ilk is you don't understand the concept of a double standard. There's a reason why Lady Justice wears a blindfold, but you wouldn't know because people like you don't believe in justice. You believe in Hypocrisy.



Ignorance is Strength, eh Dick Dick?


poor dick got pwned...


You're so completely full of shit. T-rump wasn't my first choice either but he was light years better than crooked Hillary and is light years better than all the loony Democrats running, put together and any Republican who would try to run against T-rump wouldn't have a remote chance of winning. It would be a wasted vote.

When T-rump is cleared, you'll cry foul but Hillary WAS cleared so she's innocent, right? Wrong. you can't have it both ways. Hypocrite.

Have you been paying attention? There's a LOT of compelling evidence linking the Clintons to Russia, China and the Ukraine. How are you such a shameless liar?

Last, show ONE quote where T-rump praised white supremacists and neo-nazis and don't try that debunked Charlottesville horse shit.

P.S. There are a lot of account of Hillary's sexual.... um.... deviances (who knows how many pussies she's grabbed?) and Bill's can't even be disputed. Hypocrite.


Too much Fox and Breitbart for you, I see. Your brain has been fried.

I dare you to leave your bubble. This is a link to a neutral news agency source where various global newspapers and news channels purchase their news before putting a spin on it. Pop in once each day for a week and see what happens.
BTW, there's more happening in the world besides Trump.


Of course you didn't address a single one of my points. T-rump is YOUR world. You prove it every day.


If you read real news then you'd know your points were just propaganda.

If you find something on reuters, then I'll be glad to address that. Breitbart, Fox or Trump's propaganda are boring.


Typical cop out. Fleeing is your M.O.


Everything you said was made-up propaganda except about the Republican candidates who you know nothing about because you're too lazy to read about them.




The best way to know the difference between propaganda and information is to search credible news sources with high factual reporting. If you don't find your stories there then it's propaganda.


Unfortunately you have no idea what credible is. Show me a credible quote of T-rump praising white supremacists and neo-nazis.


“You also had some very fine people on both sides,”


You know that's kook leftist spin. It's been debunked, numerous times. BTW, you didn't cite a "credible" source or quote.


"“You also had some very fine people on both sides."

You mean denied by his Cult 45.


As many have stated, he was referring to the peaceful protesters, but you already know this. You're just trying to repeat the lie enough to try to make it truth.


"Peaceful protestors" who worship slavery and destroying the United States by sedition and screamed "Jews will not replace us!" the night before they murdered a true peaceful protestor.

Continue to lie to yourself.

You already admitted that you like the far-right white nationalist group Proud Boys in your other post.


More lies.


Especially pay attention to 2:11


Nothingburger. Typical attempt at spin.


Remember, Obama's utterly sincere claim "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" and his insistence that there wasn't a "smidgen" of corruption in the IRS to which Lois Lerner resigned and plead the fifth.

Or how about the outrageous "spontaneous reaction to a video" LIE in regards to the Benghazi fiasco, Loretta Lynch's tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton where they "talked about grandchildren" (lol), Hillary's blatant destruction of evidence against her -- hammer smashing smart phones, deleting 33,000 emails and bleaching a server after being subpoenaed by Congress. Or how about her statement: "IF THAT F***IN BASTARD WINS, WERE ALL GOING TO HANG FROM NOOSES! YOU BETTER FIX THIS SH**!" Yup, she's not hiding anything. Or how about when her husband stared straight into the camera adamantly insisting "I did not have sex with that woman"?

So get off your high horse and don't talk to me about lies. Dems are renowned as LIEberals for good reason.


Nobody you named has ongoing multiple criminal investigations and multiple appointees or associates in prison . Trump is good at smear campaigns because he is a pathological liar. I can't wait until they lock him up.

So much for Trump's temporary tax cut:
"A whopping 53 percent of Americans will be paying more in taxes by 2027."

Your loser Trump can't run an honest political campaign. He repeatedly begs for foreign interference which is ILLEGAL!!!!!


Ignored? Try again.


I think you hit the nail on the head with that description.



liberals are evil . they hate Trump because he is a straight white man of power.


That's it, genius. You figured it out. 100% You should be awarded a medal or something.


Trump is hated because he’s an unqualified lying narcissistic con man


No. Trump is hated, because the liberals are evil and they serve the god of hatred Satan. that's why they destroy everything they touch (all blue states are hell on Earth), that's why they lie about everything and are unable to be truthful. That's why they only have hatred for Trump for being the best President in the past 50 years at least and benefiting America in countless ways, because hatred and lying is all they have to offer. Liberals are morally bankrupt.


Are you currently institutionalized?


is that what immoral leftists say when confronted with the truth? that's amazing.


Question answered


yes it was. liberals are immoral and unable to face the truth.


I’ll pray for you


No you won't .


Yr right Lol!




There is a system in place that is designed enrich and empower a small group of connected elites. The only way you can become a member is be connected. You can’t get into the necessary institutions of higher re-education without these connections. Without the proper Ivy League ticket you are not welcome.

Trump is a threat to this system. He represents a hundred million Americans who will never be part of the DC sham, and never want to be part of it.

These people are entitled tools who are so backwards they dont even posses basic social skills. They can’t get dates without utilization of their entitled power. They accomplish nothing of substance in life. They ALL Lie and cheat and screw around with campaign lemmings, and other insecure morons desperate for attention. Like the pathetic members of the communist Democrat media for example.

These people have been waiting in line for their turn at ripping off the country to enrich and empower themselves, and they’re not going to let some outsider stand in their way.

Power corrupts without discrimination.


Trump is a part of that system which is why he gave a huge tax cut to the rich and wants to give the super rich another one. He was overheard bragging to his rich friends at Mar-a-Lago how they are richer because of him.

"Trump Tells Rich Mar-a-Lago Friends "You All Just Got a Lot Richer" After Tax Bill"

"When Trump signed $1.5 trillion tax overhaul into law, ultra-wealthy earners in the 95th to 99th percentile received the biggest tax cuts, even though the top 1 percent already holds about 40 percent of American wealth. Instead of the 35 percent tax cut that he promised middle class voters, their taxes decreased by just 10 percent.

According to a report by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, every income group received a tax cut from the Republican tax reform, but most individual tax cuts will sunset by 2025. A whopping 53 percent of Americans will be paying more in taxes by 2027."


Apparently words like fair and just are bad words to a socialist. You post said that EVERY income group got the the tax cut. How is that not fair? How is wealth redistribution fair? The people receiving it didn't earn it. Don't you feel you should EARN your way in life rather than expecting a handout? Clearly, you're not even grateful for the handout you get, because you bitch that's not enough and you feel entitled to it. For doing what? Entitled for doing absolutely nothing.

And the tax cuts are set to expire so of course people are going to pay more after. That's common sense logic. Isn't that what you want in the first place? I mean how stupid are you?

Venezuela has some cheap apartments. Maybe you'll like it over there? 👍


You're the one with your hand out wanting something for nothing. You settled for a few shekels while the rich received the motherlode. Like I said, any tax cut was irresponsible because the rich used it for stock buyouts and it raised the deficit. The middle-class ends up paying for them, anyway. I already lived through Reagonomics and how it hurt the economy and the middle-class. I learn from history unlike you.

I am fiscally conservative. I believe in lowering the deficit and cutting spending. You just want handouts that balloon the deficit and poor foreign policy that raises inflation. I'm against any taxcut unless the government can lower the deficit and grow the economy. Freebees to the rich are irresponsible!

"How is wealth redistribution fair?"
Middle-class workers paying rich people IS wealth redistribution.

If Republicans continue to spend money you don't have, this economy will hyperinflate like Venezuela's. Unlike you, I do have a nestegg and don't need it deflating to zero because of moronic Republican voodoo economic policy.

I like the way you call me a socialist, but you have your hand out begging for money.


I'm the one with the hand out? Seriously???

If I don't work, how do I get a tax refund, pray tell??????

You lived through Reagonomics? And how was the country under Jimmy Carter? Wasn't inflation really high during those days? Wasn't gold worth $1000 an oz back in the 70's???? So tell me which era would you rather choose today? Carter or Reagan? Which era would you rather live in? Obama or Reagan?

You're fiscally conservative, but instead of tax cuts you want to increase social programs. That's an oxymoron. You want to cut spending? So do I, yet you want to pay for illegals. How does that make sense? What are you going to cut when you're looking to spend more?

How does the middle-class worker pay rich people, exactly? Pray elaborate.

Did you bitch about Obama when he double the deficit? Double standard much? You're worried about hyperinflation and yet you voted for Hillary. You're such a hypocrite!

Does the government control your money? Have some INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT. Who said you have to keep your "nestegg" in dollars? Go invest in gold if you're so worried. That will protect your "nestegg" from inflation. How stupid and irresponsible are you to bitch and moan about Trump when you have every possible chance to care for yourself? Freedom is Slavery! Proven. 🙄

Yes. I have my hand out to receive a TAX REFUND from being TAXED for the income that I EARNED. Yes. I'm such a looter. Stupid much? 🙄


High inflation was under Nixon, not Carter. My area went through tough economic problems and the next president, Ford, was useless, too.

Carter was better. Obama too. Reagan gave a huge tax cut to the rich. Reaganomics caused my mother's job and my area 's quality of living went way down. Less Federal revenue meant lay-offs, library closings, fewer police, etc. Local taxes were raised and eventually federal taxes called the sin tax. Plenty of people celebrated when Reagan was shot including people I thought were Republicans.

"You're fiscally conservative, but instead of tax cuts you want to increase social programs."
Once again, you're having a running conversation with the voices in your head.

You appear unaware that the world was on the verge of an economic collapse. The global banking system was locked up and almost went under while people were reading about the Kardashians in their newspapers. I understand that Bush and then Obama needed to add liquidity to the global banking system. We avoided something worst than the Great Depression of the 1930s. Be grateful. I didn't like Bush's tax cut for the rich, but I don't blame him nor Obama for the near global economic meltdown.

Actually, I do have gold and silver. Why would I want hyperinflation because of government mismanagement? You don't believe the high crime, inflated prices and low salaries won't effect everyone? How naive of you.

I'm not comfortable with a president who abuses children like you are. It's a handout if the government can't afford it and must borrow as well as pay back with interest which hurts the economy.


WRONG! If gold prices hit its high in the beginning of 1980, who do you think was responsible for it?

Carter was better? Obama was better? Was that what the indoctrinated script says? You say you're a fiscal conservative and Obama DOUBLE the deficit. Gold was over $1K under Carter. What do you think inflation was like? You're an idiot. Plain and simple. Go take an economics class or buy a economics book because you have no idea what a tax cut is.

I don't know what the hell you're talking about in the 80's but you are hellbent on tax cuts being bad when you don't know a thing about what they do and why they are done. You don't do yourself any favors by your ill conceived posts.

You are pro illegal are you not? Where's the money coming from to house them? The government, yes? That's increased spending. Duhhhhhhhhh............

What the hell are you talking about? What global meltdown?

Do you even read what you post? You're really just talking out of your ass now.

A President that abuses children? Said the person that voted for Obama. Did he or did he not split up illegal families as well? You want to know how those children won't get abused? By NOT COMING in the first place. As long as idiots like you say their welcome, their going to risk their lives. That's not the US's fault.

And again, why don't you open your door and house some of them personally? Seriously since you're so sanctimonious and care so much about them?

Seriously Keelai. You need to stop posting. Your dunce level intelligence is really showing too much now. Even I'm embarrassed for you.


"What global meltdown?"
Exactly! You're clueless.

Double-digit inflation happened under Nixon's watch. Not Carter's. the worst of it was under Nixon and then Ford. I remember it well because my father had to sell his beloved car in order to pay bills. Damn, I loved that car! Inflation, Vietnam War spending and oil crisis.

If gold hit its high in the 1980s, then that's the end of the cycle. You're omitting the BEGINNING of its run which would be the 1970s and the beginning of inflation.

Don't forget that Nixon took us off the gold standard too.

Judges were yelling at Trump's lawyers for abusing migrant children.


You talk about a "global meltdown", but you don't refer to anything. How ignorant and stupid are you? Why do you keep displaying it?

Did you see the graph you linked? When was the peak? When was the oil crisis? I mean, how stupid are you?

Yes he did, which was wrong. I don't have problem saying that. Oil crisis and inflation. All under Carter's watch.

Stupid. So tell me, why doesn't the dems enact a new policy then? Trump is only enforcing laws ALREADY ENACTED. The only thing he's doing as opposed to Obama is ENFORCING THEM. That's the job of the executive branch. That's something Obama FAILED to do. The hypocrisy and ineptness is truly astonishing.

Please tell me why these illegals don't go to Venezuela? A socialist haven. Tell everyone why you don't move there yourself.


Not Carter. Nixon. 1973 oil crisis.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts."
- Sen. Moynihan

Were you on acid during the last recession thereby completely missing it?

Trump is breaking many laws, anyway.

No, abusing children is not following any law. Is that how you justify evil?
"There's a special place in hell for people who prey on children."
- Ivanka Trump


What laws is Trump breaking, exactly?

What abuse has he committed on children, exactly?


Denial, much? If you get out of your echo chamber it would be obvious.


Tell me which specific laws he's breaking, or is that too much to ask for a lazy socialist? Not your job to think or gather data?

What abuse has he committed on children? I have no idea what the hell you're talking about and although that's nothing new, provide some proof other than, because I said so.

Don't forget about the flashcards! They're available for sale right now and will be delivered to your doorstep. You should act now because you're only denying yourself the skills of basic logic.


Because he's a cock?


Because he's a cock?

Pretty odd thing to say, unless it's a Freudian slip revealing your favorite thing in life.


Oh wowzers I see what you did there. 100 points for the gay slur, that's some top-shelf internetting right there. Your Don would be proud.

Pick your own pejorative term then. I think he's an insecure narcissist who doesn't give a shit about America, if that makes it easier for you to digest. And the rest of the world hates his guts. But glad you're a fan.


There was no "gay slur" about it, but I suppose I can understand how people with a perpetual victim-complex might mistake it. I just found your response curious and innocently deduced that it was a Freudian slip. In short, you unknowingly brought it on yourself. Choose better verbiage next time.

As for your widely unhinged and inaccurate accusations -- actually hollow slander -- of President Trump, it shows that you're suffering a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and so I encourage you to turn off the lamestream media (e.g. CNN, MSNBC, The View, Rachel Maddow, etc.), which is an arm of the communist Democrat Party. Get some REAL facts and REAL news through less fanatically sectarian sources.

I think he's an insecure narcissist who doesn't give a shit about America

No, that would be Obama & his thug cronies, not to mention the blind sheeple that drank his Kool-Aid. God Bless.


Nah, I don’t really care about him that much. I’m a safe distance away.

Remember, it was you who asked the question, don’t get pissy because you don’t like the reply.


But I also accurately answered the question.

Your initial response was unnecessarily insulting (to the Prez) and vulgar. "You get what you give": If you don't want (what you consider) pissy responses then don't post pissy statements. Problem solved.

That said, you were no doubt just being amusing and I'm cool with that -- genuine humor's always good -- but not with slurring the President since he's unjustly getting constant overkill abuse from TDS-suffering Lefties.

Have a Good One.


Yeah you picked it, I was just being what we here in Australia call a smartarse.

Since you can take a joke, we can be friends.

Apologies for the potty mouth. Again, Australian. You have a good one too.


Insulting to the prez!!
But that’s what he does best! 😅


Another left wing asshat incapable of a persuasive intelligent thought. To be left is to be ignorant. As we all know.


I hope you’re having a nice weekend.
