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Clinton snubs The Iron Lady from her book of "Gutsy" women

Forget about politics. This is a book focusing on women as its theme and women that were "gutsy". In her book she leaves off Margaret Thatcher? The Iron Lady? What a joke!

This is a woman that was elected as PM of Great Britain in 1979. Do the math and see how many years she predates the metoo movement.

She states she didn't "fit" her "definition" of "gutsy" by not knocking down barriers. Seriously? How ignorant is that statement? How many doors did her being PM open? How many people were enlightened that yes, a woman can be PM in what feminists call a "patriarchal society"?

Look at the clips of Thatcher in parliament. It's a sea of testosterone and yet she stands strong among them. How is that not gutsy? How is that not ground breaking? She doesn't get a nickname like The Iron Lady for nothing.


The ONLY people who EVER talk about HRC on this board are you and el camino...Do you know why that is? Even folks who used to support her are no doubt uber-weary of her these days[I'm only guessing here, as I was never a fan myself...]

I *do* understand why you cultists would want her as the candidate again, believe me, but I'm fairly certain your fairytale wishes aren't going to come true...


They both suffer from HCDS.


So it's my fault she's in the news? I didn't know I was such a mover and a shaker. If you used your brain and stopped reaching around for two seconds you'd realize these articles were generated recently. Duhhhhhhhhhh..........

Do yourself a favor and shut up sometimes. You'll look smarter for doing so. Now go ahead and continue where you left off. I think dogdump is panting for your hand again. 🖐


Thatcher was great because she was a great leader. Her gender was irrelevant. The way it should be.

Since Democrats primary focus is communism first, and superficial qualities like race and gender second, everyone knows they’ll never understand this.


As they say in the House of Commons: Hear Hear!


Identity politics, including pretended concern for "women", is just a means to an end for Democrats. That's why the "metoo" movement didn't start until months after the Clintons, and their accompanying baggage on that score, were of no further electoral use to the left. The tools who quickly co-opted that for partisan use (see Kirsten Gillibrand) were the same ones who spent two decades defending Bill Clinton tooth and nail, and covering for Harvey Weinstein.

Democrats don't care about women any more than they care about blacks or "the children" (even the ones they don't abort).


Wow that junk rag cost twice as much as Nikki's book does. But I don't see any book shows in 2020 so maybe she will run for president then. Hillary will lose again and then put another rag out.
