MovieChat Forums > Politics > Elizabeth Warren: Medicare for All

Elizabeth Warren: Medicare for All

If Elizabeth Warren's Medicare for All plan is $22 Trillion over 10 years per her numbers. It's more like $35 Trillion, but what's $12 Trillion, yes?

Anyway, based off of her wealth tax, which is the way she said she was going to pay for it, is only going to generate $1 Trillion over 10 years, pray tell me where the other $21 Trillion is going to come from?

The middle class isn't going to get a tax increase, right?


You could raise everyone’s taxes to 100% and it wouldn’t come close to paying for the Democrats proposed 100 trillion in spending.

Don’t expect their ignorant voters to care. That would require logical critical thinking. Something they’re incapable of.


Gd, don't forget "math is racist!" 😜


This is what I've been preaching. When she is done taxing the rich at 70,80,90% she is going to come for the middle class to fund her messed up plans.


But..... but..... but... it's free!!


I want free


Might be better to wait to really hammer these points home until after Pocahontas has locked up the nomination, if you know what I mean.


Exactly 🤔😉


She isn't going to get the nod, no way. Trump would eat her alive on the Pocahontas thing alone.


The reason Warren claimed that she had Native American ancestry is because she was told by family members that she did. She has since apologized for this and moved on. This is not even an issue anymore. Try and keep up.

According to Warren and her brothers, older family members told them during their childhood that they had Native American ancestry. In 2012, she said that "being Native American has been part of my story, I guess, since the day I was born". In 1984 Warren contributed recipes to a Native American cookbook and identified herself as Cherokee. The Washington Post reported that in 1986, Warren identified her race as "American Indian" on a State Bar of Texas write-in form used for statistical information gathering, but added that there was "no indication it was used for professional advancement". A comprehensive Boston Globe investigation concluded that her reported ethnicity played no role in her rise in the academic legal profession. In February 2019, Warren apologized for having identified as Native American. - Wikipedia


This is not even an issue anymore. Try and keep up.

😄😄 Talk about wishful thinking. 😄😄


It's not wishful thinking. The only people who are still harping about Warren claiming she was part Indian are Trump supporters. Intelligent people realize Warren made a mistake and apologized for it. So yes, it's no longer an issue.


I hope you're not horribly offended if I don't consider you an authority on what "intelligent" people think.


Don't worry I don't get offended by anonymous idiots on the internet.


At least you're a confident moron.


Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. Have a nice evening.


Your opinion doesn't speak for the masses, and Wikipedia is laughably not a checkmate in a discussion. Try and keep up.


I'm not against Medicare for All as long as I can keep my Kaiser membership.


You can't. That's why it's called a single payer system.


Of course there's no such thing as "Medicare for all" with all other insurance abolished, as Warren proposes to do, since most people on Medicare also have supplemental insurance. And even the real Medicare is going insolvent in a few years, despite only a minority (seniors) accessing it while the entire working population subsidizes it. Clearly the math becomes ludicrous when you let everyone access it with only the same people paying into it. So it wouldn't be Medicare. It would be something radically different with extreme (to Americans) rationing and lower quality care . Calling it "Medicare" is just a dishonest sales tactic.


She could use every square inch of viable (well, capable) land to grow money trees for the next 10 years and still not come anywhere near the amount of money needed to fund her pipe dream.


Not a single komrade with a defense. Well then, I guess the middle class is going to be stuck with the bill again.
