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MSNBC Democratic Debate

Check out this article. The two most respectable people on stage get the shaft. Both their domestic policies are no better than the others, but Yang's a smart dude and that Russian asset has integrity.


That is the way it is in US. Corporate media basically decide what kind of candidates can win the elections. We don't even have equal opportunities in the most fundamental things.


Typical, huh?


not even the dems like asians, snl just hired the first one after almost 50 years..


Apparently so. Good for Yang to call out MSNBC and demand an apology and not accepting their interview request until he gets one. I don't agree with his domestic policies, but his concerns about AI are relevant and should be considered.


This democratic field has me worried, actually.

A lot of the public is disgusted with Trump, but Democrats seem determined to nominate someone so far to the left, who wants to totally transform our economy into something like they have in some European countries, it's going to scare a lot of people. I think a moderate would have a much better chance of giving Trump the boot, would be almost certain to win, but Biden is the only moderate who's got a chance in the primary (Primary voters are much a different bunch than the general electorate, obviously).


Democrats seem determined to nominate someone so far to the left, who wants to totally transform our economy into something like they have in some European countries, it's going to scare a lot of people.

Does Democrats' increasingly radical leftism concern you at all on substance, or are you only concerned with it hurting their electoral chances?


I'm probably closer to the middle than Bernie.

No, I'm not feeling the Bern. I'm for some kind of national health care. That's probably my most liberal position.


Is there a chance that Democrats become so left wing at some point that you vote Republican instead?


They'd have to become straight up communists, yes. I mean real communists, not communists by many Republicans definition (anyone to the left of Reagan).


So you're closer to say....the socialist Venezuelan regime than you are to traditional American values like limited government, individual liberty, and free market economics?


I favor some programs that would be considered socialist like some form of national healthcare and public education. Regulation is a necessary evil - self regulation doesn't work, of course.

I do not consider myself anti-capitalist. I favor free markets for most aspects of the economy,. Including the arts. Art education is OK, but I don't think tax dollars should be used to support artists. People will support the arts when left to their own devices - we don't need the government determining who has "artist merit" and who doesn't. There will always be patrons of "serious artists" to support that kind of thing. You see paintings that look like someone threw up on a canvas selling for a small fortune constantly, for example.

I'm also against hate speech laws. I don't want the very vocal "woke" wing of the left being the judge of what's acceptable and what isn't. I'm not even a supporter of efforts by some on the left to "deplatform" right wing speakers like Ben Shapiro, or the way that someone like Joe Rogan has been demonized as "alt right" or a gateway to the alt right simply for talking to people like Shapiro and being friends with people on the other side of the political fence. I think it's both wrong on principle and damaging to the left. Super woke celebrities like Mark Ruffalo who attacked Ellen Degeneres for simply being friendly with some right wingers like President Bush are making the left look bad, for example.

So I'm not in lockstep with the dyed in the wool lefties like Ruffalo. Where I rate on some imaginary spectrum of right - left, I'll let you decide for yourself.


Given your support of free speech and skepticism of nationalizing everything I suspect you may be closer to the Republicans than you yet realize, something that could become apparent to you in time.


The free speech stuff is probably where I feel most out of step with liberals these days. The "woke" left will attack people for criticizing a movie like the all women Ghostbusters remake (even though it a disaster for the franchise) for pushing hate speech. Disagreeing with something like, say, labeling really young children as "transgender" will cause all hell to break lose on social media and the left wing news media.

I really don't want these people deciding what kinds of expression are acceptable. Actually, if I were faced with a choice between a candidate of that sort and a moderate Republican, it would be a tough choice.


So you are a moderate.

You want national healthcare, but not single payer. That's a start. What are your positions on the following:

China Tariffs
North Korea foreign policy
Slave reparations
Student debt


Yeah, Yang got dicked but that's de rigueur for the DNC. Look how they blatantly defrauded Bernie, last election.


Odd behavior for the party that's supposed to be for the everyperson.

But what do you expect from the party that gave us Superdelegates?


Yes. They have VERY defined "rules" on who an everyperson is and they have to be Democrats.

It was surprising (well, maybe not) that after the DNC and Hilary royally ripped Bernie off, he got right back into lock step and supported Hilary. Shameful.
