MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trans male given access to female locker...

Trans male given access to female locker room

Who here is in favor of this? How is this fair? How is this for the greater good of the school and the females in the school?


Which bathroom should this person use?



The boys.


But he was born with a vagina, and still has one.

Yet if a woman has a penis, you will only view him as a man, who has to use the men's bathroom.


Aaaaand that shut him the fck up. Well done.


They should be using the bathroom in a psych ward because it has some serious mental problems.


He still has one? Then the girls. It's as simple as that.


I saw this on my local news a few weeks ago. What's scary is there were just as many there at the school meeting in favor of it as those against it.



The girls said we'll give him a section for himself and he said no. He should have full reign on the entire locker room. The other thing is that this precedent is opening a can of worms. Now all the perverts can just say this.



I'm sorry to hear your story. It's very personal and these instances should be handled with a personal touch between friends and family that truly do care about the individual.

Let's assume, the kid is being truthful. Why is it so wrong for him to show consideration to the other girls who don't feel comfortable with the situation? Why does his rights outweigh the rights of the biological girls? Shouldn't he ease himself in and gain their trust and be understanding rather than slamming his fist stating his rights are being violated? If he's on the level, he's still being a dick about it not understanding how the girls feel and being accommodating to their concerns.

If the kid is not truthful, then what? We'll think ALL trans males are perverts. Is that a good thing?

Yes, it's a tough to make a decision, but you do have a first hand perspective in what a fair and compassionate solution would be.



You know SJWs are snowflakes with their safe spaces and micro aggressions. Everyone is willing to be considerate, but instead they play the victim card. Now what? We despise them all which is counterproductive to their cause.

Like climate alarmists, they actually don't want solutions to the issues. They don't want problems to be solved. They want them to continue so they can always play the victim and label everybody an ist/phobe. These groups get money for it and the more victims, the more toward their cause, the more money they get. All this happens when the real issues continue to arise and no real solution is offered.

It is extremely unfortunate that your friend was not able to seek help or confide with his love ones. These groups should be helping these people to do just that rather than making them poster childs for the cause.

With your friend's story, I think you have a lot to offer people that are in the same situation as your friend and that you can actually make a positive difference.



They must be lucky in not having any muslim girls in the school.


The district’s superintendent said this policy doesn’t mean anyone can just go into any locker room or restroom at any time. The policy requires a student and parent to have communication with the district and come up with a plan.

Straight from the article you linked to. Sounds just fine to me.


So you are against a trans male from entering a girls bathroom, yes?


It would and always will that a muslim doesn't accept a trans person. A guy is always a guy and not allowed in a bathroom at anytime with a muslim girl he isn't married to.Fact


So technically all muslims are transphobes by default, right?


I should amend to a devout one.


Try reading the goddamn quote I made and use your brain, you boring troll.


Since the article, the school board voted and the trans male has full access to the girls bathroom and locker room. Per you, dems would consider you a transphobe, yes?


Fck you and your spin tactics, Sandman. My point was made clear and you knew what I intended in my response.


Spin tactics? So then you actually mean you're not a transphobe and you are okay with a trans male having full access to the girls bathroom and locker room, yes? You're more than welcome to simply state what you mean.


You knew exactly from the beginning that that is what I meant.

You know what sucks about your trolling? You, like an idiot, ADMITTED you're here to fart around.

LOL! Who does that? What the hell is the matter with you? Honest question. You're one of the biggest jokes of a troll I've seen here and I'd report you but I really don't get the sense that the mods around here care about you guys taking steaming dumps around here, so I wouldn't even bother. I guess I'm just confused as to how farting all over this board fills you with just joy. It's total nonsense.


How hard was that to clarify? Like pulling teeth. You're totally okay with a guy with a dick going into the girls bathroom and locker room. And it's okay, because what? He grew his hair long and dyed it purple?

What happened to the metoo movement? Shouldn't they be here protecting women from men? How can you be so ignorant when girls said, they are "physically uncomfortable"? Why aren't they're voices given any consideration?

I may enjoy posting, but I still mean what I say, unlike your komrades. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

If I'm a troll, why did you reply? Is it my fault that you replied? Did I twist your arm to post? Play victim much, dunce?

Grow up you sniveling pansy! Go ahead and report me. Go cry to your mother since you can't stand by your own words. As Al Pacino once said that applies to you, "You fucking child!"


I replied to highlight your stupidity to the rest of the board. Replying to you literally has no productive worth beyond that.

I won't bother reporting your idiocy because you and your ilk were deemed as "doing nothing wrong" by people higher up than me long ago.

So, you can post all the little turd blossoms on this board that you wish but I will be here to make sure to highlight the idiocy of your posts. :)


I replied to highlight your stupidity to the rest of the board. Replying to you literally has no productive worth beyond that.

Then why did you bitch about it and called me a troll? Contradict much?

I won't bother reporting your idiocy because you and your ilk were deemed as "doing nothing wrong" by people higher up than me long ago.

Then you shouldn't have cried about it like a little bitch.

So, you can post all the little turd blossoms on this board that you wish but I will be here to make sure to highlight the idiocy of your posts. :)

I don't need your permission. Just FYI. Are you feeling better after patting yourself on the back? Good. Pray continue, dunce.


You need a plan! Don't you get it, man!


Unfortunately, we are at the point we need three restrooms, locker rooms, etc.:

1. Women
2. Men
3. Democrats


Gender is a social construct.


Pray elaborate.


That's what I'm told.

I'll leave it to people with degrees in things like biology and sociology to try to explain that one!


Wow! You just proved ZERO INDEPENDENT THOUGHT. Great job! 🙄


Whatever. Your point of view isn't exactly original either.


Originality when it comes to pointing out a fact is irrelevant. Pray continue.
