MovieChat Forums > Politics > Bernie Sanders rescinds endorsement of C...

Bernie Sanders rescinds endorsement of Cenk Uygur for California Congressional seat


So then he had to backpedal and tweeted: of any influence other than the voters of CA-25. I will not be beholden to corporations, lobbyists, or special interest groups and I will not stand by while those groups attack my political allies. That’s why I have decided that I will not be accepting any endorsements.



Poor Bernie is so old he has no idea whats going on.


Poor Bernie is so old he has no idea whats going on.

Same as T-rump (his big beautiful border wall puts New Mexico on the side of Mexico!) , though T-rump is not as old as Bernie - so what's T-rump's excuse ?


Uygur knows how much Pelosi and the establishment are looking for ammo against Bernie. Bernie has already admitted his support for him so this really doesn't mean anything. Uygur probably still wins the seat.


I like the fact that you completely ignore the reason why Bernie dropped his endorsement. So you're saying that you buy Chunk's reasons and it doesn't play into his character? Seems like if we switch Chunk with Trump, you'd be bitching and moaning and crying. Hypocrite much? What else is new, eh phony boy?πŸ™ŠπŸ™‰πŸ™ˆ


He's fighting the DNC. He's not fighting Trump. Going after him is admitting you support Pelosi and the DNC who are fighting him to keep money in politics.


And where did I admit to what you said, pray tell? As I've told you, you're not just stupid, you're fucking stupid. Then again, what else is new?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


Awww, he's angry.

Uygur is fighting the DNC. You're taking the side of the DNC.

Sure, it's possible you don't care about any of it. That would certainly explain why you criticize other posters for posting things they don't care about. You're assuming they are doing what you do.


You notice how you couldn't prove anything? It because you're an idiot fabricating your own chepooka as you go.

Why would I be taking sides of the DNC? It's not my fault that Clinton corrupted it with their dirty money. You idiots allowed that and continue to defend it.

Apparently, you give Chunk a pass about his ill gotten character and yet you continue to bitch and moan about Trump. Your hypocrisy is blatant and neverendling.

If "I don't care" about something and somebody does, then they better had a good reason as to say why they care about it. They should have the arguments to back their reasons. You on the other hand are nothing more than a phony Orange Man Bad indoctrinated clown. Then again, what else is new?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


I don't care about past behaviors of people who apologized for that behavior and made a change. The DNC is using Uygur's own admittance of his "ill gotten character" against him. He did that 15 years before running for Congress. He put it on his news network for everyone to see. His news network becomes the biggest online news network in the history of the internet. But then he runs against the DNC, and the smears come.

All I'm saying here is you're the one saying the DNC is correct in smearing him. But you're too much of a coward to fully go down that road. You're going to half ass it like you do everything in life.


So then you shouldn't care about Trump's past behavior, yet you do. Also, since you don't you should hold the same critical eye to Clinton, since he never apologized for his past behavior. Why not? Because you're a hypocrite. Proven once again.

Every candididate gets vetted. That's nothing new. Since you feel the way you do, you should be asking is why did Bernie pull his endorsement. Apparently, he doesn't feel the same as you do.


The big "ill gotten character" thing Trump was accused of is "grab her by the pussy." He basically said he was sorry that it got out. Lmao. Didn't apologize for his character. Didn't even say he was wrong. And he certainly didn't say anything about it ten years ago. Instead of apologizing for his character, Trump excused it because of secret stuff he heard from Billy boy on the golf course. But that's Trump for you. If he does it, it's all good.

Uygur vetted himself 15 years ago. He was a brash conservative that pushed the line of what was tolerable speech. Frankly, it was tolerable back then, but you had to be a conservative. Then the Bush administration's actions in Iraq made him sick of their hypocrisy and sick of the GOP in its entirety. This is all understandable. We accept it that people change, but that change has to make sense. If one good thing came about from Bush's war, it pushed many republicans to join the democrats. Uygur was already left of center at that point, and the Bush admin pushed him even further.

Trump hasn't shown any change. Honestly I don't think Bill Clinton has either. But Billy boy hasn't run for any political office since 1996.


Yet you voted and backed Hillary that defended and lied on Bill's behalf. The difference between you and me is that you voted for a lying corrupt person in Clinton and I didn't. Even I didn't vote for Trump Hypocrite much?

Notice how you FAIL to address Bernie withdrawing his endorsement? After all of your chepooka you spewed, you fail to to address the one thing that you supposedly stand up for. Apparently, Chunk doesn't offer him any benefits and made him backpedal on his original statement. What else is new, eh phony boy?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ
