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The Senate will never remove Trump

Not going to happen.


Exactly right.


Your are right. It's shameful that Mitch and his cronies won't be objective about this idiot's uncontrolled behavior, but ...
You are right. They are more concerned with being partisan and feathering their own beds than dong the right thing. Shameful and despicable. You are right.




Exactly. But there are many Republican senators who's facing re-election in November, and the repercussions from their vote on impeachment just may hurt them in the end.


One of the reasons I didn't support impeachment.

The majority of the country doesn't find Trump very likeable, but the left scoring "own goals" like impeachment doesn't help their cause.


You are correct. They will NEVER remove Trump.

It's sad but true.

The election is literally the one and only existing hope at all of being rid of Donald and I fear he might just win again. I hope I'm wrong. Never in my life has any president (in my lifetime) disgusted me as Donald Trump has.


Is this based on personality / character or results?



...the promises made by candidate Donald Trump to invest in the Border Patrol have not been fulfilled; far from an increase of thousands of agents, the agency is actually now smaller than it was under President Barack Obama. As one former Border Patrol union official told me, “Trump is not delivering.”


I like how you just skip the economy, trade, and everything else and go to the border wall. lol.


Oh yeah the economy

Tax Freedom Day 2019: May 8
Tax Freedom Day 2017: May 6

Tax Freedom Day 1979: April 22

Borrow and Spend, Spend and Borrow, eat tomorrow's apples TODAY!


He is an awful human being. Pelosi stalling the process is genius. You can tell is pisses Trump off tremendously that he is not in control of the process.


Yep. This harms his reputation and he knows it.

This is what the Trumpers (who are seemingly laughing this impeachment off) don't seem to understand: you don't have to remove someone via impeachment in order for the impeachment to still be damaging. If this impeachment was a big "nothing burger" and something to just "laugh and shrug off" then why isn't Donald? Why is Donald raging about it? Why is he furious over the fact that Pelosi is going to drag this thing out? And we know the answer: because Donald wants his name cleared and having this hanging over his head is very damaging to him, his reputation and his campaign.

Trumpers really have veered off into La La Land if they can't see that. They keep laughing and following suit in calling this impeachment a "sham" all the while forgetting that "impeachment" is an awful label for a president to have attached to themselves. All the while forgetting that, out of 45 presidents, Donald is merely the THIRD to ever be impeached.

And that's what gets me about this whole thing: The Trumpers must be so used to Donald calling this thing a "sham" and so used to the prospect of the Senate acquitting Trump that they seem to overlook the fact that this looks BAD for Trump even if the Senate acquits.

And this is why people accuse the Trumpers of living in an alternate reality: Impeachment is a historically bad stain on a president. This will be a mark on his legacy. Trumpers don't seem to care about that (for the life of me, I can't grasp why) but Trump does and it shows. Trump would be acting far differently if it didn't.


I agree with all of that. And let's be honest about Clinton's impeachment. It was about lying about getting a blowjob. He should not have perjured himself, but it was certainly not a threat to nat'l security. Trump is a clear and present threat to nat'l security.

Trump will be a stain on the republican party forever, and the stain will only get worse over time. There will be a time of reckoning for the people like the turtle who have been complicit in this debacle of democracy.


Precisely. What Bill did was disgraceful to the office of the presidency, yes, but was NOTHING in comparison what Donald did.

What Donald did is bad on so many levels:

-The fact alone that he asked a foreign power to dig up dirt on another American. That right there is conspiracy with a foreign power to harm an American know...those people Donald is supposed to be SERVING and PROTECTING as president?

-The fact that he did it for personal and political gain.

-The fact that he lied about the details of it.

-The fact that he doesn't see it as any sort of big deal.

I could go on and on.

His supporters truly are lemmings in the way they effortlessly defend this and are 110% unwavering in their support of all of it. Scary.


He really doesn't think this is a big deal. He is acting just like he did as a real estate mogul.


Of course they won't remove Trump. That has never been the point. Trump committed impeachable offenses and he had to be called on it.

What Moscow Mitch and the homosexual senator from South Carolina are saying(that they will not be impartial and that they will work hand in hand with the WH) flies in the face of democracy and the Constitution. The 3 branches of gov't are supposed to hold equal power. When two of those branches combine forces our democracy comes under attack. Trump got Hillary's emails from a foreign country. He asked Ukraine to investigate a political rival, as well as China. This is treasonous shit here, folks, and anyone that defends it can, in the immortal words of T.J. Mackay, "suck on my big fat sausage!".


Yet the republicans are so far up T-rump's ass that they can't see how treasonous his actions are.


Trump followers are a dangerous cult.


Unfortunately I think you are right. However Trump's impeachment by the House will be a stain on his presidency.


The only think stained is this worthless congress and the Democrat party/media who’s been lying to the American people for 3 years about Russian collusion and quid pro quo’s that never happened.

Even with massively stacked decks in both cases, Muellers team of 16 Democrat contributors, and Schiffs changing the rules of impeachment hearings to lock out Republicans, they still couldn’t produce a thing. Trump released the transcript diffusing the entire farce.

The American people know exactly what’s going on. The attorney general has already put together a gran jury. There will be indictments. The corrupt Democrat media/party have no where to hide.

Looking forward to the 2020 landslide.
