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Sen Murkowski 'disturbed' by McConnell's ‘total coordination’ with White House

Looks like there's a little crack starting to form in the Republican Senate...

Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) showed she's an independent thinker in the Republican senate, and she's not happy with how #MoscowMitch is proceeding with the impeachment trial, vowing he's in 'total coordination' with the White House.

In a Tuesday interview, Murkowski said she was disturbed by how McConnell vowed to have a sham trial in the Senate over T-rump's impeachment.

“And in fairness, when I heard that I was disturbed,” Murkowski said. “To me it means that we have to take that step back from being hand in glove with the defense, and so I heard what leader McConnell had said, I happened to think that that has further confused the process.”

For how the trial is formulated, Murkowski spoke of her desire for a “full and fair process,” potentially using President Clinton’s impeachment hearings as a template.


Trump will never get a full and fair process like Clinton because of the circus that went on in the house. The house gave Clinton a full and fair process during his impeachment.


Clinton's transgression was lying about a blowjob, dude, lol.

And the House INVITED Trump and his lawyers to be involved in the impeachment and they DECLINED. They were given a chance to be involved and THEY chose not to. Why did they not get involved? Because Trump and his minions know they are guilty as fuck and being under oath would either force them to perjure themselves or they would have to show the world just how fucking nefarious they all are.


This thing was a joke from the start, thats why Trump didn't get involved. No point in him wasting his time. Clinton committed perjury, which is crime.


Then Trump and company need to shut the fuck up about the process when they were given a chance to be a part of it. If it is such a "joke" then it should have been easy for Trump to set the record straight and let his WH employees testify. They could have nipped it in the bud. But, as we all know, Trump and his administration were guilty of everything they were being accused of.

And do you really think lying about a blowjob is worse than asking foreign gov'ts to interfere in American elections?????? Because if you do you are just being a partisan hack.


I don't, no. But Trump never asked any foreign governments to interfere in elections.


He asked for ANYONE to get Hillays emails. Wikileaks and Assange, which were working hand in hand with Russia, supplied them. Trump asked Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into the Bidens. Joe Biden, at the time, was leading Trump in polls. That's asking a foreign gov't to announce an investigation into a political rival, clearly interfering with an American election. He also asked China to do the same. And that's on top of withholding funding to Ukraine, which is a whole other abuse of power. It's sickening.

Trump asked for foreign interference in 2016(and got it), then was caught doing the same thing to interfere in the 2020 election.

These are facts. Trump is a dirty scumbag piece of shit and anyone that defends him needs to be called out.


Its 2019 and libs are still trying to pus Russia hoax, Sad! Trump is president, he can investigate who ever he wants. The issue was this for that, help me or I withhold your money. This was never proven. What was proven was Joe Biden admitted to that on TV when he said fire the prosecutor investigating my son, or else you aren't getting your money. Quid Pro Quo Joe!


Its 2019 and libs are still trying to pus Russia hoax, Sad!

It's almost 2020, and T-rump and Ghouliani are trying to push a Ukraine hoax! Even sadder!


Keep on with the trollin'. T-Rump and!


Yep those two - they're backing up what Putie is saying: Ukraine interfered with our 2016 election. LOL!


The "Ukraine interfered with the 2016 election" is a narrative that Russia and their propaganda wing is pushing. The fact that Trump and Rudy and co. are pushing the same narrative tells you that they are in bed with Russia. It's sickening. Any patriotic American that isn't outraged needs to be called out.

The republican party is so corrupt right now that our democracy is in peril. True patriots need to stand up and be heard!




The issue was this for that, help me or I withhold your money. This was never proven.

You must've missed Mick Mulvaney's presser in October, where he confirmed there was this 'quid pro quo' and told Americans to 'get over it'.


Mick probably thought since Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden did it, it must be the new norm and it was typical fake liberal outrage.


Yeah, that's what he must've thought. So let's get him to testify under oath, and he can easily explain his mistake to the Senate. He can explain that when the reporter pointed out that he was admitting T-rump asked for a 'quid pro quo', he thought the reporter was talking about Biden. Yep. Let him testify under oath on that one.


Lord, Biden was carrying out American foreign policy that was handed down to him from the DOJ and the DOD. What Biden did was in lockstep with American foreign policy. He was basically following orders. Don't you see the difference in that and Trump forming a shadow gov't to circumvent American policy to advance a domestic political agenda? If you don't see the massive difference in the two maybe this whole situation is over your head.




Biden was asking Ukraine to oust a corrupt prosecutor under the direction of U.S. foreign policy. Biden wasn't going "rogue" and doing it for his kid. You are just wrong. Biden was doing his job.

Trump formed a shadow gov't which was headed by Rudy Giuliani that was used to circumvent U.S. ambassadors. This is what happened.

Saying "nope" doesn't change the fact that you are wrong. Stop watching FOXNEWS.


And his army of T-rumptards are already attacking Murkowski! What a shock, eh?


Any republican showing character and speaking their mind will be attacked by their own party. It's a very cannibalistic party at this point.


If T-rump is as innocent as he and his cronies say he is, all he has to do is testify under oath. Just like Clinton did. The truth will set him free.

But he won't testify under oath, because he knows he will perjure himself. As will his cronies. It's that cut and dry.


All true. I heard that Trump at one time was considering testifying but his advisors(very wisely) talked him out of it. Trump can't help from lying over stupid stuff on a regular basis. Being cross-examined would either make him perjure himself or plead the 5th, which would be as damaging as perjury.


Yet despite the fact that Dems WANTED him to testify in front of them, he pretends he didn't get 'fair treatment' from House Dems. And his followers believe him!


It's amazing what his followers will believe coming from Trump. It's very cult-like.


It reminds me of the women in the movie 'Stepford Wives'.


Are you familiar with Jim Jones? Trump followers would drink the Kool-Aid whenever that fat slob askes them to. People that blindly follow and don't question leaders are dangerous people. Fanaticism is what we are seeing and it makes me want to puke. Critical thinking is being punished. Science is being mocked. Caring about the environment is labeled as a bad thing. Fuck Trump and fuck his followers.


Trump followers would drink the Kool-Aid whenever that fat slob askes them to.

And he's been asking them to do so a little too often - yet they don't see the danger in this.


The Constitution is clear about the 3 branches of gov't having equal power. When the Senate and WH work hand in hand it flies in the face of the Constitution and our democracy. Republicans have sold their soul and it is a disgusting thing to watch.


The impeachment process is a mechanism for removing a President. He is not going to be put in a jail cell. THAT punishment is the reason for due process protections.


Oh now, she's disturbed?


Republicans don't like her any more. How dare she speak out against a sham trial conducted by #MoscowMitch and decide she wants to uphold her dignity !

They did like her last week when she wasn't disturbed.
