MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why are some Christians obsessed with co...

Why are some Christians obsessed with converting other religions?

I have a Christian friend on Facebook and he made a comment (I'm paraphrasing):

"I met a Sikh man with a turban a couple of weeks ago. He had a broken leg. I prayed with him and now his leg is all of a sudden healed. This man was astonished at the power of Jesus and that he felt the Holy Spirit enter into him. Before this, he used to have problems with anxiety and have daily migraines. Ever since that day, he has been completely set free from these problems. He now accepts Jesus as his lord and savior! "

Uh-huh. Seems self-righteous to me.


The Bible stresses to spread the Word of God with Love while other religions stress to behead the infidels so consider yourself lucky to be amongst the snooty Christians


What about religions where they just mind their own business?


Ever argued about anything in your life before? Like politics n stuff. It's a bit like that. People just hate when others have another outlook on life than them and think it's their duty to convince them that they are in fact wrong


Yes there are worse religions than Christianity, but it still doesn't make your religion good. Sorry. You Christians love playing that card but it's never going to work. I'm still an atheist.


I'm not sure what the issue is.

Your friend shared some news which shows he was proud of the help he gave this stranger he met a few weeks ago. The man used to have many medical problems - including anxiety and daily migraines - and now, with the help of your friend, he's been 'cured' without medicines or chemicals (which big pharma would prefer). The man made a change in his lifestyle, thanks to your friend. No matter how this was accomplished, the man is enjoying a better life.

I think it's great.


A good post by Doggiedaddy. Wow. I give credit where it's due.


Because they have an insane belief that "receiving Christ as your Lord and Savior" is the only way to go to Heaven. I followed this whack-a-doo religion once upon a time, I must shamefully admit...and that's precisely why I left--I don't believe any sort of a god that may exist would require everyone in the world to place their faith in this ONE of a thousand different religions just to reach "heaven" or whatever sort of afterlife may exist.

Every religion has their own "way" of reaching paradise. That's why I don't follow religion. I believe in...SOMETHING. That's enough for me. We'll all know when we die one day.

The Christian religion is sounding worse than ever nowadays. I have yet to regret my decision to leave even ONCE--especially after seeing how the religion is trying to become synonymous with Donald Trump nowadays. What in the flying fck caused THAT to happen?!

A day's worth of research into the bible would raise nonstop alarm bells about Donald Trump.


The evangelical Christian right is only interested in power and will bed down with anyone that will further their cause.


Your "friends" story sounds like bullshit.


Why is "friends" in quotation marks?


Because you could be making the whole story up. And it's a "friend" on FB as well. The whole story sounds like BS.


Except I'm not. Some Christian's thrive on converting others and rave about it on FB to their friends like some kind of "trophy". I agree it's bullsh!t and maybe this friend is making it up or grossly exaggerating.


That's what I was getting at. Positive thinking has been shown to have healing powers. If becoming Christian makes you more positive then that could help your health. It has nothing to do with whether God is real or not, however.
