MovieChat Forums > Politics > Ted Bundy was a Republican.

Ted Bundy was a Republican.

Therefore all Republicans are as evil as Ted Bundy.

See how that works?

The next person that compares Democrats to Pol Pot, Stalin, or Hitler can kiss my pucker.




Omar Mateen, the shooter who killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in 2016, was registered as a Democrat in 2006. He voted in the Florida primary in 2016, according to reporting from Politico.

A friend of Aaron Alexis, who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard in 2013, said in a CNN interview that the shooter was "more of a liberal type." There were no other reports of his political affiliation.

In 2017, 66-year-old James Thomas Hodgkinson shot and injured six people at a congressional baseball game in Virginia — nearly killing House Majority Whip Steve Scalise. Hodgkinson volunteered for the presidential campaign of Democrat Bernie Sanders and apparently targeted the Republican team.

In 2011, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in Tucson at an event hosted by Rep. Gabby Giffords, an Arizona Democrat. Loughner killed six and injured 13 others, including Giffords. Authorities reported that he was obsessed with Giffords.


The funny thing about these Marxist-Leninest type folks is the lot of them are 'nationalists' in nature. They love suppression just like the right loves men deciding on women's life choices.


