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Donald wants his impeachment "expunged"

Like usual, old Donnie boy hasn't been brushing up on the Constitution or he'd know how moronic such a request is.

Then again, the Constitution means about as much to Donald and his base as a roll of toilet paper, so who knows? Maybe he and Fat Barr will find a way to defy the Constitution. Why not? Donald is the Burger King now. He feels emboldened. Who will stop him at this point?

And this really torpedoes these idiotic assertions from the Trump fans that Donald "isn't bothered by this impeachment label". Oh, yes he is. The fact that he wants it expunged proves it. Hell, you didn't even need this story to know he hates it. A narcissist like Donald CANNOT ABIDE his name and legacy being permanently stained like this with the label of IMPEACHMENT next to it.

So yes, Trump fans, your dictator is bothered by this. A LOT. And I love it. :)


Slow news week, Fredo? 🤣🤣🤣


Even though Orange Head was acquitted, the impeachment trial will be a stain on his presidency..... well deserved!


I guess his impeachment is a win win, yes? I'm glad you have something to cheer about. 🤪🤪🤪


Yep! A permanent stain that he wishes in vain to blot from history.


Monica still has that 'permanent" stain on her dress. lol


Yeah and, unlike Donald, it was consensual. Bill wasn't an ugly, fat, uncouth slob who had to pay for his.

Both their cheating was wrong, regardless, but Bill wasn't a raving lunatic like Trump. I had issues with the last several presidents, to be honest, but every single last one of them had enough class, bravado and professionalism to at least ACT presidential and treat people with respect. Donald Trump is the only one who has never acted presidential. I don't think he could act presidential to save his life.

He has no sense of decorum, morality, class, principles--NOTHING.

You don't see the whole entire world hating Bill Clinton to the degree they do Trump. Same for Bush Jr. Same for Obama. Not hard to figure out why that is.


Amen ! The guy deserved to be impeached for dozens of good reasons. Pubs keep pointing at problems Dems have had but they pale in how obnoxious Trump constantly acts. It's beyond ridiculous.


Trump isn't just obnoxious--he's EXHAUSTING. He's like that relative that keeps showing up for Thanksgiving, Christmas and family reunions that everyone hates. After a night of hearing this loudmouth blather on, you just keep wishing they will go home but they never do. That's how I feel about Trump. He just won't leave and everyone is exhausted by him.

73 years old--SEVENTY-THREE YEARS OLD--and all he does is in engage in melodrama and childish tactics. How could anyone get THAT old and even WANT melodrama in their lives?



Good one!!! ROTFL!


Apparently it doesn't take much to get a rotfl from you.


The dems should offer him a deal. They expunge his impeachment in exchange for expunging his entire presidency. The next president will be the 45th.


Donald is so stupid and his ego so massive that I can't see him agreeing to that. He would see it as some form of accepting defeat/surrendering to the dems. His neanderthal base would bellow and beat their chests over that.


I would leave it alone. In ten years nobody will remember anything that whitey did or had been done to them.


I want his presidency expunged.


If only...


Maybe a HEART ATTACK, STROKE, or the VIRUS from CHINA will be able to STOP him???

So whereas the IMPEACHMENT PROCESS didn't work ... due to the way he kept OBSTRUCTING CONGRESS ... by withholding DOCUMENTS from them and REFUSING to LET any WITNESSES TESTIFY against him ... maybe these other things could finally be a way to put an END to him and to his RIDICULOUS DISPLAYS of EXTREMELY INFANTILE BEHAVIOR???

Will also be keeping the FINGERS crossed in hopes that something like this can get rid of him.

Will also even MAKE a PREDICTION that by 6.6.20 something will happen to him that will mean we're finally able to GET RID of him.

Have you NOTICED how his EYES look a lot more PUFFY lately???

Almost like they're DISAPPEARING behind all of that FAT that SURROUNDS them???

Perhaps that's also a SIGN that all of those BURGERS and FRIES and all of that other FAST FOODS that he consumes have finally taken their TOLL on him???



He will win by so much in November this circus will be forgotten.
