MovieChat Forums > Politics > #Pencedemic - Pence: "Ivanka is working ...

#Pencedemic - Pence: "Ivanka is working on the coronavirus cure as we speak!"

We're in very safe hands, everyone! Don't you worry about a thing!


The comments are hilarious.


The comments are priceless! I love the photo of Ivanka.


You post this thread and yet you think you're being sober and somber to a situation that has caused people to die and has affected many lives and families? Again, Orange Man Bad takes precedent. Collateral damage be damned! What a vile and wretched person you are. And Bucky, you associate with this vermin? Disappointing.


T-rump said to stay clean and just wash your hands (like Mommy tells you) and you'll be fine. This virus will be gone by April, according to him. No worries.


I like how you change your tune once you're called out smugly celebrating the stock market sliding downward while willfully ignoring the context of the cause of the slide. Then again, your willful ignorance was because you didn't care about it anyway. You and your ilk are so wound up in vitriol that you only care about Orange Man Bad. Isn't that pathetic? I know your fragile ego won't allow you admit it, but maybe some of the other posters that are less pigheaded might get the message. 🤪🤪🤪


"Hurray for coronavirus! Yay! It's turning the tide and making everybody poorer! Yay! Let's throw a parade for the coronavirus! "


Who's celebrating the stock market slide ?


Again, I love when I'm being taken out of context. After all that I have done for you, you still choose Ignorance over the truth. You don't have to be here to stress yourself out like this. You'd save so much money on prozac if you simply exercised some personal restraint.

What is free is my advice and my prescription, which is Alice the Fairy. Daily doses of Alice the Fairy would warm your wretched heart and begin the healing process. However, I cannot administer your doses for you. That is up to you. Your choice is to choose a path of wholesome loving healing, or continue down the misery of Ignorance and wretchedness.


"Hurray for coronavirus! Yay! It's turning the tide and making everybody poorer! Yay! Let's throw a parade for the coronavirus! "

Your direct quote, not taken out of context. Sorry to embarrass you.


If it's my direct quote, why did you EDIT IT, pray tell? Why did you leave out the rest of the post intentionally, pray tell?

That's okay. Everybody that comes to these boards knows your MO. They're not as stupid and naive as you. Even the ones that agree with your viewpoints over mine, still know that you chose your Orange Man Bad propaganda over being tactful and compassionate. Your constant displays of being a pathetic and wretched person is the norm. Like I always say, what else is new? 🤪🤪🤪


It will never get cured here as long as we eat dogs,cats,rats,bats like they do in other countries.


T-rump said it will be gone by April.


Get cured? LOL. This is a big world and blood and guts get sloshed around and these things happen.

We in the U.S. eat cows and pigs and chickens and squirrel and deer and some gobble on penis.

In all seriousness, the CDC needs to be funded and not turned into a skeleton crew like many gov't agencies have been turned into with budget cuts. But hey, we had to lessen the tax burden on billionaires. That's what was important at the time. We have to keep those billionaires comfortable.


I can see it already... newly patented Ivanka brand face masks.
