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“Liberate Minnesota, liberate Michigan and liberate Virginia!” - T-rump

Yesterday, T-rump encouraged his demented base to protest across the country by telling them to “Liberate Minnesota, liberate Michigan and liberate Virginia!” during the pandemic.

Just a reminder that 25 years ago on the same day (April 19), right-wing terrorists liberated the Murrah Building in Oklahoma, lest we forget.


Those states have a lockdown issued to May 4th. He is just getting them from extending it. Texas opens May 1st,good luck to a democrat governor trying to milk this china virus thing longer than they should.


How did this go from reopening the states for commerce to the tragic bombing of the Murrah Federal Building by the evil, despicable Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols and co-conspirtators? I’m beginning to think the OP is losing it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I knew this would go way over your head.


Your Lord and Savior djt doesn't know VE Day from VJ day, never heard of the Korean War, likely thinks the Fourth of July is Abraham Lincoln's birthday and 9/11 means eleven minutes after nine.
Anyone who is running the country is supposed to know what days we acknowledge as important to remember, and not foment insurrection - any day - much less on an important date in recent history.
That's the thing with Trumpers -- they have no sense of dignity, proportion, history, nothing. Trump can act like an imbecile and it doesn't seem to matter. Bizarre.


Have a nice rant, snowflake?🤪🤪🤪


This is why it went way over kspkap’s head, as I knew it would.


Y'know, it's not like I like to pile on, and I don't enjoy getting upset over how frustratingly obtuse so many t-apologists are. But when a supposed leader is so tone deaf - and his followers still follow - I'm so discouraged and disgusted I feel someone has to speak up for basic human decency and sense. I can't see our country fall into chaos and dictatorship, autocracy, fascism, what have you, w/o saying something.


I'm so discouraged and disgusted I feel someone has to speak up for basic human decency and sense. I can't see our country fall into chaos and dictatorship, autocracy, fascism, what have you, w/o saying something.

I feel the exact same way - it's called patriotism, which is something T-rumptards lack. I've explained this in the past, time and time again, when I'm asked why I post here as often as I do. I can't sit back quietly and watch our beloved country fall apart - like the T-rumpers are doing.


elcamino you know jack shit


All Trump cares about is re-election. Calling for protests conflicts with a gradual approach. But having protests allows him to rally his base and fill them with fake news about how the dems are doing this and that to make the pandemic worse so he can campaign on it.


I guess that’s a step in the right direction as you dems kept say his priority was to line his pockets, yes?

How many times do you change his motive just to fit your narrative? Your argumentative skills suck. Then again, you’re just following your indoctrinated scripted talking points. Really, somebody from your Animal Farm should tell your kommissar the script isn’t working outside the already indoctrinated.

Find any typos, grammar nazi ultraviolent?🤪🤪🤪



That's amazing.


You’re so easily amazed. That must be why you voted for him - he easily amazed you.


Those people must have a death wish. And what they're putting on our health care workers' backs is terrible. We brought the death rates down, so now bring them back up??
