MovieChat Forums > Politics > T-rump said “ Hundreds of Governors” are...

T-rump said “ Hundreds of Governors” are calling him

T- rump is telling his base that “ hundreds of governors “ are calling him asking for help during the crisis. T-rumpers believe him.


In a country which has fifty states.

Do the math.




No source located. Just another assumption or words taken out of context. This board is rife with Trump haters who post whatever they feel like posting...without links of course.


Where's your link? Or are you just making stuff up, spouting another biased opinion? Crooked Hilary? Scared John Kerry? Obama not born in the US? After all the lies that have emanated from the wrong wing, how any of you can claim the high ground is nauseating


Chill down. He's just saying that the OP didn't provide any link (as usual). It seems just more fake news.


Google it.


Nothing appears by 'hundred of governors'. I guess you mean this
"Trump has in recent days sympathized with protesters who turned out by the hundreds in states across the country"

Little tip: 'hundreds in states' is not the same than 'hundreds of states'.


Here it is.


LOL! 🤣I think everyone in my house heard me laugh! Priceless!


Where's the link dogdump? Better yet, why do you even care? These pointless quips are like a gold miner finding a gold nugget to you, yes? Pathetic much?

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪


Texas governor isn't waiting for Donald.Open throttle on opening the state.




So, we could give you hundreds of clips like that from governors -- including Democratic, or 'Democrat,' as I call them, governors, which is actually the correct term. We could give you hundreds of clips just like that. We have them. We didn't want this to go on too long, but I just want to say it's -- you know, it's very sad when people write false stories like, in that case, I guess it was gotten mostly from the New York Times, which is a highly -- I mean, if you had libel laws, they would have been out of business even before they'll end up going out of business. So, it's too bad. But we could have given you -- you saw the statements. We have hundreds of statements. Hundreds of statements, including from Democrats and Democrat governors."

I'll just leave this here...


Thank you! Got the OP again! 👏🏻👏🏻Mountains out of molehills is his game. One of the worst prevaricators to ever be on a board. God hates LIARS!


I'm not out to get him, just correcting/informing him. I have no hate (maybe slight dislike) on anyone on the boards as some do here as we all have a difference of opinions although I may defend myself if someone starts throwing insults rather than debating. Heck, sometimes I am wrong at some things as well and don't mind being corrected. You won't see me using DemoRats or T-rump/Rethuglicans or whatever it is people come up with.


I appreciate your viewpoint, but he doesn’t like to be shown he erred. I started out jesting with him, attempting to ignore his snide replies, name calling, ad hominem attacks, but he is beyond hope. He despises Trump and his voters. There’s no reasoning with him. I searched and searched for a link to his OP, but could not find one. He does this all the time...posting what he sees on social media without confirming the source. I will not reply to him unless I have confirmation. I thank you for locating the truth. I also don’t malign Dems with a derogative name.


Would you call dogdump's "doctored" "misread" "tailored" "halftruth" post as propaganda?


I would most certainly! “Propaganda Man” is his new title.
