No Beer

No Beer possible. The lockdown causes no driving and using gas. That makes gas production stop which causes no ethanol which makes the co2 for the beer.


"Ethanol producers are a key provider of CO2 to the food industry, as they capture that gas as a byproduct of ethanol production and sell it in large quantities."


This beer-making instruction states:
"Live yeast still in your beer will convert the additional sugars to carbon dioxide while in the bottle. The carbon dioxide has no way to escape the bottle resulting in carbonated beer."

If you'd like to make your own home-brewed beer:

You're welcome! : )


Oh no! More panic buying! This time it will be soft drinks (there are some who are addicted), carbonated water, etc. Maybe I shouldn’t have returned the SodaStream...darn it! 😟😒

Hmm? Interesting bit of news. There’s someone on this board who will be weeping and gnashing of teeth after reading this! And here’s the link: Leaving links...good! Not leaving links...bad!

β€œTRAGIC NEWS' Mayor who quit days ago after calling Trump β€˜racist’ and comparing supporters to KKK dies in plane crash”

A comment left by Bobby Cullari: (not me)
- Love It!
We call this complete Karma! Good riddance....


You are a despicable person. Why are you tee-heeing over this tragedy and celebrating this man's tragic death ? What kind of an evil person are you ?

I've called you out before, and you keep proving my point - you are an evil person with no soul and a black heart. Despicable in every sense of the word.





You are a despicable person. Why are you tee-heeing over this tragedy and celebrating this man's tragic death ? What kind of an evil person are you ?

I've called you out before, and you keep proving my point - you are an evil person with no soul and a black heart. Despicable in every sense of the word.


Careful! You're rejoicing in the misfortune of someone while bringing up Karma.


She's despicable and evil. Notice how none of the T-rumptards are calling her out for tee-heeing and rejoicing over such horrible news ? She's a black-hearted person.


I'm not surprised. Many of Trump's cult cheered torturing young children. They have no soul so they support a sociopath and refuse to see his policies have hurt them and the country.


Prove it, kkk.

You can’t, can you because you’re talking out of your ass as usual. What else is new? Still nada.


I present you as Exhibit A.




So you’re like a child and you consider me rekting you as torture? Grow up, child. Take some responsibility for once or is that your kommissar’s job?πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


Can’t wait till she responds with her usual β€œ I was misunderstood!”
