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No Democrat Nomination Convention

Reasons most likely
1 They want to keep the China Virus hype going
2 Biden is a idiot
3 Biden again is a idiot
4 Biden the Idiot will be replaced by Cromo and they don't want it done in public
5 Drunken Hillary will want to go to it,and she shouldn't be seen in public.
6 All of these reasons and others.




Terry McAuliffe, the former Virginia governor and former chairman of the DNC, fueled even more skepticism on Wednesday when he deemed a Milwaukee convention “unlikely,” period.


you guys are afraid that the convention will nominate Cuomo then the orange one is doomed
also if no election we win with Pelosi getting the nod even better


That's your source? Seriously ?

The host committee for the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee announced Thursday that it cut its staff by more than half, raising further doubts about the convention taking place as previously planned because of the coronavirus pandemi


Says in the article the DNCC is the group which makes the decision, and Joe Solmonese, CEO of the Democratic National Convention Committee said nothing of the kind of "No Democrat Nomination Convention" as you sayin your thread title.


Well my mindreading told me no Trump impeachment along with no DNC convention. I don't know what yours is telling you.


T-rump was impeached on December 18, 2019. Where were you ?

He's been impeached for four months, going on five.


Who was just on tv then a minute ago?


I don't know I don't have TV on.


El Camino was asking who is STILL the president of USA? Pray tell, dogdump? That's a softball question. Show everybody you can hit it out of the park!

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump? 🤪🤪🤪


No, he asked who was on TV - I don't know since I didn't have the TV on.


I'm just asking how did he get reelected president if he was impeached? But I suppose impeachment is just a press thing to get ratings.




Is he nutz, or what ? How does he get along in life?


how did he get reelected president
Let's just appreciate that little tidbit on its own, shall we?

It truly boggles the mind that after we literally spent months going through the whole process and discussing it here that anyone could still think "impeached" is synonymous with "removed from office"


I still can't get past his comment about being re-elected. This is the best the T-rumptards have to offer on this forum.



I don't think Biden is an idiot.

He is a terrible nominee.

And Hillary (I don't know why CON-MEDIA are still obsessed with the Clinton's) they don't rule the party...she lost the nominee to Obama over a decade ago and Bill is now an outcast from his own party.

The only thing that matters is keeping the virus death scale going from 0 to 90 with world opening up again.

Let's keep up that most importantly.

We'll see what happens...


Most likely reason is there's a goddamned pandemic going on and not holding an enormous meeting in the middle of it is the only thing that makes sense from a public health standpoint.


Only if you don't know that more people kill themselves or overdose each year than this does. But the democrats want to do a rush to take over and will try any con to do it. It will happen naturally as everyone coming to live here is a communist. The Supreme Court will stop any crooked thing the democrats want to do. Democrats need to take the presidency legally then can change the country to the toilet than want. 50K suicides,70K overdoses


When one person kills themselves, how does that become contagious and affect others around them ? When someone overdoses, how does that become contagious and affect others around them ?

Do tell....


I'm saying the DMC has never cancelled before even when things kill more than this. They want a excuse for a mailin thing that the Supreme court will turn down. No excuse when millions of people will go see Wonder Woman in theaters the same month.with the Republicans having there conventions.Just win the presidency legally then change the laws.


I'm saying the DMC has never cancelled before even when things kill more than this.

And I'm asking how contagious are those 'things which kill more than this' ? Are they as contagious as COVID 19 is currently? More contagious ? Less contagious ? That is the question.

Do tell...


They can cancel as most likely no one will pay to advertise as the reason most likely.


You still can't answer my question? Let me ask again, in case you missed it (and you can 'phone a friend' for help with the answer - maybe Shitman27 can help?)

How contagious are those 'things which kill more than this' ? Are they as contagious as COVID 19 is currently? More contagious ? Less contagious ? That is the question.


It isn't contagious in August. It just a excuse for not having it because nobody will advertise on it. Elton John tours in June with millions of people going to it. He isn't a idiot though like Biden.


You still can't answer my question? Let me ask again, in case you missed it (and you can 'phone a friend' for help with the answer - maybe Shitman27 can help?)

How contagious are those 'things which kill more than this' ? Are they as contagious as COVID 19 is currently? More contagious ? Less contagious ? That is the question.


They will just use this to try a mail thing vote. Supreme court will just laugh as to many others don't have a problem.


OK - I will tell you the answer since you can't figure out the answer and keep spitting out non-sequiturs.

They are NOT contagious at all. The COVID 19 is extremely contagious, bu suicides and overdoses are NOT contagious at all.

Thanks for playing!


But the virus is gone in August. It is just a thing to use for no advertisers for the convention so no tv station would waste the time to show it.I though would like to see drunken Hillary pass out again and go face first into a plate of spagettii at the table.


Again, I gave you the correct answer. The game is over (you lost).

Thanks for playing! There are some consolation prizes waiting for you at the exit.



The Donald reelected is my prize as well as to many millions more.


Actually, both of those do grow in clusters, similar to a virus. But they've had a long period to do so (decades/centuries) and don't have anything like the growth rate of this virus which only started a few months ago.


I see. Someone voluntarily killing themselves is equivalent to you playing Russian roulette with everyone in the world. Give me a break.

Also, you will have to show me where suicides are growing at an exponential rate to convince me it has anything like the threat level of this virus.


He's completely devoid of any facts or common sense.


I should add the countries business people know idiot Biden will lose so they won't pay the money to advertise on it.


The convention is for the voters selected delegates to officially select a nominee. The communist Democrat party leadership has been ignoring its voters interests for decades. They serve themselves.

In 2016 they didn’t even bother hiding it anymore when they rigged their debates and primaries so Bernie couldn’t win. These people know their voters are ignorant sheep and will do whatever hate night tv tells them to do.

That’s communism.


Macy's 4th of July parade/fireworks is going to happen. But they have people to advertise on that so it will be on tv also.


At least they held primaries instead of some GOP states just canceling them to please Trump.


So you believe making people waste gas for no reason is right. Think of the pollution and possible car wrecks and injures having a primary when he already has the delegates is the right thing to do.


Meanwhile the Republicans are encouraging people to vote in-person during a pandemic. Gtfo.


The voting is months away. Till then we have the Elton John tour,Wonder Woman movie,Macy's parade to go to.
