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This coronavirus has shown how fragile capitalism is.

Lets face it as far as global disasters go this coronavirus is pretty low on the scale and yet it has caused major problems to the capitalist system. If this goes on for the rest of the year I can't see how a collapse of the global economy will be avoidable.


More like it just shows how dangerous bio-warfare is. Fuck nuclear weapons or conventional warfare. Bio-warfare is where it's at. All it takes is patient 0 and bam, whole country can be in hell on Earth. Easy to win a war that way from the looks of it, if it were any more dangerous that is. Given how many times China keeps pumping out new viruses every couple of years or so before a bigger pandemic, one thinks they could be doing this intentionally for other nefarious purposes besides population control. Seeing how they'll NEVER close down those wet markets, expect another one again in the near future in about 10 years or less. If this happens again, I can only laugh or just shake my head at how we keep letting this happen by doing nothing again China.


It shows leadership is important. Calling it a hoax and refusing to take the threat seriously months ago delayed containing the virus. The United States president had traditionally been a world leader until now. We would've faced an Ebola pandemic if Trump had been president a few years ago.


Excellent post!!!!




kkk, in what date should Trump have locked down the country, pray tell?

How would we have faced an Ebola panic, pray tell? Give me the details of how it happens?

Don’t worry. I’m not expecting any kind of rational or sane answer.


Yep it’s just terrible. It’s only created the wealthiest country in history with more wealthy people than anywhere else in the world.

Then you have the communist Democrat party system in Cuba China and Venezuela. Remember all those people who died trying to get into those countries because of the vast opportunities? Me neither.


Has the coronavirus shown how fragile capitalism is ? Yes it has. A sensible person might wonder how capitalism could be altered and improved so that it was more resilient. By contrast a kneejerk moron would immediately get into a flap and start spouting off about dirty commies. Congratulations.
