MovieChat Forums > Politics > T-rump adivsers: When all else is faili...

T-rump adivsers: When all else is failing, start a war in the middle east !

Economy has become a dumpster fire ? Unemployment is skyrocketing ? Global pandemic you didn't know how to control ? Stock market in the toilet ? Your re-election prospects circling the drain ? The first term of your Presidency is stained with Impeachment, record administration indictments, incompetence and complete failures ?

There's a way out, Donald T-rump! According to the Republican Playbook, when everything is failing and you're re-election looks dim at best in another five months, just start a war in the middle east ! Got that ?

Just start a war...or pretend to start a war. Threaten to start a war ! This will manipulate the stock market for a while, and drive up oil prices again, just by rattling your saber and threatening war in the Arabian Gulf via Tweet. This will distract everyone from everything falling apart in America right now.

Go ahead, give it your best shot Mr. President...

"I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea."

Excellent! You rock!


Where's the link, dogdump? Propaganda puppet much?

You trust NPR, yes?

So tell me, what are the American ships in international waters supposed to do when harassed and approached by enemy ships that can pose a potential risk, pray tell?

A. Do nothing
B. Warn them with words only
C. Warn them that hostile action will be met with extreme prejudice

Which one is most effective to deescalate the situation and keep our soldiers out of harms way, pray tell?

I mean, how much of a pansy are you? If have Barrett 50 cal. in your hand and you let some toddler gangbangers harass your mother everyday and she let's you know she's not happy about it, do you just give it a pass and allow it to continue? Grow a pair!

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪🤪




That didn't take much. The truth hurts, doesn't it? Especially when it's from a site like NPR, yes? Rekt much, dogdump?

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?


You're right with the first sentence - didn't take much at all for you to put me to sleep. You're very boring.


Per you, not only are my posts a waste of time, they are also boring. Yet, here you are. Again. And again. And again. And again.

If this isn’t an admission of nothing to live for in life, then I don't know what one is. Now you say you believe everything you say, yes? Is this another glorious display of that? I mean, you insult yourself. I don’t have to do anything.😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?


Per you, not only are my posts a waste of time, they are also boring.

Per many of us, Eric. How many times do we have to pint out you're not a good troll ? That means you're predictable and boring. Need I say more ?


So then why do you keep ignoring the sign and continue to feed the troll, as they say, pray tell? You keep coming back, do you not? Again and again. Time after time. I mean, how fragile is your ego to try to save face in protecting the stupid things you've already said? Why can't you just admit that you painted yourself into the stupid corner? I mean you acknowledged your idiocy from your own words. I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

How many times have I given you free advice and said your freestylin' sucks. it's not going to change overnight. Stick to your indoctrinated scripted responses.

Find any typos, grammar nazi dogdump?🤪🤪





Just start a war...or pretend to start a war. Threaten to start a war

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, she wanted to start a war with Syria and Russia, a very real one...

Actually, had Trump lost the election, there would have been a likely war between US and Russia. And, if China decided to enter, perhaps WW3.


Actually, had Trump lost the election, there would have been a likely war between US and Russia. And, if China decided to enter, perhaps WW3.

You're speculating.


And it worked, somewhat - he did manipulate the stock market today:

23,475.82 +456.94 (1.99%)

He needs to manipulate it more for us to go back to the 29,000s like we were two months ago and save his re-election.


Meh, tit for tat. Hillary wanted more military ops against Assad to help the Saudis. Trump wants a Yemeni genocide/proxy war against Iran to help the Saudis. He pushed back on the former just to escalate the latter.

The truth is most of the GOP agrees with Hillary. With the exception of Rand Paul, she would've had no push-back from the GOP with her Assad operations. Just like the only push-back Trump seems to get from the right on his genocide is from Rand Paul republicans.

Trump was supposed to be the anti-McCain, yet he keeps banging the "ba-ba-ba, ba-bomb Iran" war drums.


The truth is most of the GOP agrees with Hillary


And now you're trying to pin Hillary's and Obama's policies in Syria... to... wait for it... to Republicans!!! No matter it was the Republicans the ones that stopped it from escalating to an open war with Syrian and Russia, and no matter the woke leftist mainstream media called Trump a Russian puppet because of that.


Actually no. I'm not pinning Hillary's policies as the fault of Republicans. I do criticize Hillary's policies as being too republican though. It's a problem the DNC establishment has. Even though the GOP is worse (as they proved with Iraq), Trump poised himself as being to the left of Hillary in 2016. In 2008 he even said Pelosi and the dems should've impeached Bush for war crimes. In 2016 he pretty much scolded everybody who favored the Iraq War. Even though he was a repub, he had the freedom to claim he was different since he wasn't a politician who had to spend a career placating to donors. Hillary didn't have that freedom because her vote for the Iraq War (as well as Jeb's, etc) were all on record. Trump took it a step further to criticize Hillary's ties to Wall Street. The GOP loves Wall Street. Trump also criticized her corporate stance on the TPP, going against capitalists. The GOP loved the TPP. Again, he had that freedom because he wasn't a politician. But the truth is truth. He beat Hillary in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan by punching her from the left. So Biden's only shot at winning is the coronavirus, which may be possible because Trump bungled it so hard.


I do criticize Hillary's policies as being too republican though.


Hillary's policies were just a more extreme version of Obama's. And not to far from deep state and mainstream media ones. After all, media charged against Trump for stopping the Syrian escalation.

For some reason, this is a very common attitude in modern left: when something is proved wrong, they pin in their political opponents, because they can't do wrong! Escalating the war was a very bad idea, so it must be Republican!!! Something similar happened with the KKK, which was founded by the Democrat party, but they keep pinning it on Republicans.


Why bring up Hillary and Obama when T-rump is President (as much as T-rumptards are slowly regretting it), and this is his re-election year, not Hillary's nor Obama's ?

Why always turn to 'what-aboutism' for diversion from the facts and truth ?


pubs JUMPED on the opportunity to bolster and profit from the Dem's abandonment of racist policies. The Dems evolved over time to work hard at being representative of what's best for America, while pubs are happy to dwell in the muck and mud of identity politics and scraping the bottom for whatever desperate and gullible voting bases they can appeal to. Pinning the KKK on Dems is beyond despicable and disingenuous. Dems took that lemon to the junkyard, it's the pubs who dragged it back out and tries to resell it to the public.


"It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
- William Shakespeare


LOL! Great reply and so fitting!


Oh wow. Now you're a Shakespeare admirer? Tell us more !
I figure rump is a modern day comic-tragic figure, so full of hubris and dense to his own shortcomings while the kingdom crumbles around him and he fulminates at the lack of support. Everyone is against him, everyone lies about him ... c'mon, man ! He's a clown and it's not funny.


Elect a clown, expect a circus.


I love how the trickle truth came out in your post.





Once again, this person proves that eating Tide Pods is not the most constructive use of time when being quarantined.



T-rump suggests you inject yourself with Lysol these days. Try it out and let us know how it works.



How about blasting yourself with ultraviolet light ? He's theorizing about that too - needs some volunteers to prove he's right. You should be one of his volunteers and prove how smart he is.



But his below is a sign of GLEE & GRATIFICATION of the worst kind. This person wants the WORST for this unique and special country.

This is what so many of have posting. Something bad happens and the first word of his OP is usually:

He lives, eats, and sleeps for the bad in order to blame Trump. He at times is gleeful when he should be mournful. Anything to rid the country of Trump even if it takes a pandemic. He definitely is cursed with the Trump Derangement Syndrome.


He lives, eats, and sleeps for the bad in order to blame Trump. He at times is gleeful when he should be mournful. Anything to rid the country of Trump even if it takes a pandemic. He definitely is cursed with the Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I couldn't have said it better!
He's a very sick puppy.


The sociopath is still following me!


You seemed to have made a remarkable, miraculous recovery in the span of a few days. Don't you think ?


You can do a lot of things while bed ridden. I had the same thing happen to me about 13 years ago and was hospitalized for 5 days. Almost crashed on them. MRSA Still quite weak, but as I wrote the world doesn’t stop. I still have a dog to tend to besides myself. There are duties & chores to be handled.


You are a Superhero, if you're this far removed from where you were just a few days ago. Quite shocking, to be honest. Quite shocking, in lieu of a more accurate word.


I have a sneaking suspicion you are insinuating or assuming again. If you look there was a 2 day lapse in my posts. Those 2 were the days I ran 104. By the 3rd day 102 then proceeding downward each day. Even on the days I had the 104 and 102 I still had to sanitize everything then collapse on the bed. I was in so much pain I was taking morphine.

When my kids were babies motherhood didn’t stop just because I ran a 102 plus.
Have you ever had to tend to someone other than yourself?
