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Biden speaks out about accuser: "Look at her — look at her words...I don't think so."

Biden speaks out about his accuser, who claims he 'digitally penetrated her' in 1993.

"Look at her — look at her words...I don't think so."

His lawyer went further to clarify: "I think what [he] is really trying to say is that [she's] not somebody that he would be attracted to, and therefore, the whole thing is nonsense."

OOOPS - my mistake ! Sorry! This isn't Biden and his lawyer saying this, after all. This was T-rump and his then-lawyer Michael Cohen saying this in October , 2016 when T-rump was accused yet again for sexually assaulting over a dozen women at the time. The number of accusers have now passed 25.


OK, I got the correct response from Biden. Here it is:

“I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, OK?”

WHOOPS - that was T-rump as well, defending himself from columnist E. Jean Carroll, who's credible testimony says she was raped by T-rump in a department store dressing room 20 years ago.

Let me find that Biden statement....


columnist E. Jean Carroll, who's credible testimony says she was raped by T-rump

NY Times: "E. Jean Carroll said she does not want to consider herself a victim and does not describe the incident with Donald Trump as a rape."

In the mid 1990s she also publicly described her own rape "fantasies" and later confessed to routinely sexually harassing Roger Ailes when they both worked for the forerunner of MSNBC.


"E Jean Carroll says she received death threats after accusing Trump of rape"


I'll note your post isn't a direct quote from her. But if you want to have a contest about who's received the most death threats, Trump and Republicans in general win that every time. Heck, even Democrats do when they accuse other Democrats:

"Last year, when Reade publicly alleged that Biden had made her feel uncomfortable by touching her neck and shoulders, Reade said she received death threats, and that a victim advocate had advised her to speak to the police."


Read the link and you will get direct quotes from E. Jean Carroll. Not recommended for those with a sensitive stomach.


You mean like the Carroll quotes I linked to where she's calling rape "sexy" that prompted Cooper to cut to commercial, or those from the 90s where she's discussing her rape fantasies, or those where she's bragging about sexually harassing Roger Ailes?

How about the ones where she expresses general hatred for men?

Not recommended for those with a sensitive stomach.


According to Reade, in 1993 she called whatever it was that Biden did to her - whether it was rubbing her shoulder or digitally penetrating her, we don't know because her story keeps changing - 'uncomfortable'. This according to the documents she filed and swore to in 1993.

She never called it 'rape' or 'sexual assault'.


She didn't change her story, she filled it out with more details. She also has no political or career motive to lie, unlike Carroll, nor has Reade discussed rape fantasies, called rape "sexy", or confessed to sexually harassing others like Carroll has.

Instead Democrats are trying to destroy read by releasing pictures they dug up of her dancing or something when she was a young aspiring actress, as if that has anything to do with this or should hurt her credibility. Oh and they're spinning a conspiracy theory about her being a Russian spy. Because that's what Democrats started to doing to everyone three years ago. I guess that lie is to keep the dumbest segments of their online base in line.


Yesterday I heard she was supposed to go on Chris Wallace's show Sunday morning but backed out because she was getting death threats.

Gee, I wonder who might be making death threats?! 🤔😵


You think it's the same people who made death threats to Christine Blasey Ford and her family back in October 2018 ???


Who you kiddin'? She never got any threats. 😏

Brett Kavanaugh on the other hand...


"Filling it out with more detail" (otherwise known as 'updating' it ) is changing her story, moron.

First - in 1993 - she said he made her feel 'uncomfortable', which is quite vague. 26 years later she said he 'rubbed her shoulders'. Now she's saying he 'digitally penetrated her'. That's changing the story ('filling it out with more detail' as you say) two times.


She didn't contradict herself, moron. When a witness expounds on her testimony under questioning one doesn't say she "changed her story".

An example of someone changing his story would be Biden and Democrats saying "Believe all women."


You can't find it because Biden hasn't been asked about it, moron. Thank you for driving home the corrupt media's double standard.

doggiedaddy self owns again.


Well when he is asked about it, he can use one of T-rump's responses, right ? And the T-rumptards will give him an EZ Pass, correct ?


You mean they shouldn't treat Biden as you and your comrades have treated Trump, Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, and other accused Republicans for years?


No, T-rumptards should treat him exactly the same. They should shame the female accuser, call her a liar, and let Biden yell 'fake news!' And T-rumptards should believe Biden over the woman.

Don't you agree ?


Biden should be put through the circus and the scrutiny what Kavanugh went through.

Don't you agree?


I agree 100%! The exact same "circus and scrutiny" as Kavanaugh. And Reade should get the exact same treatment as Christine Blasey Ford did. T-rumptards should start a smear campaign against Reade immediately - and call her a liar.

Don't you agree ?


Except Reade is a lot more credible than Ford. Ford couldn't give a straight answer on what happened, when it happened, who was there, etc.


How so? Reade has changed her story multiple times. Last year, after 26 years, she said he rubbed her shoulders - no mention of his fingers up her dress. That's not something you forget in a sexual assault case. Now she's saying he went further.

And in 1993 when she said the incident happened, she filed a complaint (according to her) which said he made her feel uncomfortable. No mention of sexual assault.

Sorry - that's not 'credible' in any stretch of the imagination.


All women deserve to be heard doogie style and a serious investigation needs to be launched into Joe Biden's past and at the very least that rapist needs to spend the rest of his life in prison getting a taste of his own medicine by some 400 pound cellmate named Big Bubba.


'All women' except those who have credible accusations and lawsuits against T-rump, correct ? That is what you mean, correct ?


Nope I’m just going by the liberal standard all women should be heard, you support a rapist and not only that you are victimizing her a second time you sick f-cker


So you do believe those two dozen women who have credible accusations against T-rump should be heard ! Why haven't you been saying this for the past five years ? Why have you been supporting a rapist for the past five years ? Why have you been victimizing them over and over for the past five years ?

To paraphrase you - you're a slack-jawed, red-neck sick f-cker.


Totally irrelevant to the topic of discussion, also let's examine your logic, by your own line of thinking Trump got away with sexual harassment, therefore Joe Biden gets to get away with rape just to even things out meaning Tara Reade just has to put up with it to even things out. Is that really how you see women? What the hell is wrong with you? That mentality is far worse than anything President Trump ever did you sexist misogynist. Also the DemoKKKrats are the ones who get on their sanctimonious high horse about being champions for women's rights and that they want all women to be heard but the truth is they couldn't care less about any woman who has been raped, they are just political pawns for the left, they are evil people down to their core and it's disturbing that people like you support them.


Great attempt to twist my statements to fit your T-rumptard narrative.

And by the way, when it comes to women being sexually abused and raped, none of their cases are "totally irrelevant to the topic of discussion", no matter how much you need to defend T-rump. To dismiss any of the 25 women who have come out against T-rump as 'irrelevant to the topic' is disgraceful - that mentality is far worse than anything Biden ever did you sexist misogynist.


I didn't twist your words at all libtard. According to you since you think that Trump has gotten away with sexual harassment then we should allow Joe Biden to get away with rape to level the playing field meaning Tara Reade just has to put up with it and learn her place. You see women as political pawns, you don't care at all about women's rights, you are an evil evil f-cker.

And yes you did deflect because you know you can't defend Biden and you can't stand on your own two feet, we need to launch a very serious investigation into his past and he belongs in prison where he'll hopefully get a taste of his own medicine from his cellmate.


Typical liberal, deflection. Trump's allegations were discussed and debunked in 2016, so its pointless in going back to to them. What-about-ism is the left's finest deflection tactic.


LOL! Debunked by whom ? Jeff Sessions? Sean Spicer ? Melania ?

Do tell who 'debunked' these. We're waiting...


Republicans treated Ford with kid gloves and way too much respect. You're confusing that with how the Clinton machine used scorched earth tactics to try to destroy Bill's (far more credible) accusers like Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, and Juanita Broddrick.

Republicans have always been about due process and following the evidence. Democrats were all about "believe all women" just a couple of years ago.


Republicans treated Ford with kid gloves and way too much respect.


Sorry, after start your first sentence with a blatant lie, I couldn't continue with the rest of your 'alternate truth' post.


You must have not watched the hearings or listened to various Republicans praising her there or in the media, with even many who disagreed with her challenging her memory rather than her honesty.

But then I don't recall the last time you typed a completely true post.


That's because you don't know the meaning of 'true', as you've demonstrated on this forum over and over again. You always go with 'alternate truth'.


Says the biggest liar on the board.


I've noticed whenever Democrats lose they always claim the deck was stacked against them. They are a bunch of bitchy crybabies.


He's not lying, the Republicans allowed her to be heard and they listened despite the fact that she was not credible and there was no evidence at all that Justice Kavanaugh did anything inapropriate. The same thing cannot be said for Biden, he is a rapist and you support him.


"No, T-rumptards should treat him exactly the same. They should shame the female accuser, call her a liar, and let Biden yell 'fake news!' And T-rumptards should believe Biden over the woman."

Well there you go, Doggie Style is just as bad as his slanderous perception of Republicans. You sir are an absolute disgrace, you are worse than any rapist out there.


Thanks ! This board was missing more wisdom from a slackjawed red-neck like you.



Wrong on all counts, would you like a cookie for being completely ignorant as always?


No, honestly - the forum was missing more wisdom from a slackjawed red-neck like you.

You stand corrected.


Still ignorant as always doggiestyle.


Here's more of what Biden said, caught on a hot mic:

"I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

My mistake - that was what T-rump was saying about actress Arianne Zucker to Billy Bush in 2007, while married to Trophy Wife #3 (Melania).


"Let". Consensual. Hyperbolic locker room talk. We've actually seen Biden grab and kiss girls....of all ages...who visibly did not want him to do it, with at least 8 women going on record saying he made them feel violated and uncomfortable. That's in addition to the rape accusation by his former employee Tara Reade.

And these women are Democrats, not Republicans.


"Let". Consensual. Hyperbolic locker room talk.

OK,Melania - keep defending the sexual assaulter. (For the record, NONE of the women who have come out against him with sexual abuse claims ever said they 'let' him, and it was consensual. NONE. But go ahead and defend this sicko).


You mean the claims (at least some paid for by Democratic attorneys in a publicized fishing expedition) that Trump denies, and that are contradicted by other female witnesses present along with other evidence? Apples and oranges. Then stop treating that dumb tape like some kind of confession.

Again, you've already been running against Trump on this since before his first election. What's news is that you're now supporting a credibly accused rapist in Biden. Your anti-Trump arguments have gone flying out the window. They're gone.


Just because T-rump says "Fake News" to 26 women he sexually assaulted and the Republicans are too afraid to question him about it (because he has them by the short hairs) does not make this go away. Even his first wife testified he's a rapist.

But keep defending him - it's what T-rumptards do best. (Just cover your pussy while defending him).


Trump's been dogged for years by the Fake News media on this, and that same media let Biden give about 20 interviews over weeks without asking him a single question about it until he finally announced he'd address it (told to by his advisers who realized it was still hurting him despite the media silence).

Every time you try to attack Trump on this now people can just point out that your candidate is a credibly accused rapist. And people called him "Creepy Joe" even before this. Nice choice.


Trump's been dogged for years by the Fake News media on this,

Bullshit. The media treated him with kind gloves (and he loved the media) since the 80s. They kept his faux 'wealthy businessman' persona going for him.

Remember - he's been a credibly accused rapist since his first wife filed for divorce in 1992. He raped her in their bedroom - and he claimed he couldn't have because there's no such thing as 'marital rape'. What a winner you chose.


😄 The media treated Trump with "kid gloves"? Just when your lying has become banal, you find a way to top yourself, Doggiedaddy. 😄

Your candidate Biden is credibly accused of rape, and not by someone with a motive to lie like a divorcing wife or a member of the opposing political party. So why are you still talking about "rape", moron?


The media treated T-rump with kid gloves when he was on 'The Apprentice', as they were buying his faux persona. They finally caught on to him when he said Mexico was sending us rapists and drug dealers - they realized he was a moron.

Can you point out where Biden has been credibly accused of rape, moron ?


😄 You mean they treated him with kid gloves before he ran for President? That's because he wasn't running for President and threatening their corrupt, anti-American power structure.

Rape and drugs are huge problems on the border, moron. Regular Americans know that, which is why Trump is President while your delusional liberal bubble has been repeatedly disconnected from reality on issue after issue over the years.


You mean they treated him with kid gloves before he ran for President? That's because he wasn't running for President and threatening their corrupt, anti-American power structure.

No, that's because he wasn't saying Mexicans were sending us their rapists and drug dealers. That's because he wasn't calling other countries 'shithole countries'. That's because he didn't say women like when he grabs them by their pussy...

And by 'regular Americans' how do you differentiate them from 'irregular Americans' ? Do tell...


So you concede that the media hasn't been treating Trump with kid gloves since he's been running for president as a Republican. Good. On pussy grabbing he said certain women like it when "you" do it (speaking generally), just to correct your lie once again.

And yeah, challenging the treasonous open borders policy that's been catastrophic for Americans threatens the power of the corrupt establishment class that fancies itself a ruling class.

"Regular Americans" versus the media/establishment class.


The media hasn't been treating him with 'kid gloves' like they did when he was a TV celebrity, they are treating him honestly, accurately and fairly - just like they've done all his predecessors. That's something T-rumptards can't grasp.

On pussy-grabbing, this is what he said (just to correct your alternate facts once again):

"Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

He said nothing about them liking it when grabbed by their pussy, liar. And he speaks with experience. He likes to kiss them (without waiting) and grabbing them by their pussy - sexual assault acts, moron.


LOL! Nope, almost nobody is stupid enough to believe the media has been "fair", you lying moron. They've repeatedly, objective lied on countless fronts, always in one direction (anti-Trump). They're always biased against Republicans, but this jihad is more intense and insane than anything before. President Trump got under their skin and successfully pulled them off sides. They've exposed themselves for what they truly are and have sacrificed all credibility.

It's clear to all honest people that we don't have a news media. We have various types of propaganda outfits, almost all of them left wing.

And yeah, liar. They let "you" do it. He transitioned to a broader point. Stop misquoting him.


Biden and Trump are both shit. We've had more than enough of Trump's shit at this point though.


This system sucks.

We got two idiots running...what a sh!tshow...


When are we gonna get a credible one?

The court system clearly favors DEMS. CLEARLY. If there was a credible accuser, we'd be on court TV NOW



And you F'n KNOW it.


Go back to the nuthouse.


Shouldn't you be out huntin' some squirrels for dinner ?


we need a congressional hearing to sort this mess out. the hearing should be televised and all aspects of Joe Biden's life should on full display. what's fair is fair.


Biden is asking the Senate to release all the documents pertaining to this incident which Reade filed in 1993. #MoscowMitch won't do it. So are you suggesting #MoscowMitch be in charge of yet another sham televised congressional hearing which makes the Republicans look like idiots once again ? Those republican senators up for re-election can't afford to lose more supporters.


Obama and Biden are the reason Trump was elected.
Looking forward to four more years.


OK already, I get it. You want a dementia ridden gropey Joe as president. Now fuck off! I got work to do.
