MovieChat Forums > Politics > I will eat my neighbors - Alex Jones

I will eat my neighbors - Alex Jones

God I miss him so much. He does the darnest comedic things. I can listen to him when he does these types of things or when they've been clip sliced but I can't listen to him ranting for an hour long.


It sure is strange how Alex Jones' life has gone over the cliff only after his boy became president. He was living large during the Obama years, free to concoct any conspiracy and sell multitudes of lead pills.


It's even stranger that krl97a still parrots him on these boards.



A proper comparison would've been if Perry disappeared after Hillary won. Alex Jones got the president he wanted, but now his career is in the dirt. It wasn't like that when he was yelling conspiracies about Obama's birth certificate and fema camps. Jones was in his prime during the Obama years.


People still listen to Alex Jones!?


For you folks, go enjoy some Jesse Lee Peterson if youre gonna go off that deep end....


JLP is an extreme uncle Tom with an apparent learning disability which causes his audience to accept him as a living meme. He literally blames his lack of intelligence on his race. His shtick is just so silly that nobody on the right seems to take him seriously. It's difficult to tell whether he's grifting for the right, or if he's grifting for the memes.

I get the comparison. Alex Jones is also farming for memes. But that makes it more sad. He didn't have to do that during the Obama years.


I mean, idk, I view the both catering to the nutty nut bars honestly....


krl97a, GD5150, Bubba, Satan, kuku, and the rest of them on this forum are still listening to him for the talking points- and then parroting him on the boards here.


Hey, every forum needs their nut bars man. Used to that.
I just hope they stopped putting chemicals in the water. Don't need those d@mn gay frogs....


I've heard he enjoyed it when his wife pooped on him.
