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Biden's donors telling him not to pick Elizabeth Warren as his running mate.

They care more about money than policy. Shows how much oligarchs hate progressives even getting a hundred paces of the White House.


I think she would serve this country much better on the Supreme Court or as Attorney General. Not VP - save that for Klobuchar.


Klobuchar isn't a terrible choice but I dunno if she generates any enthusiasm outside of the midwest.


I think that's what he's hoping for - he needs to concentrate on the midwest, especially the 'suburban women' who voted for the Pussy Grabber in 2016, and are disgusted with him today.

There's also rumors he's been talking to his advisers about Michele Obama (great choice, but then again - maybe Supreme Court?) and Condoleeza Rice (yes, Condoleeza Rice). Remember - it's more than just the VP at stake. It's the SC as well - there is where he will make his mark.


Most of the DEM candidates were progressives. Actually, the DEM voters decided against progressives, NOT the oligarchs.


Warren is a horrible choice. She said something dumb during her campaigning and she made many enemies. Klobuchar is a bad choice because she has little support and is controversial.

A vice president choice shouldn't give anyone reason not to vote for the ticket.


A vice president choice shouldn't give anyone reason not to vote for the ticket.

Tell the late Senator John McCain that. His hopes for the White House were torpedoed once he trotted out Sarah Palin for his VP choice. It was over for him from that moment on, as voters decided if he couldn't choose a good running mate (being a heart beat away from the Presidency) how can he make good choices in his Presidency ?


I remember that. At the time, McCain had previous health issues and was in his 70s so the VP pick was really important. I think the RNC wanted to counter Hillary with another female. Palin was (and still is) really dumb.


This entire ticket is horrible anyways.

Biden is a bad pick....


Biden will be excellent. We need a president who loves working in government and dealing with details. I'm also excited about his agenda:
Building the middle-class & infrastructure

Environment and climate change


Foreign Policy:

Right now, the U.S. is the laughingstock of the world instead of the world leader that used to command respect. Biden is admired throughout the world. He's intelligent, compassionate and can restore the U.S..

Trump loves to play golf, watch TV, tweet, start fights and hold rallies. The president of the U.S. can't be a slacker. It's a hard job. A president can't say I don't want to read intelligence reports because they're boring. Laziness and disinterest in the job is why 68,000 Americans are dead today.


Biden will be awful man, pure horrible. (BTW, Im not a Trumper, I lean center left).

All these promises and he does none of it.

Now let me explain why he is an awful pick...besides his mental decline. Here is what he actually does:

Biden is a warmonger - he strongly supported the Iraq War and has consistently supported an interventionist foreign policy. He claims to have changed since his Iraq War vote but he’s never taken responsibility for his vote, he’s passed the blame to others and has changed his story about his belief about Iraq having WMD’s, and since then he’s supported regime change wars in Syria and Lybia.

Biden is anti privacy rights-civil liberties - he strongly supports the Patriot Act and has even bragged that he wrote a bill that became the Patriot Act. He’s even called for the Patriot Act to go farther than it does in eroding our civil liberties and has proposed bills that would ban encryption, and has consistently supported more power for the national security state and the intelligence agencies.

Biden has a terrible record on criminal justice issues - he wrote a bill on crime that has led to mass incarceration, helped the rise of the private prison industry and has had a disproportionate impact on minorities, he’s been a leader in the “war on drugs”, has been a strong supporter of civil asset forfeiture, has supported banning raves and prosecuting those who own rave venues, and strongly opposes marijuana legalization.

Biden is a supporter of Wall St deregulation - he supported the repeal of Glass-Steagall and he supports consolidation and the creation of “Too Big to Fail” banks, which led to the Great Recession and badly hurts the economy.

Biden was the lead supporter of a bankruptcy bill, sought by Biden’s big donor MBNA and other credit card companies, that screwed over consumers and made it harder for people to get out of debt and stripped them of bankruptcy protection, even going against most Dems to support amendments to the bill


It wouldnt let me post it all, let me continue:

amendments to the bill stripping protections for military members and people who have medical debt.

Biden has supported bad free trade deals that have given corporations more power and sent jobs overseas, such as NAFTA, the TPP and free trade with China.

Biden has a very shaky record on abortion rights - he supported allowing states to overturn Roe vs Wade, he supported the Hyde Amendment all the way up until last year, and has made comments that women shouldn’t have complete control over their own bodies.

Biden has supported cuts to social security and has supported raising the retirement age, and then has gone on to lie about doing so recently.

Biden worked with segregationists on strongly opposing busing desegregation in the 70’s.

Biden strongly opposes and has spewed lies about Medicare for All.

Biden gave a eulogy praising Strom Thurmond, one of the most racist, pro segregationist politicians of the past 100 years.

Biden has praised Dick Cheney, saying that he likes Cheney and that he learned about the “legal parameters” of the office of VP from Cheney.

Biden gave a medal to George W Bush.

Biden has said that he has “no empathy” for millennials.

Biden promised a group of elitists that “nothing will change”.

This is what he has ACTUALLY done...not "hope and change" and empty promises...


You're taking plenty out of context. Biden's agenda is also a democratic agenda and I support it 100%. Their agenda is practical, affordable and achievable.

I don't believe you understand how politics work nor how government functions. For instance, your complaint about Cheney demonstrates this. The incoming official is supposed to receive instructions from his outgoing counterpart. Furthermore, the Republican and Democratic party are supposed to work together. It's important to get McConnell and other obstructionists removed to make this happen.

I'm relieved that Republicans are leaving the party in droves and joining with Democrats to defeat Trump and his political enablers.

Biden will have to repair a tremendous amount of damage nationally and internationally. He's intelligent and

Perhaps you're into wearing surgical masks and latex gloves outside and have no problem with Americans dying en masse. I do. I support Biden. America won't survive another four years of Trump.

This is from a Republican group:


Im not, it's his voting record. Go by the record, not the promises.

They won't, Biden will just serve their agenda. We seen it, many upon many times.

Republicans aren't leaving, they won't.

America will, we survived Bush Jr, Buchanan, Fillmore etc. I don't like Trump but the entire,"the world will end if Trump is president," is so out dated. We will be fine.

I won't support Biden or Trump. A lot of the left feel this way.

I hate to say, I dont see you guys winning, but good luck.


You're happy with Trump destroying America and killing people. I'll vote for the sane candidate, Biden.

"we will be fine."
You're a liar. I know people who died from coronavirus. They are NOT fine.

"A lot of the left feel this way."
Doubtful since there has been a blue wave which has been joined by former Republicans. You're obviously not a centrist, but an extremist.

After someone in your family dies from the pandemic, then you'll learn to take it more seriously.


Look man, I'm not a Trump guy, but killing people?

I guess FDR killed people because he had to go to WW2 after Pearl Harbor got attacked.

F*ck that means Abe is one of the worst presidents of all time.

Im not a Trump or Biden guy. You guys have to get it together. I lean center left and the entire,"anyone but Trump," won't cut it.

Bro, that's history. Under Obama democrats lost 1000 seats, you nabbed the house (Senate it was just a bad map).

Biden gives no one any enthusiasm.
An extremist now!? God damn people love labeling me.

I just want actual change in this country. Obama disappointed and we were left with crumbs.


I don't have family bro, so that'll be hard to do.....


"Look man, I'm not a Trump guy, but killing people?"

Game of Thrones Jon Snow:
Everything before the word 'but' is horse shit.

No truer words.

"I guess FDR killed people because he had to go to WW2 after Pearl Harbor got attacked."

False equivalency. If you're going to say dumb things, I'm going to assume you're a Trump supporter.

"Biden gives no one any enthusiasm."

Why do you need to be "enthused"? That's how we get bad government. Populist enthuse. I'd prefer to have a competent and intelligent leader who works instead of tweets, plays golf, watches TV and picks fights. You are likely lazy or lack enough self-motivation to move from the couch to vote since dying Americans isn't enough motivation for you.

"I just want actual change in this country."

Trump supporters thought Trump was going to change their lives with high-paying factory jobs, too. MAGA nonsense. Notice how that didn't work out well for them either.

You're too lazy to vote. I'm going to assume you're too lazy to make the changes in your life to make yourself happy.


"... He's intelligent"

Once upon a time, maybe. Now he's forgetting what race he's even running.


Joe,"Where am I" Biden...


I'm pretty sure he's more intelligent than you especially if you believe supporting Trump is a good idea.

How do you feel about Trump's idea about ingesting disinfectant?


O boy....

Why is it one extreme to the next.

Im not voting either.

Funny, let idiots do it. Not my problem.


"Why is it one extreme to the next."
What does that even mean? Of course, Trump thought injecting disinfectant was a great idea. Are you denying this?

"Im not voting either."
You're a slacker who likes to do nothing but complain.


Who should he pick?


Some elite shill, Hillary Clinton for all I care.

This campaign is DOA.




What is an elite?


Biden is. He will just help the rich get richer.

Nothing changes....


Trump literally wants people in low-wage jobs to die. Who do you think works in those meat-processing factories? The Republicans are on record saying they want Americans to die because money is more important. Furthermore, the old should volunteer to die to help the rich make money.

Are you in agreement with this?

A reminder: Trump gave a huge tax cut to the rich. Then during Trump's pandemic, he gave money to huge corporations that have little cash presently because they spent their tax cuts on stock buybacks instead of hiring people or increasing wages. Meanwhile, small businesses struggle. And let's not forget the millions of Americans who are now on unemployment.

Devos and other rich people are supporting the extremists who want to prematurely open states even though it will kill more Americans - mainly poor.

Trump is a sociopath. Biden has compassion.

Trump has wrecked the economy because he's too lazy to do his job. You can't have a president who prefers to tweet, play golf and watch TV instead of work. He made economic conditions horrible for most Americans. Trump changed our country into a dystopia. Biden needs to be voted into power to fix Trump's mess.

"Nothing changes...."

Plenty has changed for the worst in America. I personally know people who have died and I pass long food lines.

After the economy is fixed by Biden, YOU will need to HELP YOURSELF. A politician can create opportunities (which Biden's agenda has), but you will need to act upon them.

Plenty can change for you personally if you're willing to learn skills for a good-paying job with plenty of benefits. If you already have money, then you should be helping those less fortunate instead of expecting politicians to do all of the work.

Old saying:
The rich supports Republicans. Those who want to be that way support Democrats.

"And the fact that people with higher incomes are more likely to vote Republican has been consistently true since 1972, Krugman wrote."


Welcome to Moviechat Shades. Where you're a Trumphumper or DNCunt.


Here we go!

Didn't take long to get here.

I didn't vote Trump, nor will I vote Trump.

I won't vote Clinton or Biden either. I won't do it. Nothing changes.

Im what we call an evil "Bernie Bro."

I liked (In this order):

Thanks for the welcome. Sorry to disappoint.


You're a progressive. Why did you lie and say you were a left centrist?

Progressives are notorious for not voting unless a candidate passes their purity test. If you're younger than 40, you don't vote at all which is why Bernie was doomed.

Did you even vote during the primary? Or any election?


Im center left to an extent. I hate the current left where it is at.

Im a progressive to an extent. It be hard to say all the issues and where Im at. You can always ask.

Ive been called an extremist
Far right

Name it, ive been labeled it.

I voted in the primary. Im younger than 40.

I voted in the primary, again, last two.

Sat out in 2016.

Will sit in 2020.


Bernie, Tulsi and Yang are progressives.

Your support of progressives and your comments sound progressive to me. But, you'll support or vote for Trump even though he is against the progressives' entire agenda.

You'll cry that nothing in America changes while supporting Trump who is actively destroying any accomplishments that were already made.

You're one of those who vote against their own interest.


Im more progressive, sure, but doesn't mean I agree with everything they do.

How am I supporting Trump? Im not voting, therefore, I support nothing.

Nothing will change with Biden or Trump. Nothing changed with Obama. What point you wanna make?

Me being labeled is nothing new. People have thrown everything at me.


Hell with them both.


"Hell with them both."

Too late. You obviously favor Trump.

You have a laundry list of criticism about Biden, but defended Trump. You even compared fighting evil Nazis with Trumps' obvious mishandling of the virus and the subsequent American deaths because of it.

You may be one of those people who really like Trump, but can't admit it to himself. I know a few people like that. They usually start a sentence with "I hate Trump, but ..." then they quote him and sound no different from a Trumpite when they defend a Trump position.

You couldn't admit that you were a progressive a few comments earlier. People lie to themselves all the time.


I been down this road, many upon many of times.

I defended neither, you just hate you picked Joe "Where am I" Biden.

Trump is a liar, an idiot, but he knows if he is ordering at Burger King and not McDonalds.
Joe is the type of guy to order a whopper at McDonalds.
Wait, so Im a progressive that likes Trump? Makes TOTAL SENSE! Think of that for a moment.

How's Chris Dodd btw!


Another nonvoting progressive. Complain as you do nothing to change anything.


Relax, I'm voting for Biden, doesn't mean I can't see how he can still lose. If others cannot, and he does, I'll be happy to explain to them in excruciating detail afterwards.
