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WOW! Joe Scarborough asks T-rump to step aside and let Pence take over; "You're not well."

After T-rump tweeted this morning that he used Joe Scarborough in the 2016 election, and then dumped him afterwards (among other things about Scarborough), the 'Morning Joe' host had this to say in response to T-rump.

“He’s denying that a second wave is going to come in the fall, despite the fact that every doctor, every medical professional, every scientist says he could face dire consequences in the fall, as well,” Scarborough told his viewers. “This morning, I told the president again that good science ends up being good economics, ends up being good politics. Obviously, Donald, you didn’t want to hear that again.Ii know I’ve been saying it a lot.”

“This weekend, my god, you were supposed to have a working weekend,” Scarborough said. “You got it wrong again. You said 50,000, 60,000, now you said 100,000 deaths. What did you do during your working weekend? You tweeted more hateful things about colleagues of ours, you tweeted conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein. Really, you have time for this? You tweeted conspiracy theories about Barack Obama. Really, you have time for this? You attacked George W. Bush for simply sending out a unifying message to give Americans hope. He said positive things about Americans, he said positive things about health care workers, he said positive things about this country. He said, ‘We choose to rise’ — even that offended you.”

“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a man who was offended by a former president, calling all Americans of all parties together in this time of crisis, would be offended by that,” Scarborough continued. “After all, you’re the same president of the United States who celebrated the return of a murderous dictator, Kim Jong-un. Mr. President, I ask that you get checked out. I ask that you take a rest. I ask that you take care of yourself, maybe let Mike Pence run things for the next week. You’re not well.”

“Mr. President, you’re getting worse every day,” he said. “You need to take a rest, you need to let Mike Pence actually run things for the next couple of weeks. Come back when you’re feeling a little better and when you can really actually focus on your job. You just can’t do that right now. Americans are dying every day because of it.”


Sounds like Biden and Trump.

Pence would be worse than Trump....


Something needs to be done with nearly 70,000 lives lost, the economy in the toilet, and 16% unemployment and T-rump is Tweeting about Joe Scarborough instead of focusing on the pandemic. This is surreal. Meanwhile, Pence sits by and watches this happen.


Pence would be worse than Trump.

There isn't much he can do, the governors need to re-open the economy.

We're screwed bub.


What a mess Biden is going to inherit. That's for sure.


Biden isn't even gonna win.

Sorry man, Trump sadly has it.

This is coming from a center left guy....

Biden is basically another establishment pick.


Not with the economy in the toilet and unemployment at 16%. No way T-rump gets in again - not even with every foreign country helping him.


I hate to disappoint, he will.
Your basically routing on Corona.

History bub. History shows it's hard to be a one termer, last one we had was Bush 1 and Carter after that.

Biden is a bad establishment pick brother.

I got no dog in this fight btw.


History shows the incumbent comes back into a second term when the economy is good - period. People vote with their wallets, and when the economy is doing well and unemployment is low, the incumbent gets another chance.

This is why Ford lost to Carter in '76 (you forgot Ford, btw), Carter lost to Reagan in '80, and Bush 41 lost to Clinton in '92 - each had a bad economy.

If unemployment stays in the double digits over the next few months (which most predict it will), and the economy doesn't rebound to what it was in January (most say it won't), and the stock market doesn't bounce back to where it was in January /February (nearing 30,000) it will be the end of T-rump.

Don't forget - until COVID19, the only thing T-rump had going for him was the economy: the lowest unemployment figures since 1970, job growth, consumer confidence, a great housing market, and a booming stock market. It's been wiped out. (It didn't have to be if he had the pandemic under control and took it seriously in January and February).


I agree.

I only mentioned the last two, Ford was next. I only mentioned the two.

This is your hope? For the unemployment to stay high to grab power? Sounding like Jon Stewart. No one should want that so their guy can be president.

Do I think Trump handled it well, no.

Do I trust Joe "Where the F am I" Biden to handle it

Yes, until then. It was a pandemic no one saw coming. It sadly has been wiped out.

Now what is Joe gonna do to fix it? Seems like you pro Biden-ers got nothing but hopes of the economy failing and no policy to grab power....


This is your hope? For the unemployment to stay high to grab power? Sounding like Jon Stewart. No one should want that so their guy can be president.

No, you misunderstood. It's certainly not my hope - just the actual reality. I'm reading what economists are saying from both parties - and the outlook on the economy does not look good for T-rump come November. Again, those are the cold hard facts (not the hopes) coming from both sides, and how it has played out in the past 44 years.


But youre sounding like Jon Stewart. We should want Trump out by policy, not convenience.
Yes, but how was this his fault? How would Joe "Where am I" Biden help any of this? How has he ever?

In the end, Biden has no pure love for him. It's a group of,"anything but Trump," supporting him.

I won't vote Biden.
I won't vote Trump.

Neither seem good options to me. I sat out in 2016 and I'll do it again. The problem with a lot of the left you feel you don't need me like you thought in 2016.

We need new blood. This current left isn't working.

While yes I liked Bernie (Policy) the other two I loved were fairly young in Tulsi and Yang.

Biden won't beat Trump, imo, he loses worse than Clinton did.


We should want Trump out by policy, not convenience.
Yes, but how was this his fault?

It's not convenient to see the economy tank, and the death toll nearing 100,000. This has been the results of T-rump's policy - you reap what you sow. He continuously downplayed the virus until mid-March, and here we are now. If he took the virus seriously from day one, there's a great chance it would have been controlled better and we would be in a much better place than where we are today.

T-rump has proven he's a complete failure when it comes to a crisis and protecting America. I do not want another four years of this and taking more chances with him.


The economy tanked due to an unknown virus.
Could he have handled it better, sure. Here we are indeed, but you think Joe "where am I" Biden would do anything better? Youre not telling me how he'd handle this better. Why? You don't know, it's guess work.

You just dislike Trump, and I get it, I do too.

Biden is just as big of a train wreck as him.

Douche or turd, either way, nothing good....


Honestly, yes, Biden would handle it better. Trump has to pander to the MAGAs by defunding the WHO and cheering the protesters that want to make the problem worse by demanding we all get back to work. Biden can at least ignore the idiots while he follows the directions of the CDC and people like Fauci.


I dont see it that way. Biden doesnt even know where he is at, he wouldn't even run anything. He'd have stooges do it for him.

Same BS, different day.


Trump's problem is with grifters. He has a mental disorder that craves hearing them tell him how great he is. And in return he gives the grifters what they want, making more grifters. Biden has a myriad of problems, but appealing to grifters isn't one of them. He appeals to corporations over the working class, but he also listens to people with credentials. When Trump says he listens to the best people, he's talking about the people who are best at telling him how great he is. For all of Biden's faults, he doesn't have that issue.


We don't want to see a record. We want an investigation and then a Senate hearing. Just like it was when the shoe was on the other foot.


We want the Senate to release all the documents filed by Ms. Reade back in 1993. #MoscowMitch won't do it. He doesn't believe in transparency.


Are you stupid or trolling? An investigation requires looking at the records that were filed. When the shoe was on the other foot, the only records repubs cared about were decades old testimony from Blasey-Ford's angry boyfriends who were pissed she didn't spread her legs enough for them.


Poor Joe his party completely gone bananas. He had 0.01 chances of winning and now he has 0.00000001


“Something needs to be done...”

OK, I’m all ears, er..eyes. What do you suggest that something be? We still would have close to 70k dead. The economy is in the toilet because our country is shut down. Of course we now have a high unemployment rate due to businesses closed. No one, not even you can wave a magic wand to get us back to where we were. So if you were in his shoes how would focusing on the pandemic be a game changer. The pandemic is still here...can’t make it go away. 70k are dead. They would still be dead...can’t alter that fact. Businesses shut down...workers on furlough. Would you click your fingers or touch the side of your nose so everything is OK again?

Truth be would still be down that damn rabbit hole with the rest of us!


Is it "Morning Joe," or "Morning JOKE"? 🙄
