MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is it hate speech to point out bad but t...

Is it hate speech to point out bad but true things about blacks?

I got called racist for saying that young blacks are more likely to infect their grandparents because many live with them as their parents are in jail.

I was called racist but I looked it up, black kids are five times more likely to live in grandparent lead households than white kids.

More likely to have a single parent family and more likely to have single parent in jail than white children.

So what I said was totally true.

But it is hate speech to point that out?


Wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole....


Terms like racist, sexual harassment, science, used to have real meaning.

When the communist left uses them today its for self empowerment. All are used to squash open minded discussion, and perpetuate ignorance. The sheep of the left love their group think. They’re incapable of thinking for themselves, of critical analysis, of persuasive speech.

Just look at mr cut and paste, doggielemming. 60 million posts and not a single thought of its own.


I thought you had me on ignore ?



It's not racist. They were the ones who went from saying 'we're negros' to 'we're colored' to 'we're african americans' to 'we're black'.
