MovieChat Forums > Politics > Jimmy Carters accusation on Trump

Jimmy Carters accusation on Trump

So if Jimmy Carter says Donald Trump's an illegitimate president because of Russian interference in the 2016 election, couldn't the same be said about George W Bush? After that Florida recall voting mess, for which led to Al Gore bowing out of the presidential election.


Who cares what Carter says.

We are still doing this Russia nonsense!?


Only crybaby snowflake lefties still give any credibility to the Russian B.S.


Im center left and always found them so silly....


Every recount, and there were 1000s, including one done by the NYTimes, concluded Bush won.

There was no Russia collusion. Not a single shred of evidence was produced by Mueller and his team of 17 democrat lawyers.

Learn history and stop embarrassing yourself with communist democrat party ignorance.


I could swear someone called that fossilized old loser when O'jackass was president, and actually said "Congratulations! We finally have a president that's worse than you!"
