MovieChat Forums > Politics > If George Floyd had been put into a padd...

If George Floyd had been put into a paddy wagon instead of the back seat

of a police car he would probably still be alive today.


If that cop wasn't kneeling on Floyd's neck cutting off the blood supply to his brain he would probably be alive today.


Thank you for your valuable and insightful comment.

But I repeat if George Floyd had been put into a paddy wagon instead of the back seat of a police car then there would have been no struggle between him and the police officers that led to him being removed from the back seat of the police car and then being forcibly restrained with a knee on the back of his neck which led to his death. And so it follows he would probably still be alive today if he had been put into a paddy wagon.

I hope I haven't confused you.


I understand what you're saying but there is no excuse for a cop to kneel on Floyd's neck until he died as he was handcuffed and posed a little threat to the cops restraining him. The cop was wrong and he is going to prison.


I understand what you are saying but where did I say or even imply that it was okay for a police officer to kneel on the back of George Floyd's neck ?


You didn't say it was okay. But the bottom line is that the cop killed Floyd unnecessarily and that's why he's going to prison.


But what has that got to do with paddy wagons, specifically ? I'm just struggling to understand why in a thread primarily about paddy wagons you would totally ignore that and start ranting about Floyd being killed unnecessarily ? Isn't there plenty about that posted here already ?


Yeah we know all about you nazis and your paddy wagons.


Fuck off troll.


Nazi boy pissed I nailed the reason for your unnatural love for paddy wagons eh?



If that cop wasn't kneeling on Floyd's neck cutting off the blood supply to his brain he would probably be alive today and we wouldn't be having the chaos and turmoil across America as we've seen the past few days. We can thank that cop for this mayhem.


I don't know, I think the unrest has been simmering for a while now. The lockdown has only inflamed it and Mr Floyd's death seems to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

I sincerely hope clam returns to the streets soon. In the absence of a voice of reason from the government, it's up to the people to ask themselves if tearing the cities apart is a practical solution to anything. At least until November when there is a chance to reinstate a politician to the position of leadership.


I'm convinced it's going to get worse before it gets better. T-rump loves this - it ignites his base, and it takes the attention away from his failing economy and his gross mishandling of COVID19. He will do whatever he can to keep fanning the flames of racial tension.


That's interesting, my impression is that he is sweating bullets. I mean he may have had a chance to use his usual deflection tactics to hoodwink the public into thinking the catastrophic impact of covid-19 has been handled well, but with the cities in chaos and anarchy on the rise, I just don't see most reasonable citizens feeling he deserves four more years to push the country further into the abyss.

At the start of the year I was convinced he would be re-elected but in the midst of all this destruction there is a glimmer of hope that people will wake up and take the chance to save America while they still can.


I just don't see most reasonable citizens feeling he deserves four more years to push the country further into the abyss.

That's the key - reasonable citizens. It's not them we need to be worried about. It's the disenfranchised, the naive, the vulnerable, the easily persuaded, the racists, and the 'fringe' who will vote for the idiot, just like they did in 2016.


The uncertainty is over the fact that Trump is going to try and cheat like crazy.


I don't understand why the cop killed George Floyd. Floyd did nothing wrong!


Its not like he robbed a white woman with a gun like he did in Houston.


If the cop's father pulled out, George Floyd would still be alive today.
If the cop had instead joined the circus, George Floyd would still be alive today.
If the cop had a reasonable brain in his head, George Floyd would still be alive today.

All of those things are probably more likely than someone deciding to get the paddy wagon.


He was never put in one down here in Houston all the times he was arrested.
