MovieChat Forums > Politics > Chirlane McCray enjoys $2M staff of 14 a...

Chirlane McCray enjoys $2M staff of 14 amid NYC budget crisis

Are you dems going to protest with "Eat the rich"??? Another double standard.


You're preaching to the choir. Nobody in NYC likes DeBlasio or his wife. That includes both Republicans and Democrats.

DeBlasio pretends he's a progressive. He's not. He's been taking money from real estate interests since day one. He supported hospitals and libraries being torn down for luxury condos by his rich benefactors.

The difference between the OP and myself is I don't support sleazy politicians. I'm still waiting for the OT to acknowledge how sleazy Trump is and to denounce him.

160,000 dead Americans on Trump's watch and still counting. Trump still has no plan. Biden does.

Traitor Trump supports Putin's bounty on American troops' lives.

Trump attacked our post office system to stop Americans from voting. That is a tyranny!


So then why don't you dems go and protest at his house?

You don't support sleazy politicians? Then why did you vote for Hillary? Why are you going to vote for Biden? It isn't too smart to show off your hypocrisy.

I'm still waiting to hear "Biden's plan" you keep speaking of.

You got proof?

Again, I thought you don't believe in conspiracy theories? Just the ones that fit your narrative? Oh. Okay then.


I'm still waiting for the OT to acknowledge how sleazy Trump is and to denounce him.


Being that you failed to refute anything, I'll take it as an admission of your hypocrisy.


Oh boy, now you're in trouble ! He sets his rules and takes it an 'admission of your hypocrisy'. LOL! You gotta love TrevorH!
