MovieChat Forums > Politics > Why it is not only okay...

Why it is not only okay...

but also necessary to stress that All Lives Matter:



So next time there's a Save The Whales event I hope to see you there with your placards shouting that All Sea Life Matters. Or perhaps when there's a cancer fundraiser you can let those bozos know that all diseases matter, why should cancer get all the attention right?

You matter too, thetruth, you don't have to be sad.

And remember to be nice because, as you know, All Responses Matter :)


"So next time there's a Save The Whales event I hope to see you there with your placards shouting that All Sea Life Matters. Or perhaps when there's a cancer fundraiser you can let those bozos know that all diseases matter, why should cancer get all the attention right?"

Well, if whales and cancer were pretending that no one ever cares about them while, in all actuality, being the causes that everyone cares about the most and most often, vying for fish and disease supremacy while disguising it as a quest for fish and disease equality, then yes, I absolutely would. But, they don't, so...

"All Responses Matter"

Very true. Even yours, despite them being apples to oranges.


Even mine. Why thank you, you condescending prat.

Maybe you should take your three posts and file them somewhere nice and warm and safe. Just make sure you're not using said orifice to talk out of, as above.


No leg to stand on, so you resort to insults. Checking all the liberal boxes quick, huh tim?

What's next? You gonna call me an "Uncle Tom"? lol Been there, done that.


Oh so I'm liberal? Thanks, I was wondering about that. No I will leave it as condescending prat thanks because that what you were being. I have no idea why you think I would call you an Uncle Tom. I know nothing about you. Do you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder about that, thetruth? That's too bad man.

I guess thetruth hurts.


I said you were checking the boxes. It's up to you what to be.

Yes, I do have a chip on my shoulder in regard to a black man being called "Uncle Tom" anytime he doesn't blindly follow the hard left agenda. You said that I was talking out of my ass (in so many words), so the "Uncle Tom" bit usually follows. Just because I'm not saying the "right thing" means I'm "talking out of my ass", to a liberal. Another box checked.


Err, ok. Glad you're checking all your boxes there.

I didn't say you were talking out of your ass, just as I didn't suggest you were an Uncle Tom. I think it feeds your agenda to put words in my mouth in an attempt to paint me as a crazy liberal because I disagree with a post promoting the ultimately counterproductive statement that All Lives Matter.

What you said was neither right or wrong, it was your opinion which I happen not to share. No need to go to pieces over it, is there?

I support equality for all but I also support a movement born from black people being killed by police at an increasingly alarming rate. You don't have to be liberal to want to see an end to that.


"Just make sure you're not using said orifice to talk out of, as above."

No one is putting words in your mouth. Those words are your own. You're clearly delusional, if you can't remember things you said just two replies ago.


"Well, if whales and cancer were pretending that no one ever cares about them while, in all actuality, being the causes that everyone cares about the most and most often, vying for fish and disease supremacy while disguising it as a quest for fish and disease equality, then yes, I absolutely would."

But that's not the argument your OP's chowder video is making. Somehow chowderhead thinks we should say all lives matter because there are racist black people who don't care about white lives. There's no branch of quantum reality where white lives do not matter in the US. That black guy that hit the white guy with a brick is dead to rights with no chance of avoiding prison time the second his identity is discovered. Yet we're currently having a discussion whether or not a cop should avoid jail time for shooting a black guy seven times in the back.

Yet you are soooooo convinced that black people are already equally protected and are fighting for supremacy. Your ignorance must be absolutely blissful.

Be honest here. The reason you call yourself thetruth is because nobody else will.


"There's no branch of quantum reality where white lives do not matter in the US."

Yeah, except the one we are actually living in, right now.

This video tells it all:

How dare this guy shop while being white:

Don't worry, he "apologized", so it's okay:

How much more evidence do you need?

And you're upset because a woman beating rapist got shot while resisting arrest, after telling officers he had a knife? Talk about blissful ignorance. So far, you liberals have nothing but insults and poor puns surrounding my username. No facts, logic or reasoning whatsoever. Typical.


The only trouble with that is that all lives don't matter. Have you ever heard of the term ' evolutionary cannon fodder ' ? Think about it.


Not a bad point, actually. Any white liberal that voluntarily lives in/finds themselves in a hellhole like Baltimore is practically asking for something like this to happen. Fair point, indeed.


Because all lives do not matter.

Kidnappers, child rapist. sex slave operators, terrorist. antifa.

Those peoples lives do not matter.

But since Democrats are soft on crime they are the only group to defend them and make sure they stay protected in prison.

Real sick how soft Democrats are on the baddest of criminals


i guess you don't know anything about the issue and the crime bill under Clinton that was introduced and passed by Democrats? All Republicans can to is talk, and lie, and obstruct. Americans and our government are a joke to Republicans.


WTF are you talking about? All you ever do is blather generalities and bitching and moaning about repubs. You're nothing but a whiny, spoiled, uneducated millennial. You think you know everything and don't even realized you've been thoroughly indoctrinated. Your freedom of choice is whatever the state says.


No bail introduced by the Democrats says it all.

In nyc it's like a revolving door.
.arrest someone for rioting. Police can no longer hold anyone over night...these thugs are back in the riot the following night or the next day.

What the Democrats have done and their soft stance on criminals is beyond disgusting


Only for certain offenses. It is a big problem to put someone in jail and they are supposed to defend themselves to take care of their life ... while they have not been tried and are presumed innocent. You probably have no idea what it is like to have your life and your freedom ended and be stuck in a cell, but I bet you whine loud enough about wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Your lies and ignorance of the issues are what is disgusting.


So the most hilarious thing about the no cash bail.

Its putting ths people the Democrats want on the street in prison even longer.

Wish I had time to link some stories.

So all these crazy violent people get arrested.
Many times the same day or the following day they are arrested again, and I think a few times in one week some girl was arrested 3 times.

If they were held on bail, the chances of them committing more crime is lower.

So no instead of having to answer for 1 court appearance ticket, these criminals tracks of 3 or 4 come court day and the judge has no choice but to lock em up.
In reality they are still let go.

Like the other day a man.was arrested for a million dollar ponzi scheme.

The prosecutor said last year they would have been able to set bail at over 300 000.

While most of the money is given back, some is given back to the community..

And now that revenue is dead.

One video has a guy laughing because he robbed the same bank within 3 days.
Robbed a bank let out of jail, does it right again.

Obviously this guy is crazy, but now he has 2 counts of bank robbery , could have had 1 if he was made to stay in jail until trial.

Now he will double the time which does work out better in the long run for people against criminals. Keep em locked up


> Its putting ths people the Democrats want on the street in prison even longer.

Why do you people have to make such ridiculous statements. How is it you can imagine that Democrats with a higher level of education, wealth and civic engagement want to to have stuff like open borders and criminals on the street. The no-cash bail thing is not going to release risky violent criminals. You people have no sense of proportion and you've allowed yourself to believe the most vile lies from Republicans. How gullible are you folks anyway?


So what does the no cash bail do?

It releases everyone within 10 hours and gives them a future court date.

And while they are waiting for that court date they continue to break the law .

In the past they would be held on bail and would not be able to commit further crime.

Being released within 10 hours emboldens criminals and promotes more crime.

The only good thing about this is when they do go to their court date, they already racked up multiple arrest. So their sentences are much longer.

That's if they show up.

Immigrants then have the option of returning to their home countries before their court date.

If they were held on bail, they would have faced less charges.


> And while they are waiting for that court date they continue to break the law .

Prove it? They do not release people that have a bad record or who are untrustworthy to appear.


Prove it? Google nyc or long island and no cash bail.

This one young lady who's mother says has mental issues got arrested for something, was let out, she broke into a elementary school. started a fire. .
Arrested and released, she made the news because she got arrested like 3 times in a week.

Mother said if she was held.on bail it would have prevented her from facing more charges.

And you got to see the video of this one.

Then you have the man who robbed a bank, was released and robbed the same bank within the week.

Or this one guy, long list of priors. Was driving drunk and killed a young man.

Released within 10 hours.

I'll get you some stories when I get some more time.


Do you know what the rate of re-offending is in all the people who are released on bail? Are you saying these people also would not have gotten regular bail? I think if they have the money they would have gotten bail.

So, what is your solution for the problem? What if you were arrested on some charge, and the took all your money or your car, phone as evidence claiming they were ill gotten gains of a criminal enterprise. You are stuck in jail with not rights to communicate with the outside world.

Are you fine with that?


Yes its called a bail bond man who provide the money for you.

And you do know that most of bail money is given back.

And it may think I'm for bail, but as I said its actually locking people up much longer.

They are just committinmore crimes before their court date had they been held on bail.

Its funny because the target audience the Democrats are trying to help, criminals.
Is just making things 10x worse for those people


The problem is that 90% of the people who get injustice are the ones who cannot afford bail and who get railroaded or forced to confess just to get it over with. You cannot just pretend there is not a problem here as you damn Right-wingers always do - never an answer for anything, always fighting the questions.



Sorry, not going to search links ... if you have something to say say it, or just don't waste your time.


You asked me to prove how bad and dangerous the no cash bail system is.
I linked 2 stories about a serial bank robber who was finally caught, only to be released, and robs another bank right after being released.
He is on camera laughing sayig, I cant belive they let me out.

The othe link was about that crazy girl I mentioned before.
Multiple arrest in 1 week.
Her parents said he we was held on bail, she would be only facing 1 charge instead of now 3.

Maybe the plan is to ultimately keep these people on prison longer.



I suppose a more fitting phrase would be "All Races Matter Equally Upon Coming Out of the Womb, Decisions Made Thereafter Determine Whether You Are a Piece of Shit or a Decent Human Being", but that just doesn't have the same ring to it as "All Lives Matter". How about "All Races Matter"?


So some people can still be relevant to get votes when they lose in 2020 and then can run again in 2024 against Nikki and have press talk about them.
