MovieChat Forums > Politics > Are You Witches and Warlocks Happy Now?

Are You Witches and Warlocks Happy Now?

I’m sure you are, so I dedicate this to you. I can imagine y’all salivating over the news about President Trump & First Lady Melania testing positive for Covid-19.

For almost 4 years we’ve had to listen to and read disparaging remarks lobbed at the POTUS and the FLOTUS and his voters. The ad hominem attacks hurled daily at them and his voters by the media and hateful dimwits was/is unconscionable! I’ve held my tongue, but no longer! As much as I detested the Black/White *bastard* Obama, I never wished him harm. BTW, he is a bastard...his parents weren’t married! Good thing because he hated being half White. He wrote a book about his father, but I don’t believe he even talked about his mother and his maternal relatives.

So, to all you ugly of soul anti-trumpers, kick up your heels and enjoy! 😅😂🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

And to Nancy Pelosi, who said she prays for President Trump (probably for his death!) God doesn’t hear the prayers of the wicked! What a hypocritical, sanctimonious person she is!!


If he dies he dies.


Content of character, remember? MLK looks down on you and must be proud of you, yes?




OP doesnt know what an ad-hominem means.


Apparently you don’t...there is no hyphen between ad hominem.


Remember to bring those urine vials.


You could use a hyphen or not. What on earth does that have to do with the meaning of the term?

Are you genuinely this dumb?


The OP is the one who said that Jerry Nadler's wife got cancer because of 'karma' against Jerry Nadler.

She's not mentioning 'karma' now with Trump's COVID diagnosis, is she ?

She's a black-hearted evil TROLL.



Not just a troll. A pretty stupid troll who doesn't know how to use a dictionary.


That's what grits are made from.



The lemmings getting their panties in a wad and screeeeeeeeing is never a surprise. They can’t think for themselves. They’re not educated in politics or history. A product of our corrupt education industry.

What is always a surprise is their slavemasters in democrat media/party/education who illustrate the same level of hate filled ignorance. Encourage and celebrate riots and violence.

It really makes one wonder what’s truly at stake. The threat Trump is to the deep state system is much larger than we know. Their incessant ignorance and hatred forces one to wonder if it’s worse than even the most wild conspiracy theories.

Always funny when the 1st of the month rolls around and a slew of new lemmings show up and parrot the lefts cliche ignorance.

Their lives are so miserable and empty it really is sad. Oh well, it is what it is. We on the right will be just fine living our lives and achieving our dreams. We always are.


”The lemmings getting their panties in a wad and screeeeeeeeing is never a surprise. They can’t think for themselves. They’re not educated in politics or history. A product of our corrupt education industry.”

I would use the word “screeching” like the demons they are!

They are a pitiful lot, aren’t they? Tsk! Tsk! I don’t think I’ve ever had such distain for a group of people as I’m currently having for the “ugly of soul” anti-Trumpers! I truly do not want to sink to their level. The one thing I won’t emulate is their lies. They are the worst type of prevaricators...they and their joined to the hip lemmings believe their own lies.

Have you noticed there was only a whisper this week about Hillary, Obama, Biden and their knowledge of the phony Steele file; the lies told to obtain the FISA warrants? The fact spying on the Trump campaign WAS an actuality?

This newbie (troll👹) is exactly how I described him/her! In case you missed my reply to this thing:

And you need to watch your bigotry! You are definitely a bigot. I try not to shame Biden voters, but every now and then one comes along...pisses awhile...then moves on. We call those types Biden trolls. The ones with the low post count who stirs the caca💩, instead of joining with some intellect, they only offer an irrational diatribe against others. They think they know it all...they are right...everyone else is beneath them who vote differently...I believe you referred to them as Rednecks.


Hey bigot. Carry on espousing racist right wing views.


And this MovieChatters is the troll of the week. Maybe if we Ignore this troll it will crawl back under the bridge and wait for another board to jump onto. They come and they go.🥱


To hell with Donald.

Orange bastard was willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of American lives to try to safeguard his own reelection. Why the hell should I or anyone feel a shred of compassion for him?

FUCK Donald.


Such dem civility on display again, yes Fredo? You're smaht, yes? You can do dings, right? Showing off your hypocrisy is one of the best things you do. And voluntarily and constantly too. 😂😂😂


You've held your tongue? There must be some third meaning to that expression I never learned.


That’s all that resonated with you? The idiom “hold one’s tongue”? 🙇🏼‍♀️ There are many search engines in which you will be able to locate the definition. I don’t use Google. I use tracking. I’ve attempted to sever myself from all things Google...trouble is I have an Android phone. By downloading apk files some of my apps are IOS based.


And yet, none of those resources you mention can identify what you could have possibly meant. It's totally baffling. Now, if you had started, "I have constantly refused to hold my tongue," I could have no question as to your statement's meaning or veracity.


Oh Good Grief another nit picking troll. My statement wasn’t baffling at all. I wrote what I meant, but you took umbrage to it and twisted it to suit your narrative.


I dare you to provide a single example of when you have ever held your tongue.


The Wicked Witch of the Left? "Bwa ha ha! I'll get you, my fattie! Bwa ha ha! And your little Hicks, too!"


No worries! The doc will inject Trump with disinfectant and he'll be fine. I heard covid is like the flu or cold, anyway.


If he lived by a lie he should try to die by it.


Isn’t it pretty to think so?
