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Biden tops Trump for town hall television ratings

Joe Biden bested Donald Trump on Thursday night in a category sure to grab the president’s attention: television ratings.

Figures released Friday from Nielsen show that Biden’s town hall on ABC averaged 13.9 million viewers, while Trump’s averaged 10.6 million on NBC. But even when viewership figures are added for MSNBC and CNBC, cable networks owned by NBC that also carried Trump’s town hall, the president’s total viewership was 13 million, lower than Biden’s.

Poor Trump. This has to really anger him because he is obsessed with TV ratings.


All told, Trump came out on top with the most viewers online and on TV combined — with 17.8 million views versus Biden’s 16.8 million.

Now just look sad and say d'oh.


This means diddly squat. There’s a lot of us Trump voters who don’t watch Trump when he’s on tv. Why should we? We know what he’s accomplished to make this country prosper. Also, I’m sure there are others like me who actually don’t care for Trump as a person. The difference between me and most anti-Trumpers is I vote with my brain and not with “feelings”! I vote for or against what policies are coming out of the Oval Office. If Obama had the same ideology as mine I would have voted for him. I’m conservative in all things.


"The difference between me and most anti-Trumpers is I vote with my brain and not with “feelings”!"

Biggest load of bull in the history of bull. You are not an anti-Trumper. You are a Trumper because of your feelings.



KriSPyKrAP is off her meds again.


Define "conservative." If you mean lying, hypocritical, favoring big business over the welfare of the citizens of the nation, believing only rich elites deserve health care, only poor people should pay taxes, we should keep a foot on the neck of women and minorities just like always, women don't deserve a say in their own reproduction options, etc, etc, and you are PROUD of this, yes, I guess you might want to call yourself "conservative." Most of us would call you something else.


Every network - including NBC and it's spin-offs CNBC and MSNBC - are reporting how Biden crushed Trump in the networks! Crushed him with over 3 million more viewers !

This - more than anything else - is killing Trump like a cancer slowly eating away at him.


HAHAHAHAHA! Trump got owned.


Again! He really needs to stop trying to compete with Biden - whether on duelling town halls, or debates. Americans have made it clear - they have no interest in him, or what he has to lie about.


Especially hilarious was all the beltway pundits predicting that Trump would easily outdraw Biden in the ratings.

I think the president was banking on it since he actually believes the bootlickers on TV who told him he won the first debate.


Most people knew it was pointless to watch Mary's crazy uncle Trump talk nonsense like supporting the Q-Anon nuts, lie and insult. Trump supporters didn't watch because they know Trump's act has become old and boring.

Biden behaved presidential. He answered questions for 90 minutes and stayed after the TV show ended in order to continue answering questions from the audience.


With Trump hanging onto his chair for dear life while sweating profusely I thought he was going to pass out on live TV.
