MovieChat Forums > Politics > How will Trump's loss own the libs?

How will Trump's loss own the libs?

MAGAs have a way of going against their better interests to own the libs.

Ajit Pai was allowed by MAGAs to nuke Net Neutrality on behalf of corporations, because the libs didn't like it.

The genocide in Yemen is allowed by MAGAs on behalf of the Saudis, because the libs don't like it.

The mishandling of COVID-19 is allowed by MAGAs, and the gifts to Mitch McConnell in the stimulus were allowed by MAGAs, because the libs didn't like it.

When Trump botches his own re-election, how will the libs get owned?


Ummm, by having a 6-3 Supreme Court for the next 40 years? That's why Biden needs to pack the court, but he doesn't want to. By the way. we libs as you call us are the majority.


He's saying 'he doesn't want to' now, but that doesn't necessarily mean he won't.


"Owning the libs" is just an expression of how MAGAs think.

Bubbathegut is a prime example. He doesn't want Roe v Wade overturned to protect the unborn. He wants it overturned because it will piss off the other side. It doesn't matter if the other side is the majority. To him they are just libs.

Biden won't because he's king of the centrists. But he'll pretend that he might because he's king of the centrists.


You're joking right?

Magats don't think for themselves. They lack the critical thinking skills required to make that determination.

It's obvious they require Dear Leader to show them by example.
