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Savannah Guthrie bias on NBC town hall

At the NBC town hall Oct 15, 2020, Savannah Guthrie, supposedly the "moderator," relentlessly interrupted President Trump, to get out Democrat-Marxist talking points. She repeatedly lied about Trump's record and prevented people who attended the town hall from asking their own questions, hogging the microphone for herself.

Guess what? Guthrie's husband, Michael Feldman, served as Vice President Al Gore’s traveling chief of staff during the 2000 presidential election campaign. He previously was on Bill Clinton's campaign staff in 1992.

Savannah Guthrie's annual salary for her work on NBC's Today Show is $8 million per year. President Trump is working for free, turning down the salary given to the US president.


Guthrie interrupted Trump to keep him on track and answer the questions, every time he tried to divert. She has received nothing but praise for her excellent moderating (unlike Wallace, who couldn't control Trump a few weeks ago), from every network.

Try again to excuse Trump's horrible performance.

BTW, Guthrie pays income taxes each year - Trump does not.


This could have been avoided if Trump wasn't so afraid to debate Biden in a Town Hall.


The people attending the "town hall" were allowed to ask 10 questions. Savannah Guthrie asked 43 questions. It was all about promoting herself and appeasing the Democrat-Marxists at NBC, and not about the presidential election.


And being $400 million in debt is no big deal either, right? He is such a grand-standing chump, that anyone falls for his shtick is astounding. Brilliant businessman? Nope. Great negotiator? Nope. World class philanderer? Yep. All the traits we want? Nope.


Being 400 million in debt to Russian mobsters is definitely a national security threat.

It was right for Guthrie to call Trump to the carpet over it.

It was predictable that he'd deny it while refusing to identify who he owes the money to.


Guthrie is all part of Trump's plan. He needs as many excuses for his upcoming loss as he can find.


Anyone who isn't biased against rump is clueless and dangerous to the Republic.
And I'm not exaggerating.
