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GOP pulls funding in Colorado Senate race, acknowledging Gardner will lose next month

The national GOP is has pulled most of its funding in the Senate race, an acknowledgement that Senator Cory Gardner will lose to Democratic rival John Hickenlooper. In every poll, Gardner trails the former Governor by a wide margin of at least 10 points.

“There is no reason for either side to put another dime into this state. It’s over,” said David Flaherty, a Republican pollster in Colorado who predicts “historic” losses for his party Nov. 3.

“It is undeniable. The train wreck and implosion of the president will bring a historic number of other Republican candidates down, and if you don’t believe that then you have your head in the sand,” he added.

The GOP is now focusing on other battle-ground states, to try and keep the Senate next month, including Maine, Iowa and Arizona - all states where the Republican incumbent is losing to their Democratic rival.


This is starting to look a lot like the 2006 bloodbath when Dems retook the Senate.

Even a sexting and infidelity scandal in North Carolina can't seem to shake the commanding lead Dem challenger Cal Cunningham has over GOP incumbent senator Thom Tillis.


Tillis is finished.

NC, IA, AZ, CO, ME..not going as planned for the GOP.


Well it is true that no we aren't going to go live in space and need new technology with futuristic towns.So why spend money on education when it isn't needed. Just let the people be lazy and look for give me leaders to take care of them.So for now as long as we don't need progress then we should have a democrat rule to just get by on.


Your English-to-Russian translator is out of whack again. The OP has nothing to do with what you're responding to.


Colorado lately now is just a liberal pot head state. Why would the republicans waste money there. The only billboards and advertising of the one child group is in Colorado. Of course there everyone is to busy getting high to have sex.


Why? Because the Republicans can't afford to lose one seat in the Senate if they wish to hold onto it. That's why.


Well we all know in time all of the US will be a sewer so when Colorado or even Texas becomes a sewer it is inevitable.


Once Trump leaves the White House in 2021, the threat of America becoming a sewer will cease.


Chicago for the 6th year in a roll named the rattiest city in the us. Donald has only been president for 4 years.All these towns in the top 50 is democrat controlled.


It's too bad Trump didn't get anything accomplished in those four years, except getting himself impeached. He failed America.


1. Chicago

26. Raleigh, N.C. (-2)

2. Los Angeles

27. Hartford, Conn. (-2)

3. New York

28. Columbus, Oh (-7)

4. Washington, D.C.

29. Grand Rapids

5. San Francisco

30. Kansas City (+8)

6. Detroit

31. Charlotte, N.C. (-3)

7. Philadelphia (+3)

32. Phoenix (5)

8. Baltimore (+4)

33. Richmond, Va. (-3)

9. Denver

34. Nashville

10. Minneapolis (-2)

35. Greenville, S.C. (-2)

11. Cleveland, Oh. (-4)

36. Sacramento (+5)

12. Seattle (+1)

37. St. Louis (-6)

13. Boston (+1)

38. Albany, New York (+10)

14. Atlanta (-3)

39. Champaign, Ill. (-3)

15. Indianapolis (+1)

40. Green Bay (+18)

16. Dallas-Fort Worth (-1)

41. Tampa (-1)

17. Houston

42. Flint, Mich. (+3)

18. Pittsburgh

43. Buffalo, New York (-8)

19. San Diego (+13)

44. Syracuse (-5)

20. Miami (-1)

45. Knoxville (+14)

21. New Orleans (+6)

46. Orlando (-3)

22. Cincinnati (+1)

47. Burlington, Va. (+2)

23. Portland, Or. (-1)

48. Albuquerque (+19)

24. Milwaukee (-4)

49. Dayton (-2)

25. Norfolk, Va. (+1)

50. West Palm Beach (+3)


What does your cut and paste represent ?


It's all nonsense. It's only nonsense. I'm not afraid of the rain. I'm not afraid of the rain. Oh, oh, God, I wish I wasn't.


Hopefully it's a sign of things to come. If things go the way as they should.


As Senator Sasse said to his fellow republicans : A Blue Tsunami is heading their way in a few weeks.


Would you bet on Gardner losing?
